Chapter 965

“Is this a futile fight? At this level, I can do it too!” As he said, Yincheng clenched his fists instantly. Before the field attacked, he slammed into his chest fiercely.

Feeling that the power of this fist was not trivial, Ling Ling on the field hurriedly retracted his hands and crossed his chest to block the fist.

Hearing a muffled bang, the wild body was beaten back and forth again and again. Although he defended the punch with both hands, and finally his body finally stood firm, but he also stepped back five or six meters~far.

Even Yincheng himself was taken aback. He looked at his fist and said blankly, “Is this a vain fight? It feels much easier to use than Kidō and Shun-bu!”

Nogami stood still, his face full of surprise. He put down his trembling hands and regained Gincheng Konggo with a new look.

He thought to himself: What happened to this punch? It made my bones creak. How could a guy who is not proficient at Shunpo and Kidō 4 make such a strong white attack? And that free fight is strange…not ordinary free fight, but in boxing, with Reiatsu’s blasting added…I have never seen this way of fighting!

Yincheng looked at his fist, and his face, who had been unilaterally beaten all the time, suddenly showed a confident smile. He looked at the wild, the expression on his face seemed to say: Come on, you are no longer my opponent!

Yegami also seemed to be provoked by Yincheng’s eyes, so he clenched his fist again, and another Shunpo came to Yincheng’s close body.

Although Ginjo couldn’t see Shunpo’s movements clearly, he saw that his figure was close in front of him, so he hurriedly raised his fist and punched Shunpo in the chest as before.

Yincheng’s fist sank into the chest of the wild, but he did not have the slightest sense of the attack hit.

Sure enough, after half a second, the figure in the wild disappeared, and his seemingly hit punch was actually completely empty.

At this moment, Yincheng only felt a sharp pain in the back of his heart, and his whole body flew out in an instant and fell heavily to the ground. At the same time, Nogami also appeared behind him, his fist had not been retracted yet.

Wild above looked at the flying silver city blankly, and said, “There is brute force, how can it take advantage of actual combat? Don’t dream. Shinigami’s battles, no fighting, kendo, Kidō, Shunpo, lack Nothing. Your Kidō and Shunpo, I have already experienced them. They are in a mess! And you don’t have a saber by your side. There is nothing but to fight for nothing, but at this level, it can only be abused.”

Yincheng was also angry when Hearing Nogami said this.

He got up from the ground in an instant, raised his fist and rushed towards the wild. He seemed to want to use this blow to refute the hateful Shinigami in front of him.

A disdainful smile appeared on Nogami’s face, “Oh, because Shunpo is not well controlled, so I dare not use Shunpo, can I only use this primitive running?!”(Read more @

Silver City uses running as a sprint, and the attack launched from the front is almost the same as static in the wild.


There was a muffled air, and Yincheng’s fist was thrown at Ye Shang’s face, but it was easily dodged.

This powerful punch hit the air, and there was a tremor in the air. At the same time, Nogami had stepped on Shunpo again, and walked around behind Ginjo.

Following the same procedure, Nogami again hit the back of Yincheng’s neck with a hand knife from an incredible angle, knocking him to the ground.

Although Yincheng was deflated, it still did not lose its fighting ability. Almost as soon as he fell to the ground, he wanted to stand up and attack again.

“What a savage bull. One of Bakudō·Sai!”

Hearing a low groan from Yegami, Yincheng’s hands that had planned to attack again suddenly turned back towards his back, as if tied up by an invisible rope.

With a normal sound, he knelt on the ground, unable to move his hands or feet.

Yincheng was astonished. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t break free.

“This…what’s going on…”

On the contrary, the wild is also a little surprised.

“Huh? Don’t you even know Bakudō?”

“What Bakudō? Let go of me!” Yincheng shouted.

Nogami shook his head repeatedly, “Even Bakudō doesn’t know, you really don’t understand anything.”

With that said, he leaned forward two steps, bowed his head and looked at Yincheng again.

“To be honest, I thought you might have committed a crime just now, and Shinigami escaped from Seireitei. But now that I think about it, no Shinigami is as weak as you, not even Zanpakutō. Me. I also thought that if you are not good at learning, maybe it is a poor student who failed to graduate from the Mao Spiritual Academy. However, you seem to have extraordinary talents for nothing.”

· ········ Ask for flowers·······

Nogami stretched out the four fingers of his right hand and placed them in front of Ginjo, and said, “The four skills of white hitting, Kidō, Kendo, and Shunpo are the basics of Shinigami. Unless all four of these skills are incredibly poor, you You may be expelled from the Mao Spiritual Academy. And the innocent talents you showed just now are obviously above many official Shinigami. It is impossible for the Mao Spiritual Academy to let you drop out of school with your kind of innocent talent, so , You are not a student who failed to graduate.”

Yincheng roared angrily, “I just can’t see you bullying that woman! As for who I am, it has nothing to do with you!? I’m not a bad person!”

… …….. …….

Yegami closed his eyes, sighed, and shook his head helplessly. He said in a low voice, “Senior Tanaka’s fault for bullying that commoner just now. Senior’s character is like this, just to prevent him from getting into trouble, so Captain Ukitake sent me to act with him. Originally, I could settle this trivial matter completely, as long as I accompany the woman some money. But you are fine, it is difficult to intervene like this. I, as Shinigami, no You may ignore the existence of yours, and tell you who you are and the person who taught you these fighting skills. Don’t worry, this is not a serious crime. Maybe you are not guilty at all, as long as you make it clear.”

“Floating bamboo?”

How could Ginjo not know Ukitake Shiro? It was Fu Zhu who saved his life. The first person he saw after waking up except Mu Feng was Fu Zhu. He thought, are these two people in front of Fuzhu’s subordinates? Then, it doesn’t matter if you confess Mu Feng with them, right?

However, Yincheng changed his thoughts again, no, Fu Zhu saved him. It seems that he was hiding it from him, so he must not tell Mu Feng.

“You…” The expression on Yegami’s face changed in an instant, and he keenly noticed Yincheng’s thoughts, “Do you know the name Ukitake!? Don’t you know Captain Ukitake!? You……you really and Seorei Tingzhi There is a certain connection within! In this case, you can’t be let go. Quickly say, who is the person behind you!!!”.

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