Chapter 863

However, Nakluval did not know this.

Therefore, in Nakruval’s view, Mu Feng did not react at all to his words, but contempt for himself, naked contempt.

If Mu Feng defeated himself and then despised himself, Nakluval would barely be able to accept it. However, it is not Mu Feng who has the upper hand now, but him.

Even, the current situation is not just that he has the upper hand.

It is that Mu Feng has been recruited and has completely lost the power to resist, and can only be slaughtered by himself.

Mu Feng, who has lost the power to act, can only be slaughtered by him, but he still despises himself. Nacroval’s anger can be imagined. After adjusting his breath slightly, suppressing the anger in his heart, Nacroire removed his disguise and looked at Mu Feng coldly.

“Since you dare to contempt me, then I will let you know the cost of contempt for me.” With a heartbeat, several energy arrows appeared in front of Nakluval out of thin air.

Nakluval is a member of the Star Cross Knights, but he is still a Quincy. Since he is a Quincy, he can naturally impose a sacred arrow that all Quincy is good at.

In fact, Nakluval’s accomplishments in this area are much better than most Quinciers. If this is not the case, Nakluval will not be able to enter the Star Cross Knights.

The Star Cross Knights believe in the strong eating of the weak, and only the strong can enter the Star Cross Knights. If you were not the strong, even if you were lucky enough to enter the Star Cross Knights, you would die above internal competition.

Moreover, Nakluval is not an ordinary member of the Star Cross Knights, but one of the only four guards in the Star Cross Knights, second only to the head of the Star Cross Knights Hardworth.

How could such a strong person be proficient in the divine destruction of arrows. The reason why he doesn’t use the Sacred Arrows often is because Nacroval’s sacred characters are far more powerful than the Sacred Arrows.

With stronger abilities, Nakluval certainly chose stronger abilities instead of Divine Destruction.

Although it has not been used for a period of time, the Holy Arrow is an innate skill of every quintessence, and Nakruval is still very familiar with it.

Choosing to use the sacred arrow instead of other more powerful skills, in order to torture Mu Feng, in order to relieve his own hatred.

With a slight movement of his mind, the divine Mieshi immediately burst out at Mu Feng under Nakluval’s gaze.

Several energy light arrows did not target Mu Feng’s vitals, but instead targeted Mu Feng’s non-vital parts, such as arms and thighs.

In doing so, Nakluval’s meaning is already very obvious.(Read more @

Nakluval’s every move is under the supervision of Mu Feng. The energy light arrows that shoot at Mu Feng are no exception. A faint glance at the energy light arrows that shoot at him, Mu Feng’s expression is no longer at all. Variety.

Not only did his expression remain unchanged, Mu Feng didn’t seem to have the intention to resist. The power that had been hidden in his body was still hidden.

Of course, Mu Feng is not really not resisting.

The energy light arrows shot by Nakluval could not hurt Mu Feng at all, but this does not mean that Mu Feng is willing to let these energy light arrows hit him.

He didn’t use the hidden power in his body, because there was no need to use it, and Mu Feng had a plan to break the situation long ago. The way to break the situation is not to use the power in the body to forcefully suppress the power of the poison pool, but to destroy the poison pool in essence.

Just now, Mu Feng has been listening to Nacroval’s introduction of his abilities. At the same time, perception is constantly analyzing the poison pool.

With Mu Feng’s vision, it is not difficult to see through the nature of the poison pool. But it is not a simple matter to destroy it with the same level of power.

Not simple does not mean that Mu Feng can be hard to beat. In fact, Mu Feng had already thought of a strategy to break the game. Because of this, he can always maintain a calm and confident expression when facing Nakluval.

The so-called break-through strategy is actually quite simple.

Although Mu Feng has a very detailed understanding of Nakluval’s abilities through comics in his previous life. However, the comics are only on paper and are different from the real situation.

When he really came into contact with Nacroval, Mu Feng could truly see through his abilities and the so-called poison pool.

In fact, the principle of the poison pool is plain, it is very difficult.

For Shinigami, Hollow, and Quincy, the spirit child is just like oxygen in the air. It is a necessity. Take oxygen as an example.

Everyone knows that the oxygen content in the air is not 100%.

Humans do need oxygen, but the richer the oxygen in the air, the better.

For humans, the oxygen content in the air is the most suitable oxygen content.

The oxygen content in the air, whether it rises or falls, will have a great impact on humans. Too low oxygen content will lead to insufficient oxygen supply, and too high oxygen, such as pure oxygen, will cause oxygen poisoning and eventually lead to exhaustion. dead.

The principle of Nakluval’s Poison Pool is based on this.

Shinigami, Hollow, and Quincy all need spiritual children, and they are always absorbing the spiritual children in the air.

Of course, for the stronger Shinigami, Hollowand Quincy.

Absorbing Lingzi in a short period of time does not have much impact. The Reiatsu in their bodies will support them to continue to survive.

The so-called poison pool is that Nakluval sets the spirit child as a necessity like oxygen, which must be absorbed at all times. The concentration of spirituality in normal air is the most suitable concentration of spirituality for Shinigami, Xuhe Quincy.

If the concentration of the spirit child is too strong, it will cause the Shinigami, Hollow, and Quincy masters to draw too much spirit child, and cause “.” in the spirit child ¨ “poison”, which makes it difficult to whistle and lose the ability to move.

(Made)  Poison Pool is the pure oxygen-like environment created by Nakruval, which caused Mu Feng to “poison the soul” because of excessive absorption of the soul.

After knowing this principle, it is very easy to solve.

Since there are too many spirits drawn into the body, it has caused “spiritual poisoning.” Then just need to reduce the number of souls in the body.

There are two ways to reduce the number of souls in the body. The total is passive, and as little as possible to absorb the souls.

This way, in this case, is not advisable.

It is the instinct of everyone’s body to absorb a small amount of spiritual child. Even Mu Feng can hardly suppress the instinct. Although the number of souls learned by instinct is small, it is enough to poison Mu Feng.

The second method is to refine all the spirits in the body.

It only needs Mu Feng to refining all the spirits in his body, and he can easily remove the “spiritual poisoning” state. .

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