Chapter 950

“Actually, I am very envious of Miss Luan Ju, who can assist you by your side, Mu Feng. Although Big Brother Bai Zai treats me very well, he put me into the relatively safe 13th Division. However, what I really want to join is Your Kidō people. Maybe I shouldn’t have this idea, after all, after graduating from the Mao Spiritual Academy, we are no longer classmates. I want to bring the kind of classmate relationship in school to the Gotei 13 team, I’m afraid Is it wishful thinking.”

Rukia smiled bitterly, her eyes disappeared from the boyishness of the past, replaced by gentle eyes. In a pair of clear eyes, like a galaxy star, I don’t know how many girls’ sentiments are hidden.

She smiled and turned to look at Mu Feng, and found that Mu Feng was also looking at her, and her cheeks immediately turned red.

“Forget it, forget it… when I didn’t say it.”

Rukia lowered her head, but her face was even redder. She has never been good at expressing her emotions, so she hides her heart with a boy-like behavior.

Mu Feng knew that it was accidental that Rukia, who was not good at expressing, said such a thing, but it was all from the bottom of his heart. He wisely said to Rukia, “Ah, if you want me to forget, then I shall have nothing to do-hear.”

“Whatever…whatever you want.” Rukia herself didn’t know whether she wanted Mu Feng to remember what she said just now, or to forget it.

Mu Feng said, “You have been adopted by the Kutaki family now. I am afraid I want to transfer you from the 13th division to my Kidō congregation. It is not realistic. However, my friendship with Captain Ukitake is pretty good. When would you want to come? Here I, tell Captain Fuzhu, he shouldn’t stop you. It’s like, now.”


Rukia turned her head to look at Mu Feng and blinked her eyes. At this time, she realized that the tasks that the Floating Bamboo Faction had given her to the Kidō people for the past three days were basically a cover. In fact, she wanted her to have time with Mu Feng to reminisce about the past. After all, when Mu Feng lived in the thirteenth division, Rukia happened to be out on a mission.

Thinking of this, her face flushed again, and she lowered her head again.

Mu Feng put one hand on the tiles behind him, raised his head to the sky, glanced sideways at Rukia, and touched the tip of his nose with the other hand.

He hurriedly changed the subject, trying to dispel Rukia’s embarrassment, “By the way, how are the others? They should have all joined the Gotei 13 team smoothly, right?”

Hearing what Mu Feng said, Rukia seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw. Immediately cheered up, the red glow on his face was swept away, and he nodded hurriedly, “Everyone joined the team smoothly. If Kira entered the fourth division. Haha, can’t you think of it? He was assigned with excellent grades. To the medical team.”

Mu Feng murmured in his heart: Jiliang, I remember he was the deputy captain of the third division, right? How come to the fourth division…

After thinking about it for a while, Mu Feng finally remembered that his current timeline was still decades before the original book began. In the original work, Hisagi Shubei did mention that Kira was once a member of the fourth division and asked him to treat Matsumoto Ranju who was seriously injured by Yaweng.(Read more @

Rukia continued, “The guy Renji was assigned to the eleventh squad. In that eleventh squad full of fighting madmen, hehe… I don’t know if Renji can handle it. But I I heard that the team he wants to join is the sixth division of Brother Byakuza. However, the sixth division is a noble team, and he wants to transfer from the eleventh division to the sixth division. I am afraid it will not be so easy.”

Hearing this, Mu Feng said in his heart: Rukia is really slow, Renji wants to join the sixth division team because he wants to compete with Byakuya Kuchiki.

Thinking of this, Mu Feng couldn’t help but sigh.

Time will really change a lot of things. Kira in the fourth division will go to the third division in the future, and Renji in the eleventh division will become the deputy captain of the sixth division in the future.

Thinking of this, Mu Feng suddenly squeaked in his heart, and his brows wrinkled together instantly.

“Rukia!” Mu Feng suddenly shouted, “Well, which team did Hyo Sen go to?”

Rukia blinked, as if she didn’t understand Mu Feng’s reaction. She then smiled and replied, “Xin Sen, she is lucky enough to be assigned to the fifth division. She seems to admire it all the time. Captain Aizen, this is what you wanted. And Captain Aizen is said to be a person who takes great care of his subordinates.”

· ······Find flowers 0

Worse… Mu Feng thought to himself, Hinamori, who seemed to be assigned to the best team, was actually in the team of Aizen, the big boss. He originally thought that Hinamori might have gone to another squad when he graduated, but was later transferred to Aizen’s fifth squad. But Rukia told him that Hinamori is now a member of the fifth division.

Seeing Mu Feng frowned, Lucia’s face also sank, “What’s wrong, Mu Feng?”

Mu Feng shook his head and said, “No, it’s nothing. In this way, everyone seems to have a good home.”

Even so, Mu Feng is already thinking about how to keep Young Sen away from Aizen.

“Yeah, they all look pretty good. It’s just…”

…. …. …


“No, nothing.” Rukia said hesitantly.

Mu Feng seemed to see through her mind, “The past may not be able to go back, Rukia, but the future is in our own hands.”

Rukia put away her sad expression and gave Mu Feng a gentle smile, “You are still the same as before, as if there is nothing in this world that you can’t do.”

Mu Feng stood up, facing the spring breeze, looking towards the hill of Shuangshan in the distance, full of energy.

“Rukia,” Mu Feng said while looking into the distance, “If anyone in Kuchiki’s house dares to bully you, just tell me.”


“Eh what!” Mu Feng smiled, “At this time you just have to say “I know”.”

Rukia gave a gentle smile again, she had never shown this expression in front of anyone.

“Oh, I see.”

The two chatted for a long time in the spring breeze on the roof.

Many things about the past at the Mao Spiritual Academy were missed by them. Unconsciously, the whole morning passed by. However, what they didn’t notice was that when Matsumoto Ranju passed under the house, they happened to hear their voices.

Listening to the laughter of the two, Luan Ju stopped and stood on the spot, his eyes closed tightly, the expression on his face was beyond words. Not long after, she sighed and left quietly. .

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