Chapter 935

Mu Feng traveled from Runlin’an in Liuhun Street District 1 to Lifu Mountain in West District 3. It took almost one night from night to sunrise. Because he was carrying Ginjo Kogo who still didn’t understand what Shunpo was about.

On the way back, he didn’t have any involvement, let go of his footsteps, and almost arrived at Seoring Palace in a short time. Departing from the dawn of the morning, arrived before the end of the morning.

Pass through Liuhun Street, pass through Seireimen, and then walk all the way to the team house of Kidō.

Mu Feng wears the shroud cloak left by Kisuke Urahara and Kidō, who hides his figure. If Ginjo Sorago joins him, he might be seen through by the powerful Shinigami. But Mu Feng is alone, he just needs to hide himself. If so, no matter how expert or strong he is, he will definitely not be aware of it.

Mu Feng successfully entered the Kidō team building, but instead of going to the office like when he returned from the invisible empire a few days ago, he went straight back to his _ residence.

Once again, it was another night of tossing, but Mu Feng wanted to rest. Secondly, before he entrusted Matsumoto Ranju to handle the team affairs of the Kidō people, so there is no need to rush to handle it by himself.

Returning to the residence, Mu Feng took off the shading cloak and carefully put it in the closet.

If this thing is discovered, especially those from the 12th squad, there might be something going on.

Moreover, what Kisuke Urahara left behind must be taken seriously by Nirvana. Suddenly there are two missing items, and now the entire Technical Development Bureau should have noticed them and are eagerly looking for them.

It stands to reason that Mu Feng should return the cloak without even noticing it.

However, this boat walked back and forth in the Seireing Ting to the Soul World, and there was no need to worry about the feeling that the Lingzi escaped and was discovered, which made Mu Feng fall in love with it. In addition, Yincheng Konggo will still rely on this cloak to return to Seireitei with success in his cultivation in the future. So Mu Feng also left one for him. Because of this, there is no difference between missing one and missing two, and Mu Feng simply doesn’t want to return this one in his own hands.

Mu Feng lay on the bed and slowly closed his eyes.

In the thirteenth division, he has not had a good sleep for many days.

Another night passed, almost the same as the day when he returned from the invisible empire. He stayed up all night and returned early in the morning. He now only thinks about getting a good night’s sleep.

Half asleep and half awake, Mu Feng couldn’t help thinking of Yincheng Kongwu. Mu Feng doesn’t remember where this character who has appeared in the original comics, he seems to have seen the setting of virtual power in his body.

However, in the original work, Yincheng Konggo did not show his hollow power.

Only at the end of the Wanxianshu chapter, when fighting against Kurosaki Ichigo, a hint of hollow style can be seen from the outfit.

An Akukas exists in the body of Yincheng Konggo, and it is hard to say how much strength this will bring. Although Yachukas is not as powerful as the empty white in Kurosaki Ichigo’s body, as long as Mu Feng carefully trains him, Ginjo Kogo will definitely become a special combat power.(Read more @

At least, most of Shinigami in the Soul World will not be his opponent.

Mu Feng thought, anyway, now that he has become Yincheng Kongwu’s life-saving benefactor, and has become a preaching teacher, if there are no accidents, he should be loyal to Mu Feng.

This is also the reason why Mu Feng put so much effort into saving him.

The void in Yincheng Kongwu’s body, Mu Feng has already settled it in his own way. And, in a way that will definitely surprise everyone…

And Yincheng Kongwu’s other ability is also the ability that he should be best at. After completing the present technique, Mu Feng has not yet understood it. This kind of special human ability is something that Mu Feng has never understood or wanted to understand in the past.

However, it now appears that Mu Feng must understand or even learn the current technique before he can teach it to Yincheng Konggo.

Before that, training him like Shinigami was the only thing that could be done.

How to use Yincheng Kongwu completely for his own use, then he will organize the alliance of full performers in the future-Xcution, Mu Feng will also be used as his own combat power.

Humans have human weaknesses, but humans also have human strengths.

Letting such a group of people work for themselves will inevitably create great convenience.

Thinking of this, Mu Feng fell asleep. After a long absence from the bed, only sleeping in your own bed can people feel the most complete relaxation. Under such relaxation, Mu Feng actually slept for one day.

The morning sun turned into the evening sun in a blink of an eye.

If it were not for the noise outside the team house, perhaps Mu Feng would still not wake up.

“Captain Ni, I said, Mu Feng Captain Kidō is resting in the team house, please don’t disturb him.” Outside the gate of Kidō, Matsumoto Ranju frowned and blocked Niu Li’s body with his body.

That’s right, it is not someone else who came to Kidō, but the captain of the twelfth division, the director of the Technology Development Bureau, and Nirvana.

Kidō members have rarely had any private contact with the 13th team.

Most of the daily contact is Kidō’s assistance when performing tasks. Like today, a captain-level figure personally visits the door, almost never before. What’s more, it happened to be Nirvana.

This man who made people feel uncomfortable just by looking at him actually visited the Kidō crowd, and he was alone, without any team members. In fact, this is not difficult to understand. Most of the team members of the 12th Division are scientific researchers from the Technology Development Bureau, and their combat effectiveness is not very strong. Coupled with Nie Yuli’s perverted character, he doesn’t trust his teammates at all, so he doesn’t like to take his men to act with him most of the time.

……… ….. …

Nie Yuli showed a chilling smile on his back, and his neat row of teeth was shown on his face painted with strange facial patterns.

“Hey, there should be a limit to lying?! Now this time, you say Mu Feng is resting?! What a stupid guy to believe it?”

At this time, another group of Kidō players gathered. They stood behind Matsumoto Ranju and stood in front of Neyori together.

Matsumoto Ranju frowned. He knew that there must be no good for someone like Neyori to come.

When Mu Feng went to the thirteenth division, he asked Hell Butterfly to pass a message to Luan Ju, hoping that Luan Ju can handle the team affairs on his behalf these days when he is absent, and it is best not to let others know about his absence. Although Mu Feng just said it casually, Luan Ju was really tight-lipped these days, and it didn’t make people realize that Mu Feng was not in the team.

She looked at Nie Yuli, and said coldly, “Captain Ni, I’ll repeat it again. Mu Feng, the eldest Kidō leader, is resting. If you have anything, just talk to my deputy Kidō leader. But if you want to be persistent If you insist, don’t underestimate our Kidō crowd!”

“Ha ha ha ha…”

Nie Yuli sneered, his face was suddenly covered with shadows, and he whispered, “Kidō crowd?! What I see is just a pile of meat pieces with no research value!”.

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