Chapter 949

“Wiping, wiping blood… Captain Nirvana.” Mian No.7 stretched out a small hand and handed the gauze in his hand to Niu Yuli.

Nirvana was a little surprised. He looked at his body, and it was true that the wounds from which the pieces of meat had been cut out just now were still bleeding, and the amount of bleeding was not small.

He looked at Mian No.7 again, looking at her really big eyes that day.

“Go away! If you dare to approach me when I am experimenting, I will make you a specimen!” Nirvana did not take the gauze of Mian No.7, but yelled at her angrily.

And Mian No.7, who was reprimanded again, had to lower her head and walk away dejectedly.

The door of the laboratory was opened, and she walked out the door, but another figure walked in.

“Captain Nirvana, this is very bad for the growth of children.”

A Jin closed the door and walked into the laboratory.

Nirvana glanced sideways at him, “Are you teaching me how to do it?”

A Jin shrugged, “Of course not. I just think that Mian No.7 has finally grown to this point. It didn’t die halfway like the previous six trials. Should we treat her more like ordinary people? ?”

Nirvana turned her head and looked at A Jin with his eyes gleaming blue light like a fox, “Do you know what you are talking about, A Jin? As a scientist, how can you be restrained by that kind of boring feelings? It needs feelings. He is just a test product and my highest masterpiece. Her mission is only one, and that is growth! Creating a soul that can grow on its own is my lifelong pursuit and the only way for me to surpass Kisuke Urahara… ”

A Jin sighed and said, “Isn’t that the opposite? Captain Nirvana, you want to create an artificial soul like a normal soul. However, emotions are also part of the normal soul. If there is no emotion, even if it is more realistic, it will Can’t meet your expectations…”

Rarely, Nirvana did not refute Ajin this time, nor did he scold him.

The two stood in the glowing laboratory, relatively speechless. Only the numbers in the display keep changing. I don’t know whether there is an answer or a bigger (bddj) mystery.

Rukia was patrolling among the team houses of the Kidō crowd. She carefully looked at every corner around her, and used her Reiatsu to perceive carefully to see if there was any remaining poisonous gas around her.(Read more @

As her, I’m afraid I didn’t understand the true purpose of Floating Bamboo for keeping her here.

It was the morning, the sun was shining, and it was spring again. A gust of warm wind with the fragrance of Sakura blossomed towards your face, refreshing your heart. On the roof, Mu Feng was lying there enjoying the spring sunshine.

He turned his head, saw Rukia on the ground sideways, and smiled slightly.

“Did you really go to detect the poisonous fog? It’s really as slow as before. No, it should be said that it is boyish.”

Mu Feng stretched out his right index finger, and a trace of Chakra was rolled on his fingertips, and water vapor was extracted from the air, forming a small rotating water ball in the blink of an eye.

There was a smirk at the corner of Mu Feng’s mouth. He snapped his finger and the drop of water flew towards Rukia on the ground with a “swish”. The water ball exploded on Rukia’s head, thinking that countless tiny water droplets spilled on Rukia’s body.

At first, Rukia opened her eyes wide and was still wondering, “How can it rain in such a nice weather?”

When she looked up to the sky, it happened that the second ball of water fell from the roof again. However, at this moment, it did not split into water droplets, but smashed Rukia’s face impartially.

Seeing this, Mu Feng hurriedly retracted his head, lying on the roof, covering his mouth and laughing.

However, before he laughed for a few seconds, he saw a silver light reflecting the sunlight flashing, and with a dazzling eye, Mu Feng closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes, the sharp blade was already attached to him. Neck.

It was Rukia who held Zanpakutō.

When she heard Mu Feng’s snicker, she immediately understood what was going on, and instantly jumped onto the roof, with a still dripping face, holding the knife on Mu Feng’s neck.

Mu Feng hurriedly pretended to be panicked, and said, “Hey, Rukia, what are you doing?! Don’t make trouble, it’s easy to kill people!”

Drops of water dripped from Rukia’s cheeks to the ground, “If you have any last words, just say it.”

Mu Feng smiled, “What are you doing, you don’t have to put on makeup anyway.”

Rukia’s eyes widened with anger and roared, “I wear light makeup! Light makeup! You guy is still the same as before, and you don’t know anything about girls!”

“Hahaha.” Mu Feng sat up from the roof, “Rukia has also begun to call herself a girl. You used to be no different from a boy. Did you learn something after entering the Kuchiki house? etiquette?!”

Hearing what Mu Feng said, Rukia also put away Zanpakutō and sat down beside him.

Rukia breathed a sigh of relief looking at the hills of Shuangshan in the distance and the Sakura flowers blooming in the courtyards along the way.

“Unconsciously, so many years have passed. The time at the Mao Spiritual Academy is like yesterday.”

Mu Feng also sighed, “It’s okay, who made us Shinigami. Compared with the life span of human beings, these years should be nothing to us.”

“Humans?!” Lucia looked at Mu Feng suspiciously, “Do you still know about humans in this world?”

“Uh…” Mu Feng almost missed his words, and said hurriedly: “Limited to books. Rukia, how are you after you were adopted by the Kuchiki family? I’m sorry, I haven’t looked for you for so many years.”

Rukia looked at the distance and shook her head with a smile, “No, it doesn’t matter. The Kuchiki family treats me very well, but some red tape makes me a headache, but I’m getting used to it.”

“It’s really hard for you to get used to the red tape. However, in this Seireitei, if you are from the Kuchiki family, it is better than the average person from the lonely and unsupported Liuhun Street.”

Rukia nodded and said, “Indeed, I can enter the thirteenth division in an instant, and I know that it was arranged for me by Brother Bai Zai. But…hehe, in fact, Mu Feng, do you know what I really want to come is? Your Kidō crowd.”.

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