Chapter 868

Looking at Mu Feng as if he was okay, his face was relaxed, and Nacroval’s expression formed a sharp contrast with it.

Although he was already in the state of Quincy Exterminating the Eucharist, but at this time he backed back again and again, with a look of horror on his face, and he couldn’t believe what he saw.

“You… how can you be unharmed… your right eye, left lung, and heart should have been ‘dead’! No reason, impossible, you shouldn’t be okay!”

Mu Feng shook his head helplessly, and said lightly: “I am Mu Feng, is it so difficult to remember my name? Na… Naruul… Forget it, your names are all such long foreign names , I can’t remember anyway. Just remember my name!”

With that said, Mu Feng shook Zanpakutō in his hand and his expression became serious.

“Okay, the game is over, the next is the execution phase.”

Nakluval looked at Mu Feng’s Zanpakutō in horror. He couldn’t help but shudder and saw the clues.

“That…that changed the look of Zanpakutō?! You Shinigami, you should only have a Zanpakutō! What’s the matter with your Zanpakutō!?” Nakluval shouted.

The corner of Mu Feng’s mouth rose slightly, “In such despair, did you find it? It’s really careful.”

Although Nakruval is a Quincy, he also understands that Shinigami’s Zanpakutō is part of his soul. A Shinigami is equipped with one or a pair of Zanpakutō. This is the iron rule. No Shinigami can have two different Zanpakutō at the same time. But at this time, the Zanpakutō held by Mu Feng in his eyes, and Senbonzakura just now, have completely become another knife.

The biggest difference between the Zanpakutō that Mu Feng is holding at this time is the blade.

The tip of this Zanpakutō blade seemed to be cut off by something, forming a cut off section. And another feature is the red ear that hangs down from the end of the hilt.(Read more @

Of course, Nakluval did not know that Mu Feng’s Bankai of the Zanpakutō Vientiane Sword Wheel, the gods of the gods, could transform into any Zanpakutō’s power and use that Zanpakutō’s power.

At this time, what Mu Feng’s Zanpakutō turned into…is exactly Kisuke Urahara’s Zanpakutō, Hong Ji.

Just now, when Mu Feng got Nakluval’s poisonous ring, he finally remembered that it was Kisuke Urahara’s Zanpakutō, Hong Ji, who defeated Nakluval in the original book.

Mu Feng’s face gradually sank. He raised the Hongji in his hand, carefully examined it for a while, and said in a low voice, “Kisuke Urahara, is this the ability of your Zanpakutō… you really deserve to be the director of the First Generation Technology Development Bureau , This ability really opened my eyes. Although, only for a moment~”. ”

“Answer me, Shinigami!” Nakluval said, “what did you do?!”

Mu Feng raised his head and moved his gaze from Hong Ji in his hand to Nakluval, “It’s no big deal. That’s right, just now, my right eye, left lung and heart were all caught in your poisonous ring. Lethal, and’dead’. However, I slightly modified these three organs.”

Nakluval’s eyes widened, sweat dripped down his forehead, “Re…remodeling? On this battlefield, transforming his body? That kind of thing…impossible! I obviously didn’t see anything!”

Mu Feng sighed disdainfully, and slowly said, “Uh, didn’t you see it? Then, I just saw Hong Ji by Bankai, didn’t you see it either?!”

“Wh…what? No, you’ve already Bankai before! Senbonzakura Kageyoshi, I remember what you said! You can’t Bankai twice!” Nakruval panicked.

Mu Feng said, “Forget it, it’s useless to explain this to you. As long as you know, I have modified my right eye, left lung and heart. As the name suggests, after the modification, my three organs have already It’s completely changed. Its lethal amount will also change. The poison that was originally enough to kill them can no longer kill them. It’s that simple.”

After Mu Feng explained, the expression on Nakluval’s face remained the same.

Mu Feng thought secretly in his heart: It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t understand, the power of my Vientiane Sword Wheel is the best thing to hide. But even if Kisuke Urahara has left the corpse world for decades, what you left behind still surprised me.

In terms of time, Mu Feng came to the soul world. It has been decades since members of the masked army such as Kisuke Urahara, Yoichi Heiko Mako, and others left the soul world because of the Hollow experiment and were framed by Aizen.

Although the people in the soul world have not mentioned their “defection” for a long time, this does not erase Mu Feng’s interest in Kisuke Urahara.

Kisuke Urahara is the most intelligent genius in the soul world, and even Aizen claims to be far inferior to him in wisdom.

Even if he left the corpse soul world, the technology development bureau that he could create was inherited by Nirvana.

Neyuri is an ambitious guy, and he also has an extraordinary obsession with Kisuke Urahara. He regarded Kisuke Urahara as a goal he had to surpass. After Kisuke Urahara left, he tried every means to take over the Technical Development Bureau. On the one hand, it is because Neyuli himself is also a technology madman. On the other hand, he wants to improve the research results left by Kisuke Urahara into a better product to prove that he has surpassed him.

In the years when Mu Feng came to the corpse world, he went to the Technology Development Bureau more than once to get some of the development results of Kisuke Urahara.

However, it is a pity that Neyuri seems to have kept Kisuke Urahara’s research results very tightly. Mu Feng didn’t find anything substantive, only at the end of some subtle (Zhao Nuo Zhao) festivals, sending out some lingzi fragments left by Kisuke Urahara.

But for Mu Feng, these lingzi fragments can also be very useful materials. As long as his Vientiane Sword Wheel has touched even a trace of the surviving spirit, he can display the power of that Zanpakutō.

Just now Mu Feng turned the Vientiane Knife Wheel into a red girl, and then Bankai became a Kannonbiraki Benihime Aratame, transformed his body, and cracked Nakruval’s poisonous ring.

Mu Feng looked at Hong Ji and said in a low voice, “. 〃 After all, that lingzi residue has been in the past decades, and it is the first time I have used it. Even if I am, I only maintain the Bankai for a moment?! Kisuke Urahara’s Honghime is simply a sophisticated universal machine. With a little training, I can fully grasp all its abilities. It’s exciting to think about it. However, in this battle, that one In an instant, Bankai has already decided the victory or defeat.”.

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