Chapter 890

“Hahaha, it’s over, it’s over, Shinigami! Get caught by me and enjoy the nerves of Penida! Don’t worry, I won’t let you die so quickly, I will torture you so that you can’t survive Please die!”

Penida held Mu Feng’s body tightly, and at the same time, his pitch-black nerves were invading Mu Feng at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Only a few seconds later, Mu Feng’s skin was completely covered by nerve bundles with dense circuits.

Mu Feng’s expression was dull, and he didn’t say a word, because the nerves in his face that control the expression and the nerves in the vocal cords of his throat were also controlled by Penida.

“Where to start first? I can’t wait! So, let’s start with the left hand!” Penida said here, Mu Feng’s left hand was actually raised straight up.

“Yes, that’s it, the hand used for combat is really strong, then, destroy it.”

Penida opened his eyes and saw Mu Feng’s left hand suddenly folded from the center. At the same time, there was a youthful sound of fracture. It seemed that it was already broken. However, Mu Feng could not make any expressions.

“Not enough, you can fold it a few more times.” Penida shouted.

Creak, creak…

There was another sound of fracture, and I saw Mu Feng’s left hand was folded into a mass of flesh like a ball of waste paper, and the shape of the hand was completely invisible. However, the folds did not stop. The hand kept folding and shrinking. In the end, it turned into a pool of blood and spilled on the ground. At this point, Mu Feng’s left hand has been tortured by Penida and completely disappeared.

Penida smiled cruelly, “Hee hee hee, it’s too impatient to play, Shinigami, where did the arrogant Shinigami just now go? It keeps threatening me with constant chatter, just like I am now, and it is annoying. Ah. Tell me, why are you tortured like this, but you can’t even say a word? Hahaha, because your body already belongs to Penida! So, let’s continue to play, the next part, to play Where is it……”

“I’m done with the left hand, should I play with the right hand?”


Penida’s eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Mu Feng, who had been gripped to death by himself, and his body had covered his nerves. At this time, Mu Feng was smiling and looking at him.

“How is it…impossible, why can you talk? Why can you laugh? Why can you turn your head?!”

Mu Feng smiled and said, “Because, your nerves have no effect on me.”

“Impossible! As long as you are still alive, no! Even if you are dead, I can fully control your body! What have you done, what have you done to break free from my bondage!” Penida shouted wildly. .

After all, what happened before him was beyond his cognition.(Read more @

What is controlled by Penida’s nerves, whether it is life or death, whether it is organic or inorganic, will be controlled by him indiscriminately. This is the “enforcement” ability that Uhabach bestowed on him, as well as his talent as the left arm of the Spirit King.

However, the trick that worked just now is completely invalid for Mu Feng!

At this time, Penida’s heart suddenly felt a burst of fear.

“I said, when will you still hold me? Shouldn’t you let go?!”

Mu Feng said lightly, hearing only a few sounds of “chucking”, and a few silver lights flashed.

Penida obediently let go of his huge hand, no, it should be said that he has to let go. Because in this burst of light, his five fingers had already left his palm and were cut off all at once. And Mu Feng was suspended in the air, holding Zanpakutō filled with Penida’s blood in his hand.

For some reason, his left hand, wrinkled into a pool of blood by Penida, grew out again intact. And the Penida nerve bundle covering him completely disappeared.

“No…impossible…no one can match Penida’s ability!”

The five fingers that slowly fell from the air suddenly stopped in the air. It turned out that countless dark nerve endings protruding from the palm of the hand gripped the five fingers tightly. Pulled back.

The nerves swiftly interspersed between the fingers and the palm, and the fingers were sutured back in the blink of an eye.

“No matter how many times it is the same, I will kill you again and again, but you can do nothing about me.” Mu Feng said.

“Penida will kill you!”

· ··Find flowers·····

Suddenly, countless nerve bundles pierced out of Penida’s body.

They are like strips of ferocious Lion Majesty, piercing Mu Feng’s body. From that speed and angle, it can be seen that this time, these nerves are not aimed at controlling Mu Feng’s body, but want to directly destroy his body.

bass! bass! bass!

Blood drops fell from the sky, and countless nerve spikes pierced Mu Feng’s body directly. But he did not hide, letting those nerves poke countless holes in his body.

“Go to die, go to die, go to die! Shinigami!”

Penida roared wildly and injected his powerful Reiatsu into those nerve spikes. I saw the spike trembling for a while, emitting a scarlet light, “hissing”, and tore away from the surroundings, and Mu Feng’s body was also torn to pieces at this moment. The minced meat and blood fell on the ground, like a rain of blood in the sky.

……… …… …

Penida’s angry face finally showed a smile, no, he said it was a smile, but he didn’t know whether the wrinkles in his palm could represent his feelings.

“This is what irritated me! A boring toy has no value for people to play, it can only be thrown away like garbage!” Penida said.

“That’s really ruthless, don’t you continue to play with me?!”


Penida turned around hurriedly, and found that Mu Feng appeared behind him again intact. At this time, he looked at him with a smile on his face.

“What’s going on?! What is going on here? Penida can’t understand! Uh!”

Penida let out a painful roar, and at the same time countless black nerve bundles pierced from his body. The nerve spike this time was very violent, and even his own skin was pierced with blood.

The nerves suddenly pierced out of the body and pierced straight towards Mu Feng. They turned in the air for a while and attacked Mu Feng from all directions, leaving no dead spots.

The corner of Mu Feng’s mouth rose slightly, “Are you still not sure about the situation? What a poor guy.”

Shocking…a burst of sword light flashed, and all the dense nerve bundles were cut off by Mu Feng. At this time, his Zanpakutō didn’t even have Shikai yet. .

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