Chapter 869

Mu Feng lifted Hong Ji, pointed at Nakruval with Hong Ji’s cross-sectioned knife, and said, “Your poisonous ring has no effect on me, no matter which of my organs you let’death’. , I will transform my body to make it immune to your lethal dose.”

Although Mu Feng used Hongji’s Bankai for the first time, it only lasted for a moment, and even the iconic female giant elephant doll was not summoned.

But this time, Mu Feng was fully confident to use that power again to deal with Nakluval’s poisonous ring.

This is the horror of Mu Feng as a source-level powerhouse. No matter how difficult it is to master the power, even if it is as complicated as the red girl, it will be reborn and re-familiar in the blink of an eye, and it can be used proficiently in the blink of an eye.

“Fuck… bastard, did you crack my poison ring…”

Although Nakluval did not understand the ability of Mu Feng’s Zanpakutō Vientiane Knife Wheel at all, he was not a fool. On the contrary, he was considered a relatively intelligent combat power in the Star Cross Knights.

Facing the immediate situation, he has accepted the fact that the Ring of Poison has been cracked 877.

“In this case, I have to kill you in the way I hate it! Extremely poisonous realm!” Nakluval raised his hands, and a powerful Reiatsu was released from his body in an instant.

Mu Feng frowned slightly, “Does this guy still have so many Reiatsu? You deserve to be one of the members of the Uhabach’s Guard.”

With the release of the high concentration of Reiatsu, the connected flare-wheel wings behind Nakluval began to fly into the sky.

After the released Reiatsu escaped, it suddenly condensed together, forming a huge sphere, covering the entire area in the sphere.

After the sphere gradually stabilized, the inside of the sphere began to become pitch black, like the previous poison pool.

The light wheel that flew out from behind Nakluval clings to the inner wall of the sphere, looking up, like a star constellation in the night.

Mu Feng raised his head and looked at the sphere that enveloped himself and the entire area, frowning, “Is this… the lethal quantity of this entire area has been changed… I can perceive (bhbc),” Very toxic.”

Papa, Nakluval’s applause reached Mu Feng’s ears. Mu Feng looked down and saw that he was indeed patting his hands, and the look of horror on his face turned into a calm smile.

“It was an eye-opener for me, Shinigami, I remember your name. You are the first one who can fight with me until now.”(Read more @

Mu Feng sneered, “You are the one who insists on hard work, Quincy.”

Nakluval said, “Whatever you say. Since the concentrated poisonous ring can’t kill you, can you resist this extremely large and extremely poisonous realm?”

“Sure enough, this entire area is the effective range of your lethal dose…”

“That’s right, in this extremely poisonous realm, every breath you take, every heartbeat, and even every inch of blood flowing in your blood vessels, drag you into the abyss of death. How?! What are you going to do? How to deal with it? Is it possible to transform every cell in the body?!”

Mu Feng said, “Different from the immediate death just now, is this a chronic death? Haha.”

Nacroval said, “That’s right! So I said, I really don’t like this ability. It’s really uncomfortable to wait so long for such a big thing as murder. But fortunately, I am a murderer. One party, and you, is the one that was killed!”

Mu Feng sneered, “Oh, I’m afraid, your life is not as long as mine! Tweet, Hong Ji!”

With that said, he raised Hong Ji in his hand and waved at Nakluval lightly.

In an instant, a red light shot at Nakluval, and the light swiftly moved forward, containing a high concentration of Reiatsu, which looked sharp and sharp.


The red light swallowed Nakluval in an instant, without him having any chance to dodge.

Immediately there was an explosion, and the gunpowder suddenly spread.

Mu Feng said to himself, “The offensive skills of the Shield of the Blood Cloud are really a combination of offense and defense. I really like this red girl more and more.”

“Oh oh, what’s going on, suddenly something like a flash of hollow flash came out. Are you Shinigami and hollow rivals? With this kind of trick, won’t your self-esteem be frustrated?”

In the explosion hit by Hong Ji, Nacroval’s voice came again. Nakluval walked out of the gunpowder slowly, without even a trace of scars on his body.

Mu Feng constricted his eyebrows and looked at him, “Alive? Is it because I am not proficient in Hong Ji’s power…”

“It’s really a powerful force. If it weren’t for this Quincy to complete the Eucharist, I’m afraid I would have been wiped out.” Nakluval said.

Mu Feng clenched the hilt of Hong Ji’s knife in his hand and fixed his eyes on Nakluval, like a lion locked in its prey.

Nakruval looked very intoxicated and said, “Shinigami, are you thinking that since this extremely poisonous realm will kill you chronically, you should start first and kill me first, right? Haha, how can I not think of this? Then, let me introduce to you my Quincy Master’s ability to complete the Eucharist, the poison of God.

With that, Nakluval stretched out both hands.

The fingers of one hand are in the shape of a 4, and the other hand is in the shape of a figure of 8. “There are 48 kinds of Reiatsu, which can be received and analyzed every second to produce antibodies in my God’s Poison. There are 48 kinds in total.”

Mu Feng condensed his eyebrows, “Reiatsu…antibody?!”

Nakluval nodded, “It seems that you don’t understand very well. Your Shinigami does not have a thorough understanding of Lingzi than our Quincy Master. Well, unlike your Shinigami, after all, our Quincy is relying on Lingzi. You’re in control of the battle. Then, you have to prick your ears and hear it clearly with gratitude, Shinigami.

The basic particle of our spirit body is the spirit child. The so-called Reiatsu is the torrent of Reiko.

When we fight, the collision of Reiatsu is also the collision of Reiko.

Attacking opponents with one’s own soul is the essence of battle. And each person’s spirit is different. When one party uses his own spirit to attack the other, that spirit will cause wounds and even take his life. Can you understand what I said? During the battle, to the attacked party, the opponent’s soul itself is extremely poisonous! “.

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