Chapter 817

The captain of the Gotei 13th Division can only be good at one of them. However, the deputy captain must be good at at least two or more, especially Kidō, the deputy captain must be good at.

Slashing the fist and leaving the ghost is an essential skill for Shinigami.

As the captain and deputy captain of the 13th Division of the Guardian, put together, you must have a thorough knowledge of these four skills, so that you can set an example for the other players.

Of course, if the captain is good at Kidō, then the deputy captain can also be bad at Kidō. As long as the vice captain and the captain have one who is good at Kidō.

This is just a normal situation, not all of the Gotei thirteenth squad. Some squads have special situations, so the candidates for captain and deputy captain are relatively special.

For example, the fourth division, the eleventh division, and the twelfth division.

In the corpse soul world, there are far more Shinigami who are good at cutting skills than Kidō Shinigami.

Almost most captains are better at cutting skills.

Correspondingly, Shinigami, who is good at Kidō, is more likely to be elected as the deputy captain. There are also many Shinigami who are also Shikai’s pinnacle level. For other reasons, they were not selected as deputy captains.

Moreover, there is one more point. Almost all those who have been selected as deputy captains are more talented. Because the talents are outstanding, they are more hopeful to go further. 16

In other words, the deputy captains are all those who have the potential to break through the captain level, and selecting them as deputy captains is actually a kind of training for them.

It is not difficult to get promoted to the top of Shikai. As long as you understand Shikai, one day, you will reach the peak of Shikai.

Because Shikai is at its peak, and Shikai is still at the same level, there is no bottleneck in between.

The so-called Shikai peak is nothing more than Reiatsu polished to a certain limit and can start to hit Bankai.

Strictly speaking, Shikai Peak is not a realm.

At the same level, the strength of Reiatsu can affect the strength of Shinigami’s combat power.

After polishing Reiatsu to the peak of Shikai, Reiatsu will undergo a certain degree of transformation. Therefore, Shinigami at the pinnacle level of Shikai is much stronger than Shinigami at the regular Shikai level.

As long as you understand Shikai and Reiatsu accumulate enough, you can break through to the peak of Shikai. The life span of Shinigami is almost unlimited in theory.

There are many Shinigami, although their talents are not good, Kancan only breaks through to Shikai level. However, after a long time of accumulation, they finally broke through to the Shikai peak.

There are also many such Shinigami.

Therefore, Shinigami, who is at the pinnacle of Shikai, is far more than imagined.

However, there are many Shinigami in the corpse soul world, all hiding in the dark as a backup force. Except for Yamamoto Motoyanagi Saiju, no one knows how many Shikai pinnacle Shinigami there are in the corpse soul world.(Read more @

Shinigami, who can break through to the Shikai level, almost all yearns for one day to understand Bankai and become a leader at the captain level. If Matsumoto Ranju was under the guidance of Mu Feng, and it took only two days to realize that the news of Bankai had spread, the threshold of the Kidō crowd would definitely be trampled on.

If you want to understand the death of Bankai’s Shikai pinnacle Shinigami, you will definitely beg for Mu Feng. At that time, I am afraid that Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni will directly order Mu Feng to point out these Shinigami and help them break through.

Deputy Captain Shinigami and Captain Shinigami, those are two probabilities that are completely unused.

Ten Deputy Captain Shinigami, none of them may be comparable to a Captain Shinigami.

Mu Feng can help Shinigami at the pinnacle level of Shikai understand Bankai, which means that the number of captain-level powerhouses in the soul world can skyrocket.

This kind of thing that is beneficial to the corpse soul world, Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni will not let go.

Even if Mu Feng is offended by this, Yamamoto Moto Ryusai Shigekuni will definitely go back to do it.

Mu Feng is a good genius, but even if Mu Feng is no less genius, he alone cannot compare to ten but dozens of captain-level powerhouses.

Matsumoto Ranju sees these things very clearly. Therefore, she knows very well that she has understood Bankai’s news and must not disclose it.

It only took two days to let myself, a person who hadn’t touched the captain-level threshold, successfully comprehend Bankai. Matsumoto Ranju does not believe that this method does not need to pay a price.

It’s enough to pay for yourself.

Matsumoto Ranju has not been selfless enough to let Mu Feng pay for others.

Of course, this is just Matsumoto Ranju’s own thinking.

In fact, Mu Feng does not need to pay a price to help people break through.

What he doesn’t help others, on the one hand, is because other people have nothing to do with him, and Mu Feng never cares more about things that have nothing to do with him. On the other hand, it was because Mu Feng was afraid of trouble and helped others to make breakthroughs. It was too troublesome. Helping people around him to make breakthroughs would be acceptable to Mu Feng, but to help others, let’s forget it.

Another point is that Mu Feng doesn’t want to spoil the plot too much.

If he really makes a move, there will be dozens of captain-level powerhouses in the corpse soul world.

Then you can imagine that the original plot will definitely be destroyed beyond recognition.

There are dozens of captain-level powerhouses in the corpse soul world. As the big BOSS, Aizen is still playing a fart.

There are dozens of captain-level powerhouses, before Aizen gets the full version of Bengyu, it is absolutely impossible to be an opponent.

With so many powerful players, Aizen’s difficulty in capturing Bengyu will also increase countless times out of thin air.

As for the original plot, the world’s protagonist Kurosaki Ichigo and his party will turn the corpse world upside down, and it will not happen.

Dozens of strong captains are enough to beat Kurosaki Ichigo.

Mu Feng is still waiting for Aizen to synthesize the full version of Bengyu. This kind of destruction of the original plot will naturally not be done.

Shinigami’s realm system is very special. Zanpakutō must be liberated in order to burst out the strongest 977 combat power. Before Zanpakutō was liberated, even the captain-level powerhouse looked like ordinary Shinigami.

When Matsumoto Ranju just broke through, she still had the aura of Bankai on her body.

After this period of time, as long as Matsumoto Ranju no longer enters Bankai in front of others, no one will be able to find out. She has understood Bankai.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Matsumoto Ranju to hide his realm.

After returning to the Kidō crowd, Matsumoto Ranju became busy again.

Mu Feng and Matsumoto Ranju went out for two days this time, Kidō people are basically in a paralyzed state, there are a lot of things backlogged, and Matsumoto Ranju needs to deal with it.

As for Mu Feng, he plunged into his room as always, adapting and tempering the skyrocketing power in his body.

Just like this, the Kidō people returned to their original trajectory, as if nothing had changed.

In fact, only Mu Feng and Matsumoto Ranju know that they have undergone earth-shaking changes in the past two days. Matsumoto Ranju comprehended Bankai and broke through to the captain level, while Mu Feng lifted the second seal and restored the power of the heavenly path.


Time began to pass silently again.

Three months later, Kidō’s residence, in a courtyard.

Rarely, Mu Feng did not perform penance, but stood with his hands on his back and stood quietly, seeming to be watching. .

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