Chapter 864

This method is undoubtedly very suitable for Mu Feng, because Mu Feng happens to have the means to quickly refine the spirit. This method is Xianshu.

Mu Feng only needs to display the twelve seals of the immortal technique to absorb the cost of all the souls that have poured into the body, and then Mu Feng will be able to regain his mobility.

This is the way to break the game. The spirit content in the body is normal, and the poison pool’s restrictions on Mu Feng will be easily solved.

This strategy to break the situation is undoubtedly based on the root cause, directly destroying the poison pool.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Several bursts of sound came, seeing that the energy light arrow shot by Nakluval was about to hit him.

Mu Feng finally moved.


The twelve seals of Xianshu urged, an astonishing suction force rose from Mu Feng’s body. Under the action of this suction force, a large number of spirits gathered towards Mu Feng, and then were swallowed by Mu Feng and instantly transformed into Mu Feng. Reiatsu.

With the supplement of these souls, the Reiatsu that Mu Feng had just consumed quickly recovered.

After all the spirits were refined, Mu Feng only felt that his whole body suddenly loosened, and he no longer had difficulty breathing or acting hard.

brush! brush! brush!

With a light wave of Mu Feng’s right hand, countless sharp blades flew towards 887 and shot towards Mu Feng with energy arrows.

Click! Click! Click!

Blessed with the large-scale sword intent, he smashed the energy light arrow that was directed at Mu Feng with great ease.

Seeing this scene, Nakluval instantly fell into a sluggishness.

After a while, Nakluval quickly recovered, looking at Mu Feng in disbelief and saying, “How…how could it be possible, how can you still move?!”

“Why can’t I move?!”

Mu Feng said lightly, with a little indifference in his eyes, “Your poison pool is not an invincible ability. It is not difficult to crack it.”

While speaking, the magic in Mu Feng’s body continued to be maintained.(Read more @

In no time, the spirit in the circular area covered by the poison pool was swept away by Mu Feng. The concentration of Lingzi in the circular area has returned to a normal state, and the poison pool has survived in name only.

Staring at Mu Feng with both eyes, combined with the circular area covered by the poison pool, all the souls were swept away. Nakluval quickly figured out why the poison pool was not effective for Mu Feng.

As long as any spiritual child enters Mu Feng’s body, Mu Feng will instantly refine it.

Lingzi has been refined, so there is no “spiritual poisoning”.

Nakluval can not only see that the spirits in Mu Feng’s body are being rapidly refined, he can also see that the concentration of spirits in Mu Feng’s body is still within a certain range, which means that the spirits in Mu Feng’s body are still within a certain range, which means that the spirits in Mu Feng’s body are still being refined. Ruval can’t set the lethal dose to be lower than the lethal dose, it will be “poisoned” and lose the ability to act.

The state of Mu Feng’s body means that no matter what Nakrovar does, the poison pool can do nothing about Mu Feng.

Even if Nakluval reduces the lethal dose, Mu Feng can refine the spirit child in his body and maintain a reasonable value for the spirit child in his body at all times.

“It’s not ashamed to come and go, you just attacked, now it’s my turn.” Mu Feng glanced at Nakluval, and said indifferently.

With a light wave of his right hand, the sky full of sharp blades besieged Nakluval from all directions. What is different from the past is that this time the sharp blade of the siege of Nakruval did not bless the sword intent of the Grandmaster level.

The reason for this is because Mu Feng wants to test the sharp edge. With a sharp aura, the blade cut towards Nakroval, surrounding him round and round.

It is strange that Nakluval did not resist at all, letting the sharp blade surround him.

“I’m a little scared by what you said, but it’s a mere edge. It’s a long way from trying to deal with me.” Seeing Mu Feng attacking himself, Nakluval finally regained a little confidence.

Nakluval regained his confidence because of his ability.

(bhce) His own ability gave him a little confidence in the face of the sky.

In addition to specifying the lethal substance, in the moment of crisis, Nakluval can also absorb the spirits obtained when the opponent hurts himself, and analyze the opponent’s Reiatsu like a conditioned reflex. The speed builds immunity and gradually immunity to the opponent’s Reiatsu status. Once the immunity is successfully established, then the damage of the soul of the same form will be completely invalid to Nakluval.

In other words.

As long as Nakluval can analyze the Reiatsu fluctuations that attack him, he can quickly establish itself, immune to the extreme of Reiatsu fluctuations, and thus immune to the Reiatsu fluctuations and the damage caused to himself.

As early as the last time, when the sharp blade scratched himself, Nacroval was already immune to the Reiatsu fluctuation contained in the sharp blade. Therefore, the sharp blade flying all over the sky can no longer hurt Nacroval.

With immune body protection, Nakluval is completely confident. Naturally, Nakluval also regained some confidence.

As Nacroval said, the blades flying all over the sky are sharp.

Swipe from Nakluval’s body continuously, but there was no trace of scars on Nakroval’s body, as if these sharp blades hadn’t pierced Nakluval, but just wiped Nakluval’s body.

This is the embodiment of Nakluval’s ability.

It has to be said that Nakluval’s lethal capacity can be regarded as an extremely sky-defying ability.

In the frontal attack, Nakluval’s lethality may not be a big deal, but in terms of particularity, Nakluval’s lethality is the highest.

The top-level special abilities, as long as they are used properly, are enough to display extremely terrifying abilities.

Nakluval can become one of the personal guards of his time friend Harbach. A large part of the factor is due to the lethal dose. It is precisely because of the strong lethal dose that he can stand out from the other Star Cross Knights and become the four. One of the guards, ranks below Hadworth in the Knights of the Star Cross.

Seeing this scene, Mu Feng was not surprised at all.

Mu Feng, who is familiar with comics, is very clear about Nacroval’s abilities.

The reason why he didn’t bless the sword intent on the blade was to try whether Nakluval could be immune to his own attack. In fact, he told Mu Feng that Nakluval could indeed be immune to his attacks.

Of course, only ordinary attacks are immune to attacks with blessed sword intent. Mu Feng is still not sure whether Nakruval can be immune.

However, Mu Feng will know soon.

The reason why he didn’t bless the sword intent, Mu Feng wanted to know whether Nakruval could be immune to both normal attacks and attacks with blessed sword intent. .

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