Chapter 934

噌, 噌.

Two dark shadows emerged from the woods one after another, and came to a flat ground. At the junction of the flat ground and the woods, there was a thatched house. Mu Feng ran to the thatched house and stopped.

“Master…Master! Be careful! Get out of the way!”

Yincheng Kongwu shouted, without any signs of slowing down, and rushed straight towards Mu Feng.

Mu Feng turned around and looked at Yincheng who was rushing towards him with an awkward look. He reluctantly raised an arm and stood in front of Yincheng.

Just hearing a “puff” sound, Mu Feng’s arm was like a steel bar, facing on Yincheng’s forehead, Yincheng’s forehead was stopped, his feet were still running forward, and the whole person fell on his back. On the ground.

“It hurts…Master…I’m a sick person…Is it really good for me to be so rough…”

Mu Feng curled his mouth and said, “Hey, didn’t you faint…”

“Are you trying to beat me to death! Master!!” Yincheng stood up from the ground in an instant, turned Byakugan and said.

Mu Feng spread his hands and ignored him.

“Hey, how is it, Master, is my Shunpo making progress?!”

“If you are also Shunpo, the ancestors who created Shunpo will die.” Mu Feng said poisonously.

Yincheng had a black line on his face, “Don’t hit me like this 820, OK…”

Mu Feng said, “Let’s not talk about the speed, have you counted how many somersaults you fell along the way?”

“But this is only the first time for me…”

“If you are on the battlefield, the enemy will not care if you are the first time.”

Reprimanded by Mu Feng, Yincheng Kongwu lowered his head and did not dare to refute anything.

He rubbed his back and looked around.

This is a clearing in Yamanaka, surrounded by rock walls and woods. When I ran over just now, I saw a stream passing by. When he saw this thatched house on the edge of the open space, Yincheng seemed to understand something.

“Master, is this the destination?!”

Mu Feng nodded and said, “This is Lifu Mountain in the northern section of West Third District of Liuhun Street.”

Yincheng widened his eyes and asked, “We ran for almost all night, did we just ran from district one to district three… how big is this Liuhun Street…”

“From today, you will be training here to learn as a Shinigami course. This is a distance from Seireitei, and it should not be harassed by Shinigami who came out of Seireitei. It is only the third district, which also belongs to In areas with better public security, there is no need to worry about other threats.”

Yincheng listened to Mu Feng’s words and nodded again and again, “As expected, Master, even this point is so thoughtful.”

“You just live in this thatched house. After you become a spirit body, you don’t need to eat, in theory, you can sustain life only by drinking water. You should have seen the creek when you came here, right? The water is drinkable. If you notice any movement around you, put on your cloak to completely cover your Reiatsu.”

Yincheng kept nodding his head, admiring Mu Feng’s delicacy in his heart.(Read more @

However, the more he listened, the more he felt something was wrong.

“Master Mu Feng, why do you listen to you saying that, as if you want to leave me here alone?”

Mu Feng took it for granted, “Of course. As a big Kidō, I will be suspected if I don’t show up in Seireing Palace for a day. Do you think I will be here with you every day?”

“Eh eh eh?! If you are not there, who will teach me?!”


Mu Feng smiled slightly, and saw that his left and right hands stretched out the index finger and middle finger respectively, crossing in front of him, making a mark.

With a “bang”, a puff of white smoke rose beside him.

Out of the white smoke, another Mu Feng that was exactly the same came out.

“Master! This is!?” Yincheng’s eyes widened in surprise.

“This is my clone.” Mu Feng said.

Hearing Mu Feng’s words, Yincheng seemed to be very disappointed, “What, it’s just a clone…”

But at this moment, the avatar actually walked out in two steps and punched Yincheng on the head.

“Why, look down on (biah) my clone?”

“Eh!!” Yincheng clutched his sore head, “Fin… the clone hit someone!? You, aren’t you blindfolded?”

Mu Feng smiled slightly, he didn’t want to explain the difference between the clone and Shadow Clone to Gincheng Konggo.

“If you call him a clone, he will be angry. When I am away, he will teach you, understand?” Mu Feng looked at Yincheng Kongwu and said with a smile.

Yincheng Kongwu took a sip of water and looked at the two Mu Fengs in front of him, “Let…let the clone teach me? This…is this too weird?”

Mu Feng said, “Don’t worry, my clone has the same knowledge as me, and he will teach you more than enough. Before my clone’s Reiatsu runs out, I will come and find you in person.”

Yincheng Kongwu reluctantly nodded, “Okay…well, Master Mu Feng, I will listen to you.”

Mu Feng nodded, “Well, now the residence, training venue, and even the coach have been found for you. You can practice here with peace of mind, but don’t disappoint Senior Fuzhu’s kindness to you.”

“Um… uh, I will work hard!”

After speaking, Mu Feng took out a small cloth bag from the death tyrant’s suit on his chest and gave it to Yincheng.

Yincheng took the cloth bag, “This is… amulet?!”

“If you encounter any unexpected situation, open this amulet.”


Yincheng hurriedly put the amulet into his clothes and carefully put it away.

And at this moment, the first rising sun also shot out in the eastern sky. In a blink of an eye, the night passed like this.

“Then, come on.”

After Mu Feng confessed these last words, he turned and ran towards the east. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared from Yincheng’s line of sight. Yincheng looked at the direction of Mu Feng’s disappearance and clenched his fists.

“Hey, my body is gone, I’m still staring at you here.” At this moment, Mu Feng’s clone suddenly said.

Yincheng touched the back of his head and bowed to Mu Feng’s clone, “Then…then trouble you, master clone.”

“What doppelganger master! Just call me Mu Feng! Stupid!” As he said, the doppelganger stretched out his fist and hit Yincheng’s head.

Yincheng hurriedly lowered his head and covered his head, and muttered in a low voice, “How come the clone is more temperamental than the main body… It seems that I have no good life…”

The thirteenth division team house.

“Mu Feng?! Kongwu?! Are you still there?” Floating bamboo walked into the room where Yincheng Kongwu was trained, but it was already empty.

On the table, there is a letter.

Signed with Mu Feng’s name and sealed with Reiatsu, only Reiatsu of floating bamboo can be opened.

Floating Bamboo opened the letter and looked at it carefully. Gradually, a relieved smile appeared on his face. “It seems…it really caused you a lot of trouble, Mu Feng, I owe you a big favor.”.

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