Chapter 870

“Shinigami, you look like a guy with rich combat experience? During the battle, you must have heard Shinigami who is in charge of medical treatment say such things as “Reiatsu remains on the wound”, “The enemy’s Reiatsu is difficult to remove.” “The wound’s spirit is still very active and it is difficult to heal.” Do you understand? The opponent’s spirit on both sides of the battle is poison to you.”

Of course, Mu Feng understands this. The essence of the battle is Reiatsu’s duel, Kenpachi said. What really interested him was the “spiritual antibody” that Nakluval just mentioned.

Nakroval seemed to see through his mind, and continued, “And when I finish the Eucharist, the poison of the gods can immediately create antibodies based on the spirits I receive. The efficiency is 48 per second. Kind of. Of course, I don’t think you will have 48 kinds of spirits at the same time. Take one of them, you just attacked me with Reiatsu, and my body produced antibodies against your spirits in 1/48 of a second. , So your attack didn’t work on my body, that’s how it is.”

Mu Feng touched his chin and whispered, “So that’s it, this is the countermeasure you have researched against the flaws in this extremely poisonous field?”


Nakluval laughed, “I can’t hide it from you. Yes, when my poisonous ring can’t kill the opponent quickly, I have to use this very time-consuming and extremely poisonous field. And this time , Most people will choose to attack my body just like you. So, this ability to create spirituality antibodies is the best defense measure for me. You can neither escape nor kill me, what you can do, I can only wait for my own death. ~How about this taste?”

Mu Feng took a deep breath and vomited it out again. He deliberately made a relaxed expression, “Well, it’s not bad, at least the air is fresher.-”

Nakluval frowned, “Shinigami who lives and lives…why do you think you can still breathe!? It’s because of my mercy! Since you can’t wait to die, I will do it for you_!!! ”

As he said, the wings of light behind Nakluval shone dazzlingly, and on the dome of the black sphere above the two of them, the light wheels that were densely covered like stars also shone.

I saw the entire black sphere began to shrink and gradually became an ellipse. Mu Feng can clearly feel that the lethal dose concentration in this area has risen further.

“Die, die, die, Shinigami! This battle has been going on for too long, and my patience has reached the limit, so you just die obediently and don’t stand up anymore!”

Hearing Nakluval’s yelling, Mu Feng’s face also sank. He slowly raised Hong Ji and said, “Uh, yeah, it’s been too long, even I’m a little bored. Then… let’s end it.”


Only a slight vibration was heard in the air, and Mu Feng’s figure suddenly disappeared from Nakluval’s sight.

“So fast!” Nakluval couldn’t help sighing. As he said, Mu Feng did not disappear, but raised Zanpakutō and ran towards him at a very fast speed.

“But it’s useless! No matter how you attack me, my poisonous view of the gods will generate antibodies against your soul, and your attack will only be neutralized!”(Read more @

While speaking, Nakluval opened his arms instead, as if he was welcoming Mu Feng’s attack.

bass! ! A silver light flashed, and Mu Feng’s figure appeared again. He stood behind Nakluval, the two stood back to back.

The air seemed to freeze, and deathly silence enveloped the two of them.

Tick, a drop of blood dripped from the tip of Hong Ji’s knife.

There was no expression on Nakluval’s face. He whispered, “Shinigami, your name, Mu Feng… Right?”

“Or you just call me Mr. Shinigami, whatever you want, I can’t remember your name anyway,” Mu Feng said.

“Really, unforgettable.”

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