Chapter 925

Mu Feng retracted Zanpakutō and put it into the scabbard. Just now, he seemed to use Zanpakutō to hold Ginjo Kogoo’s neck, forcing him to use Hadō to deal with Paradox. In fact, he actually used Zanpakutō as a medium to pass part of his Reiatsu to Ginjo.

Otherwise, let’s not say whether Ginjo can successfully release the red artillery, relying on his own little Reiatsu, who has not yet mastered it, is definitely not enough to kill Paradox.

The whistle of the train kept coming, and the steam train was still galloping in the forest at night.

Mu Feng looked down at Ginjo Kogo, who had fainted because of excessive use of Reiatsu. After confirming that he had indeed lost consciousness, Mu Feng moved his sight-line to the rear of the train.

“Come out, there’s no point in hiding anymore?! Do you think you can fool my eyes with your kind of blindfold?” As soon as Mu Feng said this, the top of the train seemed to have silenced the wind.

“Cococo…… I can actually find my existence, Shinigami, it’s not easy.”

Sure enough, soon after Mu Feng released his words, a familiar voice came from the rear of the train. The voice was the same as Paradox, and it sounded like it was made by overlapping several voices.

Mu Feng smiled slightly and said, “Although I hid it deep enough, I’m sorry, it was me that you met, so everything you did will be meaningless.”

With a sound of “swish”, a black shadow suddenly emerged from the rear of the train. The shadow leaped high into the air, and his silhouette appeared in front of Mu Feng against the backdrop of the moonlight.

I saw that it was a human form, and his body outline looked no different from a human being. It’s just that the joints of the limbs are proliferated with spiked exoskeletons, and there is also a dark virtual hole in the chest. Moonlight sprinkled on the top of the train through the virtual hole, making it particularly dazzling.

With a bang, Hollowfell from the sky and stood in front of Mu Feng.

His appearance is basically the same as he looks from a distance. It was only from a close distance that he had long black hair behind his beastly mask.

Seeing the Hollowthat suddenly appeared and stood directly in front of him, Mu Feng frowned slightly.

“The body shape is almost the same as that of a human being. This body shape, this kind of Reiatsu, is it…”(Read more @

“Yachucas. I’m sorry, I know you want to talk about Vasto, but it will take some time before I break through the bottleneck of the evolution from Yachukkas to Vasto,” Daxu said.

Mu Feng breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that although he is now in a forest, this is just the inner world of Yincheng Kongwu.

Regardless of whether it is Yincheng Konggo or Mu Feng, their bodies are in the thirteenth squad house.

If the void in Ginjo Korago’s body is a Vastod top-level void, and if he accidentally makes him run away with it, then the entire Seireitei may suffer.

Although all the 13 Gotei teams are in the Seireitei, there are also many aristocratic residences in the Seireitei. Even if the Vastodd was destroyed as quickly as possible, the damage caused to Seireitei would be incalculable.

Fortunately, this Daxu is only an Acchukas, and in terms of strength, it is much lower than Vastod. However, even so, Mu Feng still feels very puzzled, why is the void in Yincheng Kongwu’s body, a big void? He originally thought that the one who attacked Shinigami in this world was just an ordinary virtual with a little stronger strength.

Mu Feng said, “Say, what is your purpose for hiding here?”

Mu Feng frowned and said, Zanpakutō who had put his hand on his waist.

Xu Hollowsaid, “Ah, since you have seen it through, then I have nothing to excuse. I am the real Paradox, and what you have defeated just now is just a fragment of my strength. . I want you to think that he is my main body. After eliminating him, you will leave… But unfortunately, you still found out. You are a slightly different Shinigami.”

“Answer the unreasonable question! Don’t be sloppy with me, and tell me honestly, why do you want to hide into the body of Yincheng Kongwu, you Yachukas-level emptiness, you should rarely be like those without brain emptiness. Devour human souls in this world, right? Why do you appear in an area where there is basically no vanity and attack the Shinigami that appears there?!”

· ··Find flowers·····

Daxu is divided into three levels, Kylian, Yachukas, and Vastod.

As an evil spirit, Hollowneeds to devour human souls to eliminate his desire for souls. There are also a few extreme individuals who will devour the souls of the same kind.

These voids gather together to kill each other. If a powerful void swallows at least a few hundred other voids, then the power he swallowed will fuse together and evolve into Kilian. This is the so-called Daxu.

Generally speaking, the lower level of the Killian-level Daxu is formed by the swallowing and fusion of hundreds of nihilisms, and there is no individual consciousness. They can only act by instinct and be in a state of ignorance.


However, if the consciousness and strength of one of the hundreds of imaginaries in the fusion is far superior to the others, then his consciousness will dominate the whole, forming Kylian with individual consciousness. By continuing to devour other Kilians of the same level, he will then evolve again, becoming a mid-level Daxu, Archukas.

And once it became Yachukas, then this Daxu would also live in fear forever.

Because after becoming Yachukas, if you don’t continue to hunt Yachukas of the same level and move towards a higher evolution, then this Yachukas will degenerate.

If he degenerates back to Kilian, then he will lose 100% of his individual consciousness and become an ignorant unconscious Kilian, and he will never be able to regain consciousness and evolve into Acchukas again.

Because Yachukas lives in fear all day long, what he does all day is to find other Yachukas, fight with them, and devour them.

If the Da Hollowof this level swallows the tiny human soul, it has no effect at all. Not only can it not promote their evolution, but it will delay their evolutionary process and make them degenerate.

That’s why Mu Feng felt very puzzled. Since this Paradox is Yachukas, why did he leave Hollow World and go to this world to attack humans? .

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