Chapter 923

“Roar!” A deafening roar came from outside the carriage, piercing people’s eardrums.

When Mu Feng heard it, he knew that this was a virtual cry.

“Mu… Mu Feng, what is this sound? Is it my hallucination again?” Yincheng Kongwu asked in a flustered expression.

Mu Feng thought to himself: Does this Yincheng Konggo seem to be a familiar type? I just met, so I called my name naturally.

“This voice should be the most familiar to you, right? The hollow that attacked you that night, did you forget it so soon?”

Yincheng Wuwu swallowed a mouthful of water, “Really…really that monster…”

Mu Feng looked at him and said, “What are you afraid of?! Haven’t you beaten him once, you won’t be able to beat him again. After you beat him, you can also get out of here.”

“The words… Although they say that… But… But I don’t remember the whole process of fighting him that night. How do I know how to fight him…”


At this moment, the glass on one side of the carriage suddenly shattered, and a huge white bone tentacled from the window opened into the carriage and ran straight towards Mu Feng.

Hearing only a sound of “噌”, a silver light flashed, and the tentacles were cut off in response. At some point, Mu Feng’s Vientiane knife wheel was already in his hand.


There was another roar, and the severed tentacles ate pain and retracted out of the window.

“Ok… so awesome!” Yincheng Kongwu stared blankly.

“Is it hidden outside the carriage?!” Mu Feng said, “Hey, Yincheng, don’t draw the sword yet, wait for it to be eaten by the hollow?!”

Yincheng Kongwu said, “Even if you say that… but the sword… the sword…”

He looked down and saw Zanpakutō hanging from his waist.

“When did it happen to me!!”

Mu Feng said coldly, “You have inherited the power of Shinigami from that Shinigami, that is, you are also Shinigami. That knife is called Zanpakutō, and it is part of Shinigami’s soul. It is impossible to throw it away, right? …Quickly, pull it out 〃〃.”

With a squeak, Ginjo Sorago couldn’t control so much, and hurriedly pulled out Zanpakutō from his waist, and, at the same time, another tentacles broke in from the window on the other side of the carriage.


Ginjo Sorago yelled, Zanpakutō in his hand slashed towards the tentacles.(Read more @

However, he failed to cut the tentacles like Mu Feng did, instead he was stuck with it.

The blade bit the virtual tentacles, which also seemed to be metal, rubbing against Zanpakutō, sparking sparks.

“Hey…it seems different… Mu Feng…help me…” Yincheng shouted with all his strength.

Mu Feng shook his head and said, “It’s so ugly… why not use Reiatsu? Just hit it naked like that, and your Zanpakutō will cry.”

Yincheng Konggo gritted his teeth hard and said:

“Even if… you say that… I don’t know… what to do.”

“You weren’t…”


Mu Feng hadn’t finished speaking, but the tentacles suddenly twisted around, wrapped around Yincheng Kongwu’s waist, and instantly pulled him out of the window.

“Help…help me, Mu Feng!”

“Hey, trouble.”

Mu Feng took a sip, and then jumped out of the window. He grabbed the eaves of the window with his right hand, rolled over, and came to the roof of the car.

On the top of the fast-speeding train, a dark alien figure was about to move under the moonlight.

The whistle came from the front of the train, and the train passed through the endless forest. Under the curtain of night, the tentacled vacant wiggled its teeth and claws. I saw him in the shape of a beast, as tall as two people, sturdy limbs, and a long exoskeleton that was as sharp as a blade. On his back, there are countless tentacles that look like hairs and tails, and Ginjo Sorago is being held above his head by one of his tentacles.

“Help me, Mu Feng!” Yincheng shouted.

Looking at the hollow in front of him, Mu Feng frowned, “It turned out to be hidden on the top of the car… Strange, for so many days, he didn’t take the initiative to attack Yincheng Konggo, why is he on this knot…”

“Gluck… Shinigami? It’s lucky, in this human spiritual world, I was able to meet Shinigami!” said the false voice that seemed to have several overlapping voices.

He slowly wriggled forward, and gradually, the moonlight shone on his face. The ghost-like bone mask looked like a liquid, constantly changing its shape.

Mu Feng looked at the virtual mask and secretly said: There is no stable form…Sure enough, he is just a part of Reiatsu. But it seems that consciousness is complete.

Mu Feng smiled, “Yes, I’m here to catch you, a mouse with a hidden head and an exposed tail.”

Xu yelled, “Shinigami, I dare to talk to this uncle! I have killed an annoying Shinigami before, but unfortunately I didn’t eat his delicious soul. This uncle’s name is Paradox, my favorite thing… Just eat the soul of your Shinigami!”

“.”Hey! Stop chatting! Quickly let me down! “Gincheng Kōgo, who was falsely lifted above his head, shouted.

“It’s so noisy!! Damn human!!” Hollowraised his head and shouted at the silver city Kongwu above his head, “If it weren’t for you, a human being who got in the way…how could I have fallen into such a field!”


Mu Feng suddenly smiled, “So look down on humans? But you were killed by humans, which is really embarrassing.”

Paradox growled, “Asshole! See if I don’t take you…”


Before he could finish speaking, Mu Feng waved the blade in his hand, and a beam of Reiatsu’s light ejected from the blade, like a frisbee, instantly cutting off the tentacle that was holding Ginjo Kogo.

With a thud, Yincheng fell into the train’s eyes from mid-air.

“(Zhao Nuo’s) Uh, it hurts…”

As soon as he landed, he reflexively ran to Mu Feng without looking back.

“You…Who are you?! Why do you have such a strong power…” Paradox shouted.

The corner of Mu Feng’s mouth raised an arc and said, “You don’t need to know who I am, because it is not me who will defeat you next, but this guy.”

He pushed Gincheng Konggo, who was hiding behind him, to the front.

Yincheng’s eyes widened, and he said in disbelief, “You…that’s right!? How could I be that guy’s opponent!”

Mu Feng didn’t have the slightest ups and downs in his expression and said, “The opponent who has defeated once is not to be afraid.” As he said, he raised his right hand and pointed it at Paradox, and Reiatsu began to gather in the palm of his hand.

“I’m optimistic, Yincheng, I only do it once. To feel my Reiatsu with my soul, this is the way to defeat the virtual.” Mu Feng said. .

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