Chapter 861

The rules of the Shinigami world are extremely special. In the Shinigami world, there is not much difference between a spiritual body and an ordinary human body.

In the case of a large amount of blood loss, if not treated in time, it is very likely to die.

Therefore, Nakluval activated the lethal dose ability to reduce the lethal dose of Ermaiya Wangyue and his own blood. If the blood in the body is lower than the lethal dose, nothing will happen, and if it is higher than the lethal dose, it will die

Through this setting, although Nacroval suffered a lot of bleeding because of the severed arteries, he did not die.

The amount of blood in Nakluval’s body, after hemorrhage, was lower than the lethal amount set by him. In contrast, Ermaiya Wangyue fell to the ground in pain because the blood volume in his body was higher than the lethal volume set by Nacroval. Almost fell into Nakluval’s hands.

It can be said that Nakluval’s lethal capacity is an extremely special ability. As long as the “Nine-Nine-Three” is used properly, even if it is far stronger than Nakluval, it may be planted in his hands.

Of course, such a special ability requires some special conditions to be effective.

Restricted, Nakluval’s lethal dose is a range of skills, as long as it is within the effective range, the lethal dose can take effect. This range is about fifty meters, which is not too big.

Only a radius of fifty meters is actually reasonable.

If the effective range of Nakrovar’s lethal dose is not 50 meters, but 500 meters or even 5,000 meters, Nakrovar can find a place to hide, and then use the lethal dose to kill the enemy.

Secondly, the launching of lethal dose requires a medium. Under normal circumstances, Nakluval will use the opponent’s injury to himself as a medium to use lethal dose.

The reason why Nakruval had been planning to get close to Mu Feng just now, when Mu Feng attacked him, deliberately dodged and failed, letting the sharp blade hurt him, besides paralyzing Mu Feng, there was another important reason, that was to get together. Cast all the preconditions for lethal dose.

Was injured by Mu Feng and pulled the distance between himself and Mu Feng to 50 meters. Nacroval has already done it. Even for insurance, Nacruval deliberately pulled the distance between himself and Mu Feng within 25 meters.

Twenty-five meters, not only can maximize the power of lethal dose, but also prevent Mu Feng from escaping the range of lethal dose.

This is what Mu Feng has always been making strange.

In other words, Nakruval has always shot the Reiatsu ball, seemingly to hide the poison ball, but is actually using the poison ball as a guise to start the poison pool.

Use the poison ball as a disguise and take the opportunity to get close to Mu Feng.

Then the poison pool was launched, and such a plan was worthy of Nakluval’s IQ.

On the surface, Nakroval is a funny and timid person, but in fact Nakroval is actually a guy with a cautious personality and a very deep scheming.

Nakluval with such a personality is not stupid.(Read more @

Not only is not stupid, but also very smart. The lethal dose is an ability that requires IQ to be used. If Nacroval is not smart enough, its sacred writing ability will not be lethal. Since Nakluval is not stupid, he should think that using the Reiatsu ball to hide the poison ball is an extremely unreliable plan.

First of all, this plan doesn’t have much technical content. As long as you have a little brain, you can see through it.

Secondly, even if Mu Feng is really negligent and does not see through his intentions, this plan is almost impossible to succeed. Even if Mu Feng is negligent, he will not let Reiatsu’s ball hit him.

The poison ball must hit Mu Feng in order to be effective. Failure to hit Mu Feng means that the plan will be successful.

It can be said that from the beginning of the game, Nakruval did not expect that the poison ball strategy can do a good job in one fell swoop. He put on that posture, just trying to paralyze Mu Feng.

After all, when people see through something, they tend to be complacent and ignore other things.

In Nacroval’s view, he was successful. Mu Feng did see through his first intentions, but did not see through his second intentions, so that the poison pool was successfully displayed by him, which affected Mu Feng. Body.

Poison pool, one of the derivative skills of lethal quantity.

I just said it.

Nakluval’s lethal dose can choose any substance, and then set its lethal dose. This any substance includes Lingzi.

Regardless of whether it is Shinigami, Hollow, or Quincy, Lingzi is a necessary thing.

Poison pool, a skill derived from the designation of lethal substances as spirits. This skill does not require much preparation and is effective for anyone. When Nakruval displays this skill, a circular area with a radius of about 50 meters will spread out with Nakruval as the center.

Within the range covered by the circular area, the concentration of its spirits will become extremely rich under Nacroval’s control…

When the enemy steps into the realm where the concentration of the spirit child is extremely high, it will be “poisoned by the spirit child” because the concentration of the spirit child is too high.

Lingzi is the foundation that constitutes the corpse soul world and the Hollow World, and it has a very wide range of applications.

Nakluval sets the spirit child as lethal, and it is based on the concentration of the spirit child from the outside world. Compared with other substances, the lethality will be weakened to a certain extent.

“Lingzi poisoning” is not fatal, but enemies who step into it will temporarily lose the ability to act because they cannot adapt to the high concentration of Lingzi environment.

“How about, Mu Feng, my poison pool is okay!”

After using the poison pool, Nakluval looked at Mu Feng with a little triumph. In his opinion, Mu Feng, who is in the poison pool, has lost the power to resist.

As soon as the circular field was formed, Mu Feng felt that an invisible force had descended on him. Under the action of this invisible force, Mu Feng only felt that breathing had become extremely difficult, and his body became awkward, as if he was about to lose the power to move.

Of course, there will be such a reaction because Mu Feng deliberately let go of himself and did not resist. Otherwise, with the essence of Mu Feng’s origin level, Nakluval’s ability can’t help him at all.

Even now, because there is no resistance, breathing becomes difficult and actions become sluggish, but Mu Feng still has a feeling that as long as he activates Reiatsu in his body, he can instantly suppress these discomforts.

3.7 Motivate Reiatsu to suppress discomfort, and Mu Feng of course is confident.

Therefore, when Nakluval spoke, Mu Feng’s expression did not change at all.

Seeing that Mu Feng didn’t change his face because of his words.

The triumph on Kluval’s face suddenly faded.

He carefully designed the trap and successfully inserted Mu Feng into it. Nacruval hoped that Mu Feng would become irritated because he was caught by his trap. At the very least, he would have to lose his temper a little.

However, Mu Feng’s expression remained unchanged, as if he was not the trap, Nacroval felt extremely disappointed.

Without that winner, I don’t want to foil my victory like the embarrassment of the loser.

Now, as a loser, Mu Feng not only has no anger or frustration, but is extremely calm, which makes Nacroval happy. .

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