Chapter 966

“Have heard of Captain Ukitake’s name, you must be in touch with Seireitei! Hurry up and recruit it!” Nogami roared.

Yincheng’s heart also stunned, he understood that what he had just inadvertently revealed might have exposed something. So he hurriedly changed his words, “I haven’t heard anything about yuba fish balls! You guys will let me go!”

Seeing that Yincheng was unwilling to explain, the expression on his face also became a little angry.

In fact, as a wild, he doesn’t want to make matters worse.

On the contrary, he wanted to solve this matter better and save Silver City. If it can be confirmed that Yincheng is not guilty, he also wants to release Yincheng as soon as possible.

As a member of the thirteenth division, Nogami’s character can be said to be very similar to that of Ukitake. From what he has been saying to Yincheng just now, it can be seen that he is actually “eight-eight-seven” for Yincheng’s good.

In the thirteenth division, although Nogami is not very strong, nor is he an official, but Ukitake takes care of him very much.

There is no other reason, just because of his kind character.

Unlike him, Tanaka’s character is very violent.

Of course, he was not originally like this, it was only after certain incidents that he became so violent, and he seemed incompatible with the rest of the thirteenth division. For this reason, Ukitake has always sent Nogami and Tanaka to act together. On the one hand, he hopes that Nogami can change Tanaka, and on the other hand, he wants Nogami to stop Tanaka from getting into trouble.

“You fellow, it’s best to say it quickly, I don’t want you to suffer anymore. If later Tanaka-senpai…”

“Hey, Wild, what are you rubbing against!”

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard Tanaka’s voice coming from his ears. He opened his eyes and hurriedly looked back. Sure enough, Tanaka had no idea when he came here from the other side of the river.

“Tian… Senior Tanaka!”

Nogami thought that something was going wrong, so Tanaka intervened, I’m afraid it’s not so easy to deal with. And he was secretly surprised that Shunpo in Tanaka came here from across the river, he didn’t even notice it!

Tanaka looked at Yegami with a fierce face, and his bald head made the face itself tremble.

“What are you doing, wild, when I am blind!?”

Tanaka shouted, “I have been watching it all the time! What are you muttering with this guy? This kind of garbage can be solved with a single knife, even you, it won’t take too much effort, right?”

“That…that…Senior Tanaka, I think it’s suspicious, so I want to ask a little bit more clearly. After all, there may be a lot of important information involved…” Nogami wanted to make the problem as serious as possible.

Tanaka looked at Ginjo Sorago expressionlessly, and with a chuckle, he pulled out Zanpakutō from his waist.(Read more @

Yincheng opened his eyes and thought that something was wrong: this guy named Tanaka felt completely different from that wild. His body is full of murderous aura!

“Senior Tanaka! What are you doing!”

Tanaka looked at Ginjo Road, “A lot of important information? Yeah, this guy may be a big threat, even a threat to Seireitei. So, let me kill him and protect Seireitei!”

Nogami understood that Tanaka was not as pleasant as he said. Maybe, all he was thinking about was just killing.

Someone once said this more than once, this Tanaka, staying in the 13th Division is really incompatible with other team members, but it is the fighting freaks of the 11th Division that are more suitable for him.

Nogami Tanaka pulled out Zanpakutō, and hurriedly said, “Senior Tanaka! Don’t forget what Captain Ukitake said to us! We should now figure out the origin of this guy and find out the truth, instead of killing him. simple.”

Tanaka took a cold look at Yegami, “Find out the truth? Ah, I will. Today we found a corpse in Lifu Mountain, I will report this matter. As for finding out the truth, I will hand it in. To the other team members!”

With that said, Tanaka raised Zanpakutō high and waved it straight at Ginjo Sorago in front of him.

Yincheng’s hands and feet were bound by Bakudō, and no matter how hard he struggled, it was of no avail.

Seeing the sharp Zanpakutō cut towards him, at this moment, he had completely given up the struggle, closed his eyes, and greeted his last moment.


However, what came into Yincheng’s ears was not the sound of his own blood splattering, but the sound of the collision of blades…

He opened his eyes and saw that Nogami also pulled out Zanpakutō, biting it with Tanaka’s knife.

Tanaka roared angrily, “Wild! You dare to shoot at me!”

“Yes… I’m sorry, Senior Tanaka, we are teammates, I didn’t mean to… It’s just that we really can’t kill this person so hastily! We don’t have this right!”

Nogami said laboriously, obviously, he was being suppressed by Tanaka.

Tanaka squinted his eyes, “I didn’t mean that, I mean…you dare to show your minions in front of me with your strength!?”

Tanaka held the sword in both hands and suppressed Yegami, who could not even stand firmly. At this time, Tanaka stretched out his leg and kicked him on the abdomen of the wild. He was kicked into the wild instantly and fell to the ground.

“Hey, get in the way.”

With that, Tanaka turned around again and stared at Yincheng.

Yincheng was already staring at him at this time, and he had been suppressed in the battle with the wild just now. And this Tanaka is even more terrifying, not only can he be cruel to his own people, but that powerful wild is not his opponent at all.

“It’s your turn, the guy who got in the way! Die to me!”

Tanaka raised the knife again and aimed it at the key of Yincheng.

“4.4 Solution!” At this moment, I only heard that Nogami shouted loudly. At the same time, Yincheng suddenly felt that his hands and feet were free again.

Yegami fell to the ground and saw that it was too late to stop Tanaka, so he hurriedly released Bakudō from Yincheng.

“Run! Run as far as you can!” Yegami shouted.

Yincheng immediately understood, stood up, turned his head and ran.

Tanaka snorted with an unhappy expression, “Hey, it’s really troublesome!”

As he said, he stretched out his left hand and aimed at the back of Yincheng, who was really planning to escape.

“The fourth of Bakudō·This rope!”

I saw a golden Reiatsu Hikari shoot out from Tanaka’s fingertips, and instantly flew to Ginjo Kogo, binding his hands and feet. With a thump, Yincheng was restrained again and fell heavily to the ground. .

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