Chapter 816

All in all, Matsumoto Luanju’s words really make sense. They should indeed return to Jinglingting. After reminding Mu Feng, Matsumoto Luanju lowered his head and started walking outside the barrier.

“Wait, Luanju!”

Seeing Matsumoto Ranju walking out like this, Mu Feng hurriedly stopped her.

“what’s up?”

Matsumoto Ranju blushed and said in a very low voice.

“Are you going back like this?” Mu Feng glanced at Matsumoto Luanju from start to finish, and then reminded him aloud.

Because of Mu Feng’s relationship, Matsumoto Luanju’s clothes have become more messy, and Matsumoto Luanju has not discovered this until now.


Noting Mu Feng’s gaze, Matsumoto Luanju hurriedly lowered his head to look at his clothes. At this look, Matsumoto Luanju couldn’t help but let out a cry, and his face became even redder with a brush.

Seeing Song’s “Nine-Eight-Seven” Ben Luanju’s reaction, Mu Feng couldn’t help but smile.

Coincidentally, when Mu Feng laughed, he happened to be seen by Matsumoto Ranju. Luan Ju glared at Mu Feng fiercely, and then began to sort out the clothes on her body.

After finishing the clothes on his body, Matsumoto Ranju seemed to run away, quickly walked out of the enchantment, and walked towards Jinglingting.

With a slight smile, Mu Feng raised his right hand, placed it under his nose, and sniffed the fragrance remaining on his fingertips.

Then with a wave of his hand, an invisible force gushes out from Mu Feng’s right hand, wiping away all the remaining breath in the enchantment.

At the same time, Mu Feng also waved his right hand at Matsumoto Luanju.

An invisible force fell on Matsumoto Ranju’s body without paying attention to Matsumoto’s Ranju, covering up the Bankai aura on Matsumoto’s body.

Matsumoto Ranju has understood Bankai’s news, so it’s better to conceal it.

On the one hand, it can be used as a trump card. After all, with the talent that Matsumoto Ranju has shown in the past, few people would think that Matsumoto Ranju has understood Bankai and has become a captain.

Others don’t know much about Matsumoto Ranju’s strength, so when calculating, there will be some omissions.

Aizen is still lurking in the world of corpses. Mu Feng himself is not afraid of Aizen’s calculations, but it is impossible to guarantee that the people around Mu Feng will be calculated by Aizen.(Read more @

Jiang Matsumoto Ranju has understood Bankai’s news.

Hidden down is also a protective measure for Matsumoto Ranju.

On the other hand, once you understand Bankai and become a strong captain, you cannot continue to serve as a deputy.

If it is discovered by Yamamoto Genryu Saiju that Matsumoto Ranju has understood Bankai, even if Matsumoto Ranju is unwilling, he will definitely transfer Matsumoto Ranju from the Kidō crowd.

Captain-level powerhouses must stay where they should be.

There are many positions in the corpse soul world, which need to be taken over by a leader-level powerhouse. There is another point that is also the reason why Yamamoto Moto Ryusaijugakui moved away from Matsumoto Ranju, and that is the balance between the various forces.

Each department of the 13th Division of the Guardian can only have one leader-level powerhouse. If the Kidō congregation has two leader-level powerhouses, the balance between the various forces of the Gotei 13th Division will definitely be broken, and the Kidō congregation will override other departments. This is something that Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni will never allow it to happen. of.

Matsumoto Ranju actually understands these truths. However, Matsumoto Luanju just broke through, and his nerves are still in excitement, and there is no in-depth thinking, otherwise, Matsumoto Luanju will definitely think of restraining his breath.

After doing all these things, Mu Feng waved his hand to disperse the enchantment, followed Matsumoto Luanju without hurries, and walked towards Jingling Pavilion together.

This time it took Matsumoto Ranju to attack Bankai and Mu Feng himself attacked Bankai. It took about two days.

Because Mu Feng and Matsumoto Ranju, the same team reported before leaving the Jingling Palace, it is not too late to come back.

Therefore, the first team only asked Mu Feng and Matsumoto Ranju on a routine basis, and did not care about it.

After all, it’s not a big deal for Mu Feng, the eldest Kidō chief, to go to the Wandering Soul Street for a day or two with Matsumoto Ranju, the deputy Kidō chief.

As a result, Mu Feng and Matsumoto Ranju went out to attack Bankai, and they were silently covered up. No one was discovered by anyone.

Returning to the Kidō crowd, Mu Feng specially reminded Matsumoto Ranju to keep her aura, and don’t let outsiders know that she has broken through to the captain level.

Matsumoto Ranju, who calmed down, nodded directly and agreed.

In fact, without Mu Feng’s reminder, Matsumoto Ranju, who has calmed down, has also decided to reduce his own breath, not to let outsiders know about it for the time being, he has already understood Bankai.

Matsumoto Ranju didn’t know many things that Mu Feng considered, because she didn’t know at all. There is still a hero lurking in the corpse world, and he has enemies with Mu Feng…

Matsumoto Ranju considered more, or the unspoken rules of the corpse soul world mentioned earlier. Mu Feng can think of it, Matsumoto Luanju can think of it.

Moreover, Matsumoto Ranju has been in the soul world for decades, and he knows the unspoken rules of the soul world and the character of Yamamoto Shigekuni more clearly than Mu Feng. If Yamamoto Genryuzai Shigekuni knows that she has broken through Bankai, then it is not surprising that within a few years at most, Yamamoto Genryuzai Shigekuni will definitely transfer her out of the Kidō crowd.

Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni is the captain of the Gotei thirteenth division, and is in charge of all Shinigami of Jinglingi. Even if she has become a leader-level powerhouse, Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni has the right to mobilize her.

Matsumoto Ranju does not want to leave the Kidō crowd for the time being, and concealing the news that she has understood Bankai is the key to her staying in the Kidō crowd.

In addition to this reason, Matsumoto Ranju also considered a reason.

A gentleman is innocent, but he is guilty of his crime.

Under Mu Feng’s guidance, it took her less than two days to comprehend Bankai.

You know, she is not the kind of veteran vice-captain who has been honed at Shikai’s peak for decades. Only one opportunity is needed to comprehend Bankai’s veteran vice-captain. She is just a newly promoted vice-captain. It only took a few years to break through Shikai’s peak. Reiatsu in the body has not been polished to the limit, let alone the understanding of Bankai.

Reiatsu hasn’t polished it to the limit, and even Bankai’s fur hasn’t been comprehended. Seriously, she hasn’t even touched the threshold of Bankai0.1.

It took only two days to let a person who hadn’t even touched the threshold of Bankai to reach the sky in one step and directly comprehend Bankai. This method is simply to the extreme.

If this news spreads out, it is conceivable that the entire corpse soul world will be boiled over. There are a lot of Captain-level powerhouses in the entire corpse soul world, but there are many Vice Captain-level powerhouses at Shikai Peak.

Don’t take care of each of the thirteenth division of the guardian division. There is only one captain and one deputy captain. It seems that the number of captains and deputy captains is equal. In fact, this is not the case.

The deputy captain level corresponds to Shikai peak, but this does not mean that Shikai peak corresponds to the deputy captain.

The realm of Shikai’s peak is only a condition for becoming a deputy captain. In addition to the realm, there are many other conditions to become a deputy captain. For example, all aspects must be balanced. .

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