Chapter 968

Tanaka was knocked into the air by Reiatsu and fell to the ground, frowning at Ginjo with almost no eyebrows: “Damn bastard, there is such a great power…”

Even Yincheng himself felt unbelievable.

He looked at the right hand that just released Reiatsu’s impact and knocked Tanaka into the air, and said: “This power…Although I don’t know what happened, this power is really interesting! I think there is nothing for me now. It can’t be done!”

As he said, he raised his head and fixed his gaze on Tanaka, “You look terrible, so let you suffer!”

Hearing only a muffled sound, Yincheng’s figure suddenly disappeared from Tanaka’s sight.

Tanaka’s body shook, “What!? At this speed, the footwork is so different from just now!” Before he recovered from his surprise, the figure of Silver City had appeared in front of his eyes.

I saw Ginjo’s face with a fierce light, holding up the fist of his right hand, which was also covered with circles of Reiatsu’s light.

“Oh! It’s too late to hide…”


In an instant, amid a loud noise, the ground suddenly cracked, and dust and sand rose up instantly.

“Senior Tanaka!”

Nogami saw that Tanaka was submerged in the smoke and yelled nervously. Although Tanaka restrained him with Bakudō, his nature was the kind of grievance with virtue. As a teammate, he would subconsciously care about Tanaka’s safety.

However, after a few seconds passed, the smoke and dust gradually dispersed, but Tanaka still maintained the original posture of falling to the ground. Except for some falling dust accidents, he did not seem to be injured.

He closed his eyes and looked like he was ready to meet death at any time.

“This…what’s going on?”

Tanaka slowly opened his eyes. He confirmed his body and found that he was not injured. Just now, Yincheng’s punch that seemed to be mortal if hit did not seem to hit him.

He lowered his head and saw that on the ground in front of him, Yincheng Konggo was lying there. It turned out that the explosion and smoke just now were all triggered after his blow hit the ground.

“But… damn… why…” said Yincheng, who fell on the ground, “I clearly feel that I have enough power in my body…but why…why does Shunpo still fall! There is no reason !”(Read more @

Hearing Yincheng’s words, even Tanaka couldn’t help showing an embarrassed expression.

“What the hell, this guy… doesn’t seem to be able to control his own power. Heh, although I don’t know what’s going on, it really helped me, you guy, let me die obediently!”

With that, Tanaka stood up, took advantage of Ginjo’s recovery, raised Zanpakutō and stab Ginjo’s back straight.

At this critical moment, Ginjo turned over and grabbed Tanaka’s Zanpakutō with his bare hands.

“You guy, do a sneak attack!”

Although Shunpo would still fall, Reiatsu kept pouring out of Ginjo’s body. With Reiatsu, the fear in his heart was wiped out, and he was even harder to speak.

Tanaka’s Zanpakutō was caught, but he couldn’t stab him, and he couldn’t pull it back.

“Asshole, the brute force is still so strong… But I am different from you! I am the true Shinigami!” Tanaka raised his left hand again, facing the Ginjo who was lying down with his palm, and started with his palm.氤氲Reiatsu.

“O Kings! The masks of flesh and blood, all phenomena, flapping wings, and things that bear the name of mankind! Truth and temperance, the wall of innocent dreams, stand only on it!”

Yincheng opened his eyes when he heard the incantation sung by Tanaka.

“This spell… it seems to have heard it somewhere… not good!” Ginjo, who sensed that something was wrong, immediately let go of the Zanpakutō blade in his hand. At this time, Tanaka’s Hadō had already chanted completely.

“Thirty-three of Hadō: Canghuo Fall!”


A blue flame burst out from Tanaka’s palm. The power of the fully chanted Canghuo fall was not to be underestimated. In an instant, a huge crack was blown in the ground, and the mud and rocks were dissolved into magma under the high-temperature flame.

However, this ultra-close-range Canghuo fell did not hit Silver City.

After Ginjo let go of Zanpakutō, he immediately got up and displayed Shunpo. After owning the new Reiatsu, the Reiatsu under the soles of the feet exploded more rapidly, and the instant impact was stronger. Yincheng escaped from the falling flames within a thousandth of a second, although it eventually fell to the ground not far away.

“It hurts… It still doesn’t work. Although the speed is faster, it still can’t stand still…” Yincheng stood up and looked back at the explosion of Canghuo’s fall, “I’ll just say how the spell sounds familiar, that’s not it. Did Master Mu Feng teach me the Hadō spell? It’s just that it sounds like some details are different, and it’s not the Red Artillery No. 31. Hearing what he said, the No. 33 Canghuo Pendant? Although I haven’t heard of it. , But thirty-three is more than thirty-one, it should be the stronger Hadō. If this is the case…”

Tanaka pushed aside the smoke and found that there was no hit to Silver City on the ground.

He frowned and said, “. 々 Damn it, it’s faster… That kid, it feels like a powerful bomb, with powerful power, but can’t be used flexibly. Interesting, if that’s the case, even if Reiatsu is in Above me, as long as I use my brain a little, with my actual combat experience, it is not his opponent!”

“O Kings! Masks of flesh and blood, Vientiane, flapping wings, things that are crowned with the name of mankind!”

When Tanaka was talking to himself like this, he suddenly heard the sound of a mantra chanting across the smoke. He fixed his eyes and saw that Yincheng Kongwu was standing not far away, raising a palm to him, muttering something in his mouth.

“He… what does he want to do!? The Canghuo Pendant I just used, does he want to copy it to deal with me? Ridiculous! Even the number four Bai Lei used to be forceful before, but now it is actually Delusion to use the No. 33 Blue Fire Pendant? I know that you have that powerful Reiatsu, but you don’t know how to control it, so you don’t have any wishful thinking!”

Although Tanaka said so, he was still panicked when he heard the incantations Ginjo Kori chanted continuously.

“Truth and temperance, the wall of innocent dreams, just stand on it!” Seeing that Yincheng had already chanted the incantation. At the same time, a blue Reiatsu light burst out from the palm of his hand.

Tanaka swallowed, and the confidence in his heart was wiped out. He turned around, turned around and ran. At the same time, Canghuo Pendant had been shot from the palm of Yincheng’s palm.

“Thirty-three of Hadō: Canghuo Fall!”

boom! !

A violent explosion sounded, and the monstrous flames rushed out like a beast. The ground, forest, and sky were instantly swallowed by this blue beast into its bottomless mouth… ….

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