Chapter 969

Blue flames spewed out from the palm of Yincheng’s palm, turning into a beast, and instantly rushing forward. In this process, it constantly changed its shape, swelled, and swallowed everything on its way. Until it rushed to the sky, it failed to decay the flame by one point.

In the blink of an eye, the forest was completely covered with blue, and the reflection of the blue beast was also reflected on the river.

“Senior Tanaka!” Seeing such a terrifying Hadō, on the other side of the river, the wild screaming again, which was clamped by three flashes of his mouth.

Although the strength of the wild is not as good as Tanaka, even among the Shinigami, it is almost the bottom of the existence.

However, he is also an official member of the thirteenth division, and he has seen many strong players. However, Kidō, who was as powerful as the flames in front of him, had never seen him before.

On one side, the Liuhun Street woman who caused everything to begin has fallen to the ground, unable to move.

Although her consciousness has not completely disappeared, this suffocating Reiatsu is like the pressure of deep sea water, making it impossible for a woman to move her fingers.

The flames raged, and the pale blue beast had completely lost its shape, and it was no longer what kind of beast it was. The flames expanded and erupted. There was nothing similar to describe. It was purely Reiatsu’s eruption, out of control. 250

Not to mention others, even Yincheng Kongwu himself was stunned.

He maintained the posture of shooting the blue fire, stretched out the palm of his right hand, and looked at the blue sea of ​​fire in surprise.

“My… God…” Yincheng retracted his right hand and stared at the palm of his right hand for a long time, “Is this really…I did it? Obviously just follow the example, even the spells are just now. It sounds, I didn’t expect the power to be so powerful… I felt that Reiatsu, who didn’t know where it came from, was all vented in an instant.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt dizzy before his eyes.

Although he stretched out his feet in time to stand firm, he still felt the sky spinning. At the same time, Reiatsu, who was constantly pouring out of his body, seemed to be closed with a valve, no longer rushing.

Ginjo shook his head and stayed awake, “Reiatsu in his body has become weak…what’s the matter?! Is it because of too much release?”(Read more @

“Good boy, I have such a strong Kidō talent. I misunderstood you…”


Silver City (bgej) looked ahead in disbelief, and from the flames that gradually weakened, Tanaka’s voice was heard again.

“Impossible, it is impossible to be alive when hit by such a power head-on? Is that Shinigami a monster?” Ginjo.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for Tanaka’s figure to walk out of the flames step by step. His body did not appear to be injured, even his clothes were intact, and there was no trace of being burned by the flame.

“It’s the first time I have seen such a large amount of Reiatsu’s Canghuo. Even the Kidō instructor in the Mao Spiritual Academy, there is no such strong Reiatsu.” Tanaka said, “But, no matter how strong it is, it’s just No. 33 Hadō! As long as you use Bakudō that is stronger than your Hadō, you can completely guard it! What’s more, you can completely guard against Hadō’s No. 81 Bakudō, Splitting Void, below No. 89.”

“Split… Splitting Void? Eighty-one?”

Silver City had never heard of Splitting Void, but judging from the number of eighty-one, he could already feel the strength of Bakudō.

Tanaka said, “Furthermore, boy, although your fire fall is powerful, it was wasted by you. It could have been stronger! Because you don’t know how to control Reiatsu, and you are not proficient in how to cast Hadō. As a result, most of Reiatsu, which was supposed to be concentrated in the blue flame, escaped into the surrounding air! Not so much Hadō, it is better to say that this is simply the impact of your Reiatsu? Look at the surrounding flames, Think about it, if they all focus on me, will I still live?”

Tanaka opened his arms, as if showing the blue flame behind him to Silver City.

At the same time, he secretly felt fear in his heart.

Although he said that he would use the Splitting Void to block the silver fire pendant of Silver City, in fact, how can Shinigami of his level skillfully use the eighty-one Bakudō? His Splitting Void is also full of loopholes and incomplete. It happened that Silver City’s Blue Fire Pendant was greatly reduced because of Reiatsu’s escape.

In other words, Tanaka’s life can be said to be completely recovered.

Yincheng listened to Tanaka’s words, and he was so excited just now that he was instantly splashed with cold water.

He checked his palm again, “I thought it was a success. It turned out to be a half-hearted attack. Damn it… Even with such a strong Reiatsu, I still can’t do it well…”

“Wrong! Boy, now you, even that powerful Reiatsu has been vented by you, and I can feel it! Your suffocating strong Reiatsu is gone!”

Ginjo was surprised: Oh, he found out…what is going on with Reiatsu in my body? It didn’t feel like I had used it up, but that Reiatsu’s “valve” was suddenly closed, and I didn’t want to lend Reiatsu to me anymore. Worse, if there is no Reiatsu, then I am going to be unilaterally beaten again…

Tanaka saw the hesitation on Ginjo’s face, he couldn’t help but smiled, “Hey, I got it right? Although I don’t know where your inexplicable Reiatsu came from, but now, you have changed again. A lamb that is only slaughtered. Wasn’t it arrogant just now? Pay the price for your arrogance!”

Tanaka roared, and once again carried Zanpakutō and rushed towards Ginjo. Halfway through, his figure suddenly disappeared from Yincheng’s sight.

Yincheng understood that he was using Shunpo to move quickly. Although he thought so in his heart, Yincheng’s body couldn’t keep up with his movements at all.

When he just started to react, a kick hit the left side of his neck. After feeling the pain, he saw Tanaka kicking at him.

In the next instant, Yincheng flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

Tanaka looked indifferently towards the fallen Silver City, his eyes were both angry and cruel, “It’s really a twists and turns, you bastard. You have caused such a troublesome thing by you, you’d better have done it well. I’m prepared to use my life to apologize!”.

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