Chapter 967

“The Fourth of Hadō·Bai Lei!”

Ginjo Sorago of Bakudō who had just been lifted by the wild was just about to use his unskilled Shunpo to escape. However, faster than him, he shot the golden Reiatsu chain from Tanaka’s fingertips.

The chains instantly tied Yincheng’s hands and feet, making him unable to move again.

Holding the knife, Tanaka walked towards the bound Silver City step by step, each step seemed to leave a murderous footprint.

“Trouble, trouble, trouble! It’s because of troublesome people like you that the corpse soul world can’t usher in the final peace! Kill you, kill all of you troublesome guys, and there will be no more turmoil! ”

“Senior Tanaka!”

As Tanaka approached the Silver City step by step, he suddenly heard a voice from the wild behind him.

He looked back, and stood up again on the field that was knocked down by him, and rushed towards him with a knife.

“Hey, there are nosy fellows like you… Bakudō No. 30: Mouth flashes three times!”

Hearing Tanaka recite the number 30 Bakudō, Nogami’s eyes widened in an instant. Bakudō on the 30th is no longer a joke for Shinigami of his level.

Moreover, using Bakudō of this level also means that Tanaka may have really been completely angry and lost his reason, and he can use this trick to his own people. I don’t know how cruel he has to deal with Yincheng.

However, when the wild wanted to react, it was too late.

Although his reason is superior to Tanaka, his strength is not.

Tanaka’s fingers drew a golden Reiatsu inverted triangle in the air. From the three corners of the inverted triangle, three sharp-mouthed beams of light were shot out instantly.

It was not enough to dodge in the wild, and the hands and waist were clamped by three beams of light. The impact of the huge shooting blasted him away, even crossing the small river, and being nailed to the rock wall on the opposite bank of the river.

“Senior Tanaka! Don’t!” Yegami yelled across the river.

No matter how he broke free, his hands and waist were clenched tightly by three flashes of his mouth, firmly nailed to the rock wall, unable to move the slightest.

On the other side of the river, Tanaka saw that he had taken control of the wild, and he walked towards Gincheng Konggo again.(Read more @

Ginjo Kogo’s hands and feet were bound by this rope. He couldn’t break free of Bakudō No. 1 just now, facing the rope of Bakudō No. 4, he couldn’t move at all.

He exerted all his strength before turning over from the ground and facing upwards. However, what he turned his head to see was indeed Tanaka’s fierce face.

“Why… why!? Why can you start with your companion without hesitation? Isn’t he just like you, Shinigami!?”

Tanaka’s fierce face showed a chilling smile, “Same as Shinigami, yes, but what about it? Do you have any misunderstandings about Shinigami?”

In fact, the reason why Ginjo wanted to become Shinigami was not because he longed for Shinigami. He thought that he wanted to become a formal Shinigami, but just because he wanted to stay in the soul world in a decent way. He heard about the situation in the corpse soul world from Mu Feng and Floating Bamboo, the stable Seireitei and the dangerous Liuhun Street, of course he wanted to stay in Seireitei.

Because he feels that Shinigami are at least good people whose duty is to maintain order, and there will be no evil villains.

However, what he saw and heard today completely broke his conception.

He was originally regarded as a disorderly Liuhun Street civilian, but instead became the one to be abused. But these Shinigami, who guarded the order, became the perpetrators.

So, what is the difference between Ruukun Street and Seireitei? No, all the Shinigami are strong and powerful, and there is also a captain-level Shinigami who is as powerful as a monster. Maybe the Seireitei full of Shinigami is even more dangerous than Rukon Street. And Liukun Street is heaven, and Seireitei is hell!

This complicated emotion flashed through Yincheng’s mind for an instant, and it was deeply imprinted in his mind. But in front of him, the thing that dangled his eyes was Zanpakutō in Tanaka’s hands.

“Don’t be naive, whether it is Seireitei or Rukunkai, it is a world where the weak and the strong eat the weak! Only strength can protect yourself! Give your safety to Shinigami? Do you think there is one of the two words Shinigami’ “God’, are we all as generous and kind as gods? Hahaha, idiot, just use your life to understand this fact!”

With that said, Tanaka was already standing in front of Silver City. He raised Zanpakutō high and aimed it at the neck of the immovable Ginjo.

Yincheng lowered his head and his face was covered with shadows.

“Only strength can protect yourself…” Yincheng whispered.

“You know it’s too late!”

With a swish, Tanaka took the knife and dropped it.

But at this moment, suddenly a powerful Reiatsu spouted from Ginjo Korgo’s body.

Tanaka was bounced and took a few steps back. In front of the storm of Reiatsu, he couldn’t help giving up his intention to attack, with his hands in front of him.

“This… where did this Reiatsu come from…”

In the middle of the Reiatsu storm, Ginjo Kogoo’s face was still covered with shadows. However, his hands and feet have returned to freedom, and he is slowly standing up.

Tanaka’s eyes widened suddenly, “Take this rope free? How can that kid have such a strong power?”

Ginjo did not answer, but continued to release Reiatsu. Seeing that his Reiatsu was released with visible efficiency, it gradually accumulated on his head, forming a cloud of spirits, which looked like a horror. grimace.

On the other side of the river 450, Nogami, who was controlled by three flashes of his mouth, was as surprised as Tanaka.

“Then…that Reiatsu…what’s the matter? It feels ominous, it’s just…it’s not like a person, but like a hollow Reiatsu! That guy, who is it!?”

Like Nogami, Tanaka also noticed the unusualness of this Reiatsu. He looked at Ginjo from a distance, and Reiatsu pouring out of Ginjo’s body.

An expression of disgust and anger appeared on his face involuntarily.

“This hollow Reiatsu, sure enough, that’s right, you really are a monster! Oh, my instinct is correct, you should cut the roots of your hollow pretending to be an adult!”

I saw Yincheng slowly raised his head, the expression on his face became indifferent. He looked at Tanaka with two faintly white eyes, and said coldly, “Human? Hollow? I don’t understand what you are talking about. But there is one thing I want to thank you for, thank you for reminding me. Only with power can I protect myself , The weak without strength can only be mermaid.”

“And you are the weak!”

With that, Tanaka rushed up again. However, when Ginjo waved his hand, a wave of Reiatsu swept out of his palm, ejecting Tanaka’s entire body more than ten meters away.

Yincheng said blankly, “It seems that you are the weaker side.”

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