Chapter 872

The Queen of the Quencher who was sealed, regained his heartbeat in 900 years, regained his will in 90 years, regained his strength in 9 years, and then regained the world in 9 days.

This is a ballad chanted among the Quincy, the king of Quincy referred to in the ballad is naturally Uhabach.

It’s not just the Quincy who knows this song, and Mu Feng is certainly no stranger.

Because this ballad is really enough for Haki, it impressed him.

Mu Feng looked at the rain in front of Glen Hasward. In the strong Reiatsu storm released by Mu Feng, Hasward’s white cloak was hunting, almost torn apart by the storm, but his face Go up, but calm as ever.

“It’s too barbaric, this Reiatsu. For a thousand years, your Shinigami really hasn’t changed. If it doesn’t make sense, you will solve the problem in a barbaric way.” Hasward said.

Although Mu Feng’s Reiatsu storm swept the audience.

But Hathward did nothing, and even the tone of speaking with Mu Feng did not change.

Mu Feng raised his left eyebrow, “Awesome, worthy of being the commander of the Star Cross Knights, this situation is also standing firm.”

Although he said flattery 19, Mu Feng’s heart was full of joy.

He didn’t expect that he had just defeated Cheruji and Nakluval, and as the head of the group, Hasward could not sit still and went out in person. But this is reasonable. After all, facing a strong man of Mu Feng’s level, sending other members of the Star Cross Knights to stop one after another is just to save the grandfather-one by one!

Therefore, Hasward’s decision is still correct.

On the other hand, what surprises Mu Feng is that he has gained a huge amount of origin points just by defeating Kyluj and Nakluval. If he defeated Hasward, the gain will be even more rich!

Hasward said coldly, “I’ll give you two paths, Shinigami. First, go back wherever you came from, and don’t disturb our quiminist’s rest. Second, be mine. Holy sword kills.”

With that, Hasward slowly drew a long sword from his waist.

Mu Feng sneered, thinking in his heart: Heh, Hasward, do you think you can lie to me? He thought I didn’t know that their Quincy was waiting for the resurrection of Friends Habach, pretending to be just living in this spiritual space. But forget it, I don’t bother to expose him. After all, Yukhabach has also brought many positive influences on the growth of Kurosaki Ichigo, and Kurosaki Ichigo has actually affected Aizen’s plan. I don’t want to affect Aizen’s creation of a perfect jade just because I’m quick to eat. schedule. After all, when I come to this Shinigami world, my ultimate goal is to collapse the jade.

Mu Feng said, “Let me leave?! Haha… Don’t you be afraid that I will bring more Shinigami, next time you will completely razor your spiritual space?!”

Hasward said, “I just said, this time you came, you should be hiding from your Shinigami kind? Although you don’t know what your purpose is, you will never tell other Shinigami of your plan. “(Read more @

“Hey,” Mu Feng showed an unhappy expression, “You really make me unhappy when you talk to me like this. Haha, since your swords are all drawn out, you can’t justify it if you don’t fight with me, right?”

As he said, there was a fierce light in Mu Feng’s eyes. He held up the Hong Ji in his hand and waved it at Hasward from the air.

“I remember that Hong Ji has other ways to play…Tie it, Hong Ji!”

As Mu Feng said, the offensive Reiatsu was not directly released from the tip of the sword that Hong Ji was swinging.

I saw Reiatsu gushing from the blade of the Red Princess, and gradually formed a slender net in the air, flying towards Hasward, as if to catch him.

Hasward raised his long sword, “This kind of thing, you want to catch me too?!”


He swung his sword down, and the powerful Reiatsu turned into a sharp blade, which nearly doubled Hasward’s holy sword, and slashed straight to the net that was leaping towards him.


But what Hathward didn’t expect was that the Lingzi net released from the Hongji Sword had not been cut off, but rather tightly attached to his body. After grabbing Hasward, the Lingzi net slowly fell down, clinging to the ground tightly, holding Hasward firmly. And a section of this slender net still extends under Mu Feng’s feet.

Even Mu Feng was a little surprised, “It looks like an uncut net of souls, Kisuke Urahara, you really have you.”

“This net is weird…” Hasward frowned, “I was careless, but this thing can’t trap me.”

With that, Hasward began to gather Reiatsu like a holy sword in his hand.

The slender body of the long sword began to emit a faint light.

Mu Feng opened his eyes, “It’s too late! Hong Ji’s gameplay, I remember…” Mu Feng leaned down slightly and pierced Hong Ji into the net of Lingzi that stretched to his feet on the ground. .

“Huoyou Hongji·Shuzhu Element!”

Suddenly, a burning spark broke out from the tip of Hong Ji’s sword, and the spark swiftly moved towards Hasward along the Lingzi’s web.

Every time it passes through a node of the net, the fire becomes more fierce, as if the net of the spirit child was originally the fuel of the flame.

Seeing the flame approaching step by step, Hasward felt the flame’s unusualness.

At this time, he wanted to break free from the shackles of the Internet, and time was too late.


The fluttering flames ignited in the blink of an eye into a huge wave of flames, tens of meters high, and the range spread to the entire battlefield covering 397.

Even Mu Feng subconsciously jumped back, backing a full tens of meters.

The heat wave hits in waves. At the edge of this sea of ​​fire, Mu Feng held Hong Ji and looked at everything in front of him. The fire gleamed on his face, and there was something unexpected in his eyes.

“The power is so powerful?!” Mu Feng looked at the red girl in his hand, “I said, Kisuke Urahara, how many ways to play this red girl?!”

The flame has been burning for a long time, but Mu Feng has been waiting on the periphery.

Because he knew well that even though Hong Ji’s ability was very good, Hasward was the head of the Star Cross Knights after all. It would be unreasonable if he was killed with just one move.

Sure enough, just as Mu Feng thought, the raging Lingzi flame began to extinguish gradually. Judging from the speed at which the flame extinguished, it was by no means a natural extinguishment.

After a while, Hasward appeared in the center of the flame again. Unlike before, he seemed to be holding something in his hand.

Mu Feng said, “Interesting, I didn’t suffer any injuries, but it was beyond my expectation.”

Hasward opened his eyes slightly and said coldly, “No, I was indeed injured by your move. However, I transferred the misfortune of being burned to this shield… as a scapegoat. shield!”.

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