Chapter 873

Hong Ji’s flame was completely extinguished at an unusual speed visible to the naked eye, and there was a scorched smell of soul in the air, but after a while, even the burnt smell completely disappeared.

Hasward stood in the center of the scorched earth, his white cloak was still spotless. He held a sword in his right hand, and he did not know when he held a white shield in his left hand. Above the shield was a convex prismatic star cross.


Hasward opened his golden eyes and said, “The flame just now is really not trivial, but the injuries I have suffered have been completely absorbed by this scapegoat.”

Mu Feng frowned. Although he was not surprised that Hasward was unscathed, he was still annoyed that he could not remember the ability of that shield. “Shield… I seem to have the impression of that shield.” The ability is…”

“The scapegoat is not an ordinary shield.” Hasward said, “The flame just now was not simply blocked by it.”

Creak… At this moment, a faint sound was emitted from the surface of the shield, and at the same time, a shallow crack was formed on the surface of the shield. All this did not escape Mu Feng’s eyes, and was clearly seen by it.

“Ah, remembering…”

Hasward continued, “Just now, the scapegoat is to bear the misfortune that I was attacked by your flames. What it resists is not the kind of’flame’, but the kind of’unfortunate’. Concept. You should understand? Once you reach the level of’concept’, you can’t easily solve it by strength alone.”

Mu Feng looked at the scapegoat in Hasward’s hand and couldn’t help laughing.

Indeed, once the “concept” is touched, then this power becomes entangled with the world.

“Concepts” can be said to be the rules of the world.

Being able to use “concepts” as a weapon means that the power also comes from the world itself. In other words, those who use “general ` 々 Nian” as their own use are at least the strong ones who have touched the “source level”.

However, even though Hasward is the top master of the Quincy, he is also the most powerful of the Star Cross Knights, but he is still a thousand miles away from the original level.

This is also the reason why Mu Feng laughed. Hathward didn’t even know the origin of the world, so he claimed to have mastered the power of “concepts”. In the face of Mu Feng, a real origin-level powerhouse, it was really ridiculous.

Mu Feng said, “Can’t it be broken with simple power?! What an arrogant statement. I still have to use simple power to break it!”(Read more @

Hasward smiled coldly, “Then you will only have a dead end.”

Mu Feng also smiled, “I can see it clearly, Hasward. After enduring the flames of Huoyou Hongji’s number of beads, a scar was left on your shield. Since there is a scar, It means that the shield is not unbreakable. Whether it can be broken is nothing more than a difference in strength.”

Hasward said coldly, “Uh, can you judge whether it can be broken by the scar on this scapegoat shield? It’s really a superficial decision. Let me tell you the true nature of this shield. Use it.”

“Tweet! Hong Ji!”

However, Mu Feng did not give Hasward an opportunity to explain at all. He waved Hong Ji again, and as the blade swung down, a sharp scarlet light shot straight at Hasward.

Although this light does not seem to be as powerful as the flame just now, as the second trick used, the number of Mu Feng has risen sharply.

He is confident that in this blow, he injects Reiatsu, which is several times stronger than the flame of the Huoyou Hongji number beads system.

Facing the red light that struck, Hasward also keenly sensed the powerful force in it. He hurriedly raised the scapegoat to block the blow.



Another explosion burst on the shield, the smoke dissipated, and a deep gully appeared on the surface of the shield.

Mu Feng smiled, “Look, I just increased my strength a little bit, and the injury on the shield is deeper. If I take it seriously, it would be easy to smash it.”

Hasward put down the shield, looked at the wound on the shield, and looked at Mu Feng.

“Superficial and savage guy. I repeat, the scapegoat absorbs concepts.” Hasward said lightly.

“Then why do you want to use the static blood suit?” Mu Feng said lightly.

As soon as he said this, Hasward’s eyes widened. For the first time, an expression other than indifference appeared on his face.

“How do you know our Quincyr’s blood suit… Who are you!?” Hasward’s pupils shrank slightly.

Mu Feng smiled slightly, and did not answer Hasward’s question head-on, but said to himself: “. Turning the blood suit into a static blood suit for defense means that you are worried that you will be hurt after the shield is broken. . Hypocritical Quincy, this is very inconsistent with what you said.”

Hasward frowned, “You keep pressing harder, don’t blame my hands! I will show you the real use of this scapegoat! World reconciliation!”

Hasward opened his eyes, and a strong Reiatsu instantly surrounded Mu Feng.


Suddenly, a blazing flame from an unknown source swallowed Mu Feng’s whole person. The intensity of this flame was more intense than the previous Huo You Hongji.

Not only the flames, but in the sea of ​​flames, you can also vaguely see red rays of light traveling back and forth. They pounded, cut, and turned the sea of ​​fire into a deadly hell.

This time, the situation was completely reversed.

The one who was swallowed by the flames was replaced by Mu Feng, and the one who stood on the sidelines became Hasward.

The fire gleamed on Hasward’s face, and on the scapegoat in his hand, all the scars left by Mu Feng’s attack had disappeared.

Looking at the flames, Hasward murmured, “World harmony, this is the ability of the holy text’B’ that your majesty has bestowed on me. The’lucky’ and’unfortunate’ of both parties are equally distributed. I was attacked by you before. “Unfortunate” has been completely returned to yourself. And another copy of the same “unfortunate” is blocked by this scapegoat and reflected to you. In other words, I have not received any ‘Unfortunate’, and you have suffered twice as much’unfortunate’. Complementing the’World Reconciliation’ is the true meaning of the existence of this scapegoat!”.

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