Chapter 891

“Why?! Why?! Why?! Incomprehensible!!! Incomprehensible!!! Incomprehensible!!!” Penida yelled frantically, the dark nerve endings constantly piercing his skin, like a beast losing his mind. , Hovering in the air, and finally stab at Mu Feng in front of him.

But Mu Feng did not hide, but looked at Penida with a smile.

When he was pierced and torn apart by those nerves, he would appear in front of Penida again in an unscathed posture.

And when he attacked, those nerve bundles were like weeds in front of his Zanpakutō, and they would be cut instantly with just a light wave of the knife.

And even if they directly touched Penida’s nerves, neither Zanpakutō nor Mu Feng showed any signs of being controlled.

“Chaos! Shinigami! How long will you torture me!” Penida roared wildly, and instead of attacking Mu Feng with nerves “March 20”, he pierced the nerve bundles to the rock on the ground.

Hearing a violent shaking of the ground, in the blink of an eye, three huge rock giants crawled out from under the ground, and their bodies were full of Penida’s nerves.

Whoosh whoosh… These three huge rock giants seem to be cumbersome, but they did not expect that they jumped into the air. Needless to say, this is because Penida gave them Reiatsu through nerve bundles.

Mu Feng looked at the giant assaulted by himself, and smiled, “Did you give up direct attack?! But such an attack will not work either.”

He raised his right hand.

The palms were pointed at the three rock giants that jumped up from the ground, and the golden Reiatsu gathered in the palm of his hand.

“Thirty-two of Hadō·Yellow Fire Flashes!!”


The golden flame exploded in Mu Feng’s palm, and hit the rock giant directly. After a violent explosion, the three imposing rocks turned into a puddle of rubble again, and smashed into the ground.

At this moment, the sound of a hidden weapon breaking through the air came from behind the rocky smoke screen. A burst of dazzling white light pierced the smoke screen, and countless divine extinction arrows attacked Mu Feng from below.

“Heh, it looks like some tactics at last. But, it’s still useless.” He gently turned Zanpakutō in his hand, trying to suppress Reiatsu to the lowest level of envy.

Humbling… Zanpakutō twisted the palm of Mu Feng’s hand, and the sacred arrows shot at his body were chopped off.

The light arrows, as dense as raindrops, did not even hit Mu Feng’s body.

“Hehe, knowing that the nerve control has no effect on me, is there a nerve attached to the arrow? Boring. Without that nerve control, this guy’s attack is like a child playing house, full of flaws.”

After this series of attacks and defenses, Penida’s big eyeball with two eyes was filled with despair.(Read more @

“Why… this… this is impossible… Penida… Penida is going to kill you!!” Reiatsu of Penida broke out again in a roar, and attacked Mu Feng again.

Mu Feng turned his head and smiled unhurriedly, “Heh, the left arm of the Spirit King, but that’s it.”


“Lijie, something is wrong with Penida.”

In the main hall, the eyes of Hasward and Litze Barrow did not leave the light curtain for a moment. The two of them are always watching the battle between Penida and Mu Feng.

Because this is not only related to the safety of the invisible empire, Penida’s identity is also extremely sensitive.

Lijie also said, “What’s the matter?! Penida… hasn’t moved anymore since just now?!”

As Lijie said, the progress of the battle is shown on the screen. And from just now, the huge arm that was originally active, Penida, suddenly stopped moving.

Neither his body nor the dark nerves that he extended were no longer active.

Even the back was exposed to Mu Feng.

Hasward said, “That Mu Feng seems to have not moved since just now.”

After Mu Feng fell from the air, he stood directly beside Penida.

Obviously, he has entered the attack range of Penida nerve.

However, for some reason, Penida did not attack him, nor did he attack Penida. The two stood close to their bodies, motionless as if they had made peace with a truce.

Li Jie looked a little flustered, “What the hell is going on…”

Hasward frowned, not knowing what to do, “I don’t know, but we can only watch the changes.”


On the battlefield, exactly as Hathward and Lijie Barrow saw on the screen, Mu Feng was standing next to Penida, both of them motionless… .

It’s just that Penida can’t move, and Mu Feng himself doesn’t move.

He looked at Penida beside him, stretched out a hand to stroke the huge arm, and whispered, “It feels like normal skin, the left arm of the Spirit King.”

When Mu Feng stroked Penida’s body, he did not immediately intrude the nerve bundle into Mu Feng’s body like in the previous battle.

“As I thought, those nerve bundles are controlled by your consciousness and act. Once you lose consciousness, they will not attack me actively. Haha, sleep peacefully. In the illusion, you should fight me fiercely. Isn’t it right? However, even though you have powerful strength, you have no immunity to things like illusions at all.”

It turned out that the method Mu Feng said to defeat Penida was the illusion of Naruto.

In other words, in the battle just now, no matter how Penida attacked Mu Feng with nerve bundles, it couldn’t work, all because it was not real, but just a false world created by Mu Feng’s illusion.

Mu Feng circled around his huge arm and strolled and said, “Nerves are your weapon, and also your weakness. I heard it. The first time you were hit by the Great Fireball Technique, you screamed.

You have a highly developed nerve, which also means a high sensitivity to illusion.

Haha 5.7, if it is Kidō or Zanpakutō from the illusion system in the Shinigami world, you should see it right away, right? But if it is the illusion of the Naruto World, then you have never seen it with Chakra’s motivating technique, and naturally there is no resistance.

Although after coming to this world, the power I gained in Naruto World was blocked, but this level of illusion can still be cast. And this level of illusion is more than enough to deal with you. ”

As he said, Mu Feng pulled out Zanpakutō from his waist. He did not liberate or attach his own Reiatsu, but only slowly extended the sharp blade towards Penida.

“Sorry, I’ve been talking so much with you, but you can’t hear anything. The battle ends here, I wish you a good dream in my illusion world created for you.”


Blood, scattered. .

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