Chapter 933

In the dark, Mu Feng and Yincheng Kongwu were walking on the dirt road full of Liuhun Street. There is already some distance from Seiring Palace, so Mu Feng also relieved the blindness of hiding people.

“Master Mu Feng, why does it seem to… suddenly came to the countryside? The surrounding environment and buildings are too simple compared to Seireitei. Have we reached what you said, the chaos at the extreme edge of Liuhun Street? Zone?” Yincheng Konggo asked.

As he walked, Mu Feng answered Yincheng Kongwu’s question, “On the contrary, where we are now is the richest area of ​​Liuhun Street, District 1, Runlin’an.”

“Huh? The richest area? Is it here? But this is totally incomparable to Seireitei…”

Mu Feng sneered: “Do you still think that the Soul World is a heaven-like place? The Seireitei in the center of the Soul World is a place where only the powerful and Shinigami have the right to live. And the ordinary soul , Can only live in this Liuhun Street. And whether it will be assigned to District 1 or District 80, both are arranged. As an ordinary soul, there is no right to choose independently.”

Ginjo Sorago lowered his head and walked, thinking, he whispered in a low voice, “Sure enough, you still have to be Shinigami to have the right to live in the Seorei Palace in an open manner…”

Mu Feng glanced at him, did not answer, but stopped.

Yincheng looked at Mu Feng, “What’s wrong, Master?! Has it arrived?”

Mu Feng shook his head, “I thought about it for a moment. Let’s start now on Shinigami’s course.”

“Huh? Right now? Haven’t we not arrived at the place you arranged for me yet?”

Mu Feng said, “Using the method I will teach you next, you can pass faster.”

“……That is?!”

Mu Feng breathed a sigh of relief, “Listen well, if an ordinary soul wants to become Shinigami, it must complete the course as Shinigami at the Mao Spiritual Academy. After successfully graduated, it is possible to be assigned to the Gotei 13 team. Officially became Shinigami. The course that became Shinigami is divided into four parts: Kidō, Kendo, White Fighting, and Shunpo` `.”

“Kidō, Kendo, Free Fight, Shunpo…”

Mu Feng nodded, “Kidō, you should have seen it already?! In your spiritual world, you defeated Paradox’s red artillery, which is one of Kidō. And as the leader of Kidō, I will focus on it in the future. Teach you Kidō skills.”

Under the moonlight, the two stood on the ridge, and their conversation was masked by the sounds of insects around them.

“Kendo, as the name suggests, uses Zanpakutō’s techniques. White fight refers to hand-to-hand tactics. As for the final Shunpo… optimistic.”

Following, Mu Feng stepped on Shunpo, and instantly moved from in front of Yincheng to behind him.

Yincheng Konggo’s eyes widened in an instant, “This…how did this happen? My eyes have never left you, and I haven’t even blinked my eyes, why are you…”

He turned around and looked at Mu Feng with wide eyes.(Read more @

Mu Feng smiled slightly and said: “Remember, Korgo. Kidō, Kendo, Hakuta, Shunpo, these four skills are all built on the same foundation, that is Reiatsu. The battle as Shinigami is the battle of Reiatsu. And this Shunpo is a high-speed movement by cleverly gathering Reiatsu on the soles of the feet and then using a special footwork.”

Yincheng chuckled for a while, and touched the back of his head, “Um, just to say that, I don’t know much…”

Mu Feng continued, “Concentrate Reiatsu on your feet. This is not actual combat. You don’t need to worry, take your time. Think about the feeling when you cast the red cannon, when you hit Reiatsu in the palm of your hand. Now I want you to focus Reiatsu on the soles of your feet.”

Yincheng closed his eyes and carefully recalled how he felt at the time.

Gradually, he felt something flowing in his body, which was slowly flowing to his feet under his control.

And the flow of Reiatsu in his body is naturally unable to escape Mu Feng, who owns Observation Haki.

“Yes, that’s it. Open your eyes, look at my footwork, and follow me.”

With that, Mu Feng deliberately slowed down and stepped on Shunpo to the other end of the ridge. Yincheng frowned. Although he didn’t fully see it, he did what he did and learned from the fragments he saw.

Just hearing the sound of “Om”, Yincheng’s figure also instantly moved to the other end of the ridge.

“I did it! Master! I did it… eh!”

Just when Yincheng was excited to learn Shunpo for himself, he found that his feet were completely unwilling, and his whole body instantly lost his balance and fell on Mu Feng’s feet.

Fortunately, this is the ridge, if it is the stone road in Seoring Palace, I am afraid he has been battered.

Yincheng slowly got up from the ground. He ignored the mud on his face and looked at Mu Feng with a smirk.

“How about, Master, have I learned Shunpo?”

“…” You learned a shit. “Mu Feng said mercilessly, “Where are you Shunpo?” ! It’s simply that Reiatsu who couldn’t control the soles of his feet, was pushed forward by Reiatsu and ran. There is no footwork at all. You didn’t see what I did just now, right? ”

Yincheng was scolded, touched his head, and said, “Look… I saw it, uh… a little bit.”

“A little bit? I think you didn’t even see it at all.”

Yincheng’s grievances on his face did not say anything again.

Mu Feng sighed and said, “Forget it, if that’s the case, I can barely…Listen, Kungo. From now on I will always use Shunpo until we reach the destination. Otherwise. If you do, I’m afraid you won’t be able to get there before dawn. I don’t care what you do, you must follow.”

“Huh? Well… well, I will try to keep up.”

“I won’t stop halfway to wait for you, you better have this consciousness.”

(的钱赵)  Yincheng looked at Mu Feng with embarrassment and nodded.


With that, Mu Feng stepped on Shunpo and ran towards the west.

And Yincheng Konggo had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Just as Mu Feng said, he hit Reiatsu on his feet and chased him up.

At first, he just used Reiatsu’s impact to run with his usual footwork. However, running like this, every time he runs a certain distance, he will fall into a tumble.

Although Mu Feng said that he would not wait for him.

But whenever he fell, Mu Feng would deliberately slow down and wait for Yincheng to follow.

Gradually, Yincheng followed Mu Feng, and while running, he began to look at Mu Feng’s feet carefully, and his body naturally learned Mu Feng’s footwork.

In this way, the two ran on Liuhun Street under the curtain of night, and the pace of Yincheng Konggo gradually stabilized. .

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