Chapter 924

“O Kings! Masks of flesh and blood, Vientiane, flapping wings, things that are named as human beings! Scorching heat and conflict, rolling south across the sea, marching forward! The thirty-first of Hadō: Red Cannon!

In Mu Feng’s palm, Reiatsu condensed into a crimson flame cannon.

As he chanted the word spirit, it shot out in an instant and flew towards Paradox.


I saw a red light flashing, and the red artillery grazing the top of Paradox’s head and flew into the distance. It did not hit the target, and finally bombarded a piece of wood beside the railroad tracks, igniting a crimson flame in the night.

The strong wind galloped on the top of the train, and Paradox let out a weird laugh, and the mask on his face was constantly changing.

“Gluck… I thought you were a good guy, don’t you even use Kidō? The Shinigami I’ve encountered, at least this level of Kidō can still be hit. However, even they were all eaten by me. It’s dropped. You half-hearted, do you think you can stand me? Hell…”

Paradox saw that Mu Feng’s red artillery missed a hit, and ridiculed him frantically.

Facing the mockery, Mu Feng just smiled and said nothing.

Yincheng Kongwu said in a panic, “Hey, 497, Mu Feng, I didn’t hit it at all! Are you helpless with him?”

Mu Feng said, “Hit?! Why should I hit?! That’s your business. I said, just do it this time. Just follow what I did just now, and use your own Reiatsu to defeat that virtual one. .”

Ginjo Sorago scratched his head and said, “Didn’t I say, Reiatsu or something, I don’t know what’s going on at all.”

“You were in the car before. Didn’t you shoot a Reiatsu lightning from your fingers? Just do that, gather more Reiatsu, and shoot the hollow more accurately.”

During the conversation between the two, Paradox already yelled and ran from the top of the train.

Seeing this, Yincheng Konggo had no choice but to bite the bullet. He followed the example of Mu Feng just now, raised the palm of his right hand and pointed it at Paradox, who was running towards him. And in this panic, he did not remember the words that Mu Feng sang just now, even the name of Chi Cannon.


Ginshiro roared, Reiatsu began to gather in the palm of his right hand, only to hear a “crack”, a Reiatsu lightning shot from his hand, hitting Paradox’s shoulder.

A puff of white smoke rose from Paradox’s shoulder, and it stopped its frantic pace and looked towards the shoulder.


Seeing that he had successfully launched an attack, Yincheng instantly showed joy on his face. He hurriedly turned around and smiled at Mu Feng, “I…I did it! Mu Feng!”(Read more @

“You did a shit, was that an attack just now? Stupid.” Mu Feng said mercilessly.

Paradox’s ridicule also followed, “Gluck…hahaha! Is this also Kidō? Ginjo Sorago, compared to the Reiatsu released when you killed me, it’s like scratching Itchy!”

Laughing wildly, Paradox rushed towards Yincheng Konggo again.

Yincheng Kongwu suddenly panicked again. He turned around and said in a panic, “Mu Feng, no, my attack won’t work at all, it’s you…”

However, before Yincheng could finish speaking, he only felt a chill in his neck. Looking down, I saw that Mu Feng’s Zanpakutō had been put on his neck.

“You… what are you doing? Didn’t you come to rescue me, Mu Feng?” Yincheng said.

“Look at the front.” Mu Feng said coldly.

Yincheng was caught by a knife on his neck, so he had to follow suit. Right in front, Paradox’s figure was getting closer, and every tentacle on his back was enough to take the life of Silver City.

“I can’t save you. Here, only you can save you. If you shrink here, you will be killed by him sooner or later. Raise your hand and aim at the target.”

Yincheng Kongwu was helpless, so he raised his right hand again and aimed at the front.

“Looking at his mask, that’s a weak point, destroying the mask can (bgce) kill him. Now, gather Reiatsu in the palm of his hand.” Mu Feng continued.

Ginjo closed his eyes and sensed Reiatsu in his body. With a wolf behind and a tiger in front of him, he had no choice. Only a little bit of Reiatsu, who seemed like nothing, moved towards the palm of his hand.

Mu Feng said, “Follow what I said. The king is here! The mask of flesh and blood, Vientiane, flying high…”

Yincheng could only read one sentence after another, “The King…the mask of flesh and blood, Vientiane, flying high…”

“Gluck…hahaha! Come again? You are not so lucky this time! That kind of half-hearted attack will only kill you! Come on, humans, and you nosy Shinigami !”

Seeing that Paradox had already pounced on the two of them, those tentacles could hardly wait to harden into spikes, the target straight ahead.

“Going south across the sea, moving forward…”

“Going south across the sea, moving forward…”

“Thirty-one of Hadō: Red Cannon!”

“Thirty-one of Hadō·Red Cannon!!!”

boom! !

Suddenly, a blazing red light shot out from Yincheng Konggo’s palm.

Amid his shouts, Reiatsu rushed towards Paradox like a flood bursting a bank, and the flames instantly swallowed some objects in front of him.

“This…cocco…it’s impossible!! Impossible! Cough cough… This uncle… was… defeated by a mere human… twice! No…cocco…impossible!!”

Amidst Paradox’s roar and screams, the Red Cannon completely swallowed his body.

The scorching Reiatsu flame burned every soul in his body with a prairie fire. Soon, he turned into a huddled fireball, gradually extinguished, disappeared, and turned into a touch of fly ash in the wind.

“I…I…I did it? I did it! Mu Feng, look, I did it!”

Seeing that he successfully released the red artillery and killed Paradox, Yincheng Konggo turned around with excitement and shouted to Mu Feng.

But as soon as he turned around, he suddenly felt black in front of him, his legs were soft, and his whole body seemed to have been hollowed out, and he fainted.

Mu Feng caught the fallen body of Yincheng Konggo and squared him on the roof of the car.

“Although I injected my Reiatsu into this guy’s body, the power is enough for him to kill the phantom called Paradox. However, as a human being, the first use of Kidō can release The Red Artillery No. 31 is also quite talented.”

Putting down Yincheng, Mu Feng stood up. The howling wind blew on his face, although he killed Paradox, his expression did not relax at all.

“Then, it’s my turn to work next.” Mu Feng said coldly to the howling wind, “Come out, don’t hide anymore, lurking in Yincheng Kongwu’s body…Da Hollow!”.

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