Chapter 862

Staring at Mu Feng with both eyes, Nakluval’s eyes flashed with an imperceptible cold light deep in his eyes, and he groaned slightly. Nakluval seemed to have thought of something, and said again:

“Do you feel very difficult to breathe, uncomfortable, and unable to move?! This is the ability of the poison pool. My code name is D, the sacred character ability DeathDealing, which is lethal. This ability allows me to choose anything A substance is positioned as a lethal substance, and then I arbitrarily specify that if it is lower or higher than a certain amount, it will cause death. The poison pool is the skill I developed by setting the spirit child as a lethal substance. ”

Nakluval changed his previous weird tone and began to introduce Mu Feng about his abilities. It’s just that although Nakluval’s tone is less exaggerated and funny, there is a little more showing off. Nakluval is showing off his ability to Mu Feng again, showing off naked.

“I set the lethal dose of Lingzi to a normal concentration. As long as it is higher than this concentration, it will be lethal. Now, you are surrounded by high concentrations of Lingzi. In other words, you are in a It will cause you and death in the environment. This kind of breathing is extremely difficult, the body loses a little sense of consciousness, and the feeling of slowly moving towards death, isn’t it very refreshing.”

The reason why the poison pool was introduced in detail, Nakluval had only one purpose, and that was that he wanted Mu Feng to be in fear.

For a long time, Mu Feng has been extremely calm, as if nothing is a thing in his eyes. This look made Nakluval extremely upset.

Now that Mu Feng has been in his poison pool, he must let Mu Feng feel what fear is.

It is a pity that Nakluval was surprised that after he finished speaking, Mu Feng’s expression remained unchanged, as indifferent as before, as if he hadn’t heard Nakluval’s words.

Of course, Mu Feng heard what Nakluval said just now.

In the words of ordinary people, deep in the poison pool, because of the “spiritual poisoning”, not only had difficulty breathing, but also almost lost the ability to move. It would definitely be upset because of Nakroval’s words just now.

Although there are a lot of exaggerations in what Nacroval said, such as “spiritual poisoning” at best, it can only make people incapacitated, and cannot cause death. However, for most people, losing the ability to move is equivalent to stepping on the threshold of hell.

Losing the ability to act means losing the power to resist.

Anyone, whether Shinigami, Void, or Quincy enters the circular area, will be “poisoned by the soul”, except for one, Nakluval himself.

Poison Pool is Nakruval’s unique skill, and he is certainly immune to it.

If Nakluval himself is not immune, then this move is a tasteless skill that kills 800 enemies, not a stunt that Nakluval is proud of.

As mentioned earlier, Nakluvar’s lethal dose is to select a certain substance, make it a lethal substance, and set the lethal dose. It is stipulated that higher or lower than the lethal dose will cause death, and then it will be imposed on the enemy. Body.(Read more @

Only the person being imposed will be affected if it enters Nakruval’s ability coverage, that is, in a 50-meter circular area centered on Nakruval.

Those who have not been imposed will not be affected in any way even if they enter the 50-meter radius of Nakruval.

Poison Pond is to choose Lingzi as the lethal substance. Whether it is Shinigami, Hollow, or Quincy, all have a demand for Lingzi, so it has great universality to use Lingzi as a lethal substance.

Anyone who enters the circular area can apply abilities to his body and make him “poisoned”.

Nakluval’s lethal dose can choose any substance as lethal, not limited to spirits. However, if other substances are selected as lethal substances, the life breath of the subject must be absorbed and analyzed before the appropriate substances can be selected and applied.

I don’t want to be like a poison pool, it can be applied to anyone casually.

Compared with poison pools, choosing other substances as lethal substances is like special customization, while choosing Lingzi as lethal substances is an ordinary system, and special customization is of course more troublesome than ordinary systems.

Of course, correspondingly, the special customization is much stronger than the ordinary system, and it can kill people directly.

The ability must be applied to be within the coverage of the poison pool before it will be affected. So if you don’t apply power to it, you won’t be affected.

As the caster of the poison pool, Nakruval certainly cannot exert abilities on himself, and it is impossible to be affected by the poison pool.

One party is not affected, but the other party has lost the power to resist. For ordinary people, if there is no accident, they can only be slaughtered by Nakruval.

There is not much difference between being slaughtered and dying right away.

Facing death that will come at any time, a normal person will feel fear and despair.

Since mastering the poison pool, Nakluval has seen too many people and died of despair under his poison pool.

Because of this, he was sure that he could make Mu Feng feel the real fear.

It’s a pity that Nakluval will never think of it. Nakluval is an origin-level powerhouse. He is an origin-level powerhouse just like his friend Habakh. His lethal 527 is against an infinite powerhouse that is one level higher. Reluctantly, not to mention, deal with the original level powerhouse who is two levels higher than the infinite level.

Moreover, the origin level and below the origin level are two different dimensions.

It is no exaggeration to say that only the origin level can deal with the origin level.

If Mu Feng let go of his power, the entire invisible empire can only be hurt by the friend Habach.

Youhabach is still sleeping under the seal, so in today’s invisible empire, no one can truly harm Mu Feng.

The reason why Mu Feng feels breathless and moves a little harder is because he did not resist and let Nacroval’s power work on him. If Mu Feng resists, as long as it shakes slightly, Nakluval’s power can’t get close to him.

Nakluval’s ability can’t help him at all, and how can Mu Feng be afraid.

After restoring the power of the original level, and after going further, the entire Shinigami world, there is no one to make Mu Feng fear, even the Yuhabakh and the Spirit King are not enough to make Mu Feng fear.

Compared with Youhabach and the King of Souls, Nakluwal can only be regarded as an ant, a mere ant, wanting Mu Feng to be afraid of this giant dragon is simply whimsical. .

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