Chapter 865

It can be seen from the situation just now that Nakluval can easily be immune to ordinary attacks.

The normal attack has been tried, so now it is time to bless the sword attack. With a thought, Mu Feng immediately exerted a sword intent on the sharp blade, a breath of tearing everything, rising from the sharp blade.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

After blessing the sword intent, the sky full of sharp blades once again besieged towards Mu Feng.

“It’s useless, it’s a mere blade, it’s impossible to hurt me…” Nacroval said arrogantly.

However, before the words were finished, Nakluval felt _ not right.

Although Nakrovar doesn’t know what sword intent is, and Shinigami doesn’t have a so-called sword intent yet, Nacrovar can clearly feel the sharpness contained in the blade.

That sharp meaning, as if anything in this world, could not resist.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Before the sharp blade arrived, the sharp edge of the sword intent had left small wounds on Nacroval.

“This… how is it possible?!” Nakluval exclaimed.

Reiatsu moves quickly inside the body, forming a Reiatsu shield on the body surface.

It is a pity that Nacroval is not good at defense at all. The so-called Reiatsu shield, in front of Mu Feng’s sharp blade, is almost like a piece of paper, and it is pierced in an instant.

The sharp blade flying all over the sky continued to draw a blood mark on Nakruval.

In an instant, Nakluval became extremely embarrassed.

I don’t know if Mu Feng deliberately kept his hand, or because Nakluval is immune to the Reiatsu contained in the blade. The flying blade did not cause multiple damage to him. It is just that a little bit left on him is not too much. Deep blood stains.

These bloodstains, seemingly serious, are actually skin injuries.

Being attacked by Mu Feng like this, Nakluval’s eyes showed anger for the first time, burning anger.



Blood dripped from Nakluval’s left hand.

Nakluval suddenly raised his left hand and pointed it at Mu Feng.

“Lethal dose, start!”

Without hesitation, Nakluval directly activated his power against the lethal quantity. And the lethal substance Nakluval chose this time was nothing but blood.(Read more @

Before choosing a lethal substance, Nakruval had to ingest a large amount of the substance in order to protect himself from lethal damage.

Due to the sudden appearance of Mu Feng, Nakluval did not prepare in advance.

However, before that, Nacroval had taken a lot of blood. It is undoubtedly a very good choice to choose lethal substances for blood.

“Feel my abilities!”

An invisible force descended on Mu Feng following Nakluval’s words. Suddenly, Mu Feng only felt the blood all over his body boil. Then, breathing became difficult and his body gradually lost its vitality.

This is the terrible amount of lethality, which can kill people directly.

The power shown by Mu Feng is super-captain-level strength, so it can also resist a lethal force by one or two. If it is other weaker than Nakruval, it is very likely that Nakruval has just started to urge death with all his strength. Quantities, they died directly under the power of lethal quantity.

“I feel it, this is the real power of lethality, go to hell and repent, right?” Nakluval roared.

What happened today has made Nakluval a little bit irrational.

“Go to hell, am I not going to?!” Mu Feng said lightly.

Because there was no resistance, Mu Feng could clearly feel that some of his cells had begun to collapse gradually.

The lethal quantity is similar to a curse, and it is impossible to resist without exposing the hidden power.

However, he is not completely without the means to deal with it.

In fact, like Jilu, Senbonzakura turned out by Mu Feng can also restrain Nakluval’s lethality.

“Bankai! Senbonzakura Kageyoshi!!”

As soon as the words fell, the sharp blades flying all over the sky immediately gathered in Mu Feng’s hands and transformed Zanpakutō again.

Immediately afterwards, an invisible force suddenly descended, and an invisible ripple suddenly appeared centered on Mu Feng. After the falling Zanpakutō touched the ripple, he plunged into it and disappeared.

After a while, in the ripples on both sides of Mu Feng, two rows of huge and incomparable sharp blades rose neatly, and the number of these sharp blades amounted to thousands of handles. Immediately afterwards, these huge blades will flutter and scatter all together, turning into sharp blades all over the sky, lingering around Mu Feng.

· ······· Ask for flowers·········

After putting Senbonzakura Bankai, Mu Feng did not hesitate to display Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.

“Jianjing Senbonzakura Kageyoshi!”

The sharp blade flying all over the sky wrapped Mu Feng and Nacroval together.

Moments before, the surrounding scene suddenly changed, and Mu Feng and Nacroval appeared together in the darkness.

Above the pitch-black space, a handle blade began to condense gradually.

As soon as he entered the Jianjing Senbonzakura Kageyoshi space, a force of power fell on Mu Feng. The next moment, Mu Feng felt relieved all over, and the power Nakrovar exerted on him completely disappeared.

0 …

As long as Mu Feng displays the Jianjing Senbonzakura Kageyoshi space, any external attacks and negative abilities that act on Mu Feng will be completely invalidated.

The lethal dose can also be attributed to the negative ability. In the deep space of Jiejing Senbonzakura Kageyoshi, Nakluval’s lethal dose has no effect on Mu Feng.

Of course, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi’s ability to resist negative space does not require a price.

Eliminating the negative effects on Mu Feng requires the power of the entire Jianjing Senbonzakura Kageyoshi space. The stronger the negative ability, the more power needs to be used.

Just like now, Mu Feng fully mobilized one-tenth of the power of Jianjing Senbonzakura Kageyoshi’s space to eliminate the lethal force acting on him.

Nakluval is only a super-captain-level powerhouse, and he has not used Quincy to finish the Eucharist, so he only needs to spend one-tenth of the power of the Senbonzakura Kageyoshi space to eliminate the lethal power.

If Nakrovar used the Quincy to finish the Eucharist, then Mu Feng would need to pay more to eliminate the negative abilities that Nakrovar exerted on him.

If Nakluval is not a super-captain-level powerhouse, but an infinite powerhouse, even if the power of the entire Senbonzakura Kageyoshi space is used, the negative power cannot be eliminated, but it can only be weakened.

No ability is truly invincible, and no matter how invincible the power is, it needs the support of basic strength.

After eliminating the lethal force, Mu Feng immediately returned to his peak state. .

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