Chapter 948

In the dim laboratory, various glass jars containing specimens emit faint fluorescence. The dim fluorescence illuminates, making this mysterious laboratory even more creepy.

Since Nie Yuli returned to the Technical Development Bureau, one night has passed. Compared with the darkness in the laboratory, the sky is actually bright outside.

Nie Yuli still wore clothes that had been ragged during the battle.

It can be seen that as soon as he came back, he got into the laboratory and didn’t even have time to change his clothes. His face was filled with a look of exhaustion, frustration or excitement, and it looked particularly terrible under the fluorescent light.

“I will come to a conclusion soon… Mu Feng, your secret will soon be revealed by me! Hahaha… It’s so joyful, so joyful that I almost forget the shame of fighting!”

With that, Neyuli stretched the blade of the scalpel towards himself.

The sharp tip of the knife slowly pierced into a bruise on his chest, and blood immediately spilled along the blade, but from his expression, it seemed that he didn’t feel any pain at all, but he still enjoyed the process.

Soon, Nie Yuli cut a small piece of meat on the wound on his chest, almost the size of a nail. Regardless of the blood gurgling from his chest, he couldn’t wait to put this small piece of meat into the glass container in front of him.

With a bang, the piece of meat sank into the blue fluorescent liquid, like a piece of shredded paper, and a few tiny bubbles emerged without any reaction.

Nie Yuli frowned, opened a pair of eyes wide, and stared at the meat slices in the container.

“No violent reaction? How could this be…”

Immediately afterwards, he lowered his head again, looking for a wound on his body. The left rib, the right shoulder, and the obvious demarcation of the arms that were reborn with the flesh-enhancing agent after the two arms were broken, Nirvana underwent a small piece of minced meat in these places, and put them into the other four. In a vessel that also contains blue liquid.

However, like the first one, the four pieces of minced meat quickly sank into the bottom of the glass without a violent reaction. The only difference is the number of bubbles emerging, but the difference is also minimal.

Nie Yuli’s face sank, “Too cunning, Mu Feng…”

After Nirvana returned to the Technical Development Bureau, the more I thought about it, the more things went wrong. Matsumoto Ranju is a deputy kidō captain, and at best he is only at the deputy captain level.

However, in the battle, she used a posture of not liberating Zanpakutō and forced out Bankai of Nirvana. This is the first doubt.

Even if the people in Kidō are not good at using Zanpakutō, they focus on Kidō, but Matsumoto Ranju’s many moves used in battle are never seen before. Although that might be the newly developed Kidō, Niyori’s keen intuition told him that things are not that simple.

Thinking back to Mu Feng, who had been watching the battle, his unpredictable expression, Neyuli had a bold conjecture. Looking at the entire guardian thirteen team, only he dared to make such an incredible assumption.(Read more @

Nei guessed that it was not Matsumoto Ranju who was fighting with him, but Mu Feng was manipulating Matsumoto Ranju’s body!

This technique is not undocumented.

When Neyuli studied the group of Quincys, he discovered that they knew a special technique to continue fighting even when they were badly injured and lost consciousness. Use the silk thread made by Lingzi to connect the limbs and control the body by controlling the height of Lingzi. This trick is called by the Quincy Masters as a messy sky puppet.

Now that he had this theoretical basis, Nirvana guessed that Mu Feng also used similar moves to control Luan Ju’s body to fight him. But what makes him feel strange is that if Mu Feng is really using Lingzi silk thread to control Luanju’s body, he can’t be unaware of it all the time.

Therefore, Nirvana made a second bold hypothesis: Mu Feng might use a power other than the spirit child.

As we all know, as a Shinigami, as a spirit body, whether it is Kidō, Kendo, Hakuta, or Shunpo, they cannot do without Reiatsu’s support. The battle of the spirit body is the battle between Reiatsu. However, if Neyuli’s guess is correct, then Mu Feng is likely to know how to use a non-Reiatsu fighting method.

That kind of power is not Reiatsu, so it won’t be noticed.

And that power has attributes similar to Reiatsu, so it can be used to spur tricks that originally needed Reiatsu to activate, without being found traces of Reiatsu. If this hypothesis is confirmed, then from the moment Mu Feng appeared in the eyes of the people in Seireitei, all the incredible things that happened around him can be explained perfectly.

However, this hypothesis has never been discovered in the history of the Soul World, and there has never been any basis.

I have to say that Neyuli is indeed a genius.

Can sum up this conclusion from a failed battle. There are many standards to verify a genius, but having the courage to make a hypothesis that seems so impossible is enough to prove Nirvana’s talent.

Therefore, after returning to the Technical Development Bureau, Nirvana did not rush to wash away the humiliation of defeat.

Instead, he left his wounds and tried to find the remains of the unknown power from his wounds.

If it was the fight that Reiatsu saw, it would be normal to leave Reiatsu remaining in the wound. Therefore, Nirvana wanted to use this method to detect the residual power left on her wound.

However, to his disappointment, he did not see any clues from the meat slices of his wounds.

“. ¨ Do you have to use a machine to detect… Well, I don’t know whether these detection devices for Reiatsu can detect things other than Reiatsu.”

With that said, he sealed up the five glassware containing his own meat slices in front of him, and connected a complicated line to the cover.

Those lines are connected to several monitors, and Nirvana’s gaze also moved from the container to the monitor. Looking at the dense numbers and incomprehensible symbols on the monitor, his face became heavier and heavier.

Just when Nirvana was intoxicated by the data on the monitor, a small black figure slowly approached him from behind.

The black shadow walked behind Nirvana and stretched out a hand towards his back.

(Li De Zhao)   “Who!?”

Nirvana turned around in an instant, and grabbed the black shadow by the neck. But soon, when he saw the true face of the shadow, his hands and brows stretched out together.

“Nie, Captain…”

The dark shadow turned out to be a little girl, she looked only seven or eight years old, with short hair, wide eyes, and a piece of white gauze in her hand, but she was wearing a dark death-tyrant costume.

Nirvana let out a sigh of relief, and then frowned again, and he scolded, “Didn’t I say it?! When I was experimenting, I was not allowed to approach me without my permission! Sleep on the 7th!!!”

The little girl called Mian No.7 was trembling all over, and she seemed to be shocked. However, looking at her appearance, although she was wronged, she did not run away, and she should have been scolded by Nirvana.

“That, Ni… Captain… Wiping blood…”

With that said, Mian No.7 once again stretched out the gauze in his hand and handed it to Nie Yuli. .

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