Chapter 974

Yincheng fell to the ground, his body completely unable to move, and his heart was filled with tens of thousands of doubts, and the Liuhun Street woman beside him was also helpless and didn’t know what to do.

Yincheng thought to herself: Do you want to tell this woman where Master Mu Feng is, so that she can send me back?

Forget it, don’t expose it.

I’ll just lie down here for a while, and I will go back by myself when I recover a little energy.

Just as Yincheng was thinking about it, footsteps came from the woods behind him. Upon hearing the footsteps, Yincheng’s heart immediately became happy.

“It’s Master!”

Maybe he didn’t even notice it himself, he had already recognized this step without seeing Mu Feng.

This kind of perception Reiatsu’s spiritual perception can only be possessed by experienced Reiatsu users. However, Ginjo has already begun to have this perception.

Sure enough, as the footsteps approached, Mu Feng’s figure also walked out of the woods.

Mu Feng looked at Yincheng on the ground, ignored him, and quickly looked around again.

Several traces of bombardment by Reiatsu, blood sprinkled on the ground, and a broken arm.

“It seems that the battle is fiercer than I thought.” Mu Feng said to himself.

“Master! Master Mu Feng! I’m 307 here!” Yincheng shouted in a weak voice.

Mu Feng walked to Yincheng and muttered, “I still have the strength to speak. It’s not easy, kid.”

He bent down, came to Yincheng, and looked at the woman.

“That, Master, this young lady is…”

Seeing Mu Feng coming, Yincheng explained what happened just now, the causes and consequences.

Although there were several pauses in the middle because of physical exhaustion, at any rate, he made everything clear. The Liuhun Street woman on the side was shocked by Mu Feng’s aura, she just nodded and didn’t dare to say anything.

“Heh, fight with two Shinigami for two sweet potatoes, you really belong to you.” Mu Feng laughed.

Ginjo Road, “Isn’t the relationship between two sweet potatoes good? The Shinigami named Tanaka is really bullying.”

Mu Feng thought for a while, and confirmed his memory. He didn’t know that there was a guy surnamed Tanaka.

“Hey, Master Mu Feng, with your feet, you should be able to get over soon, right? Why is it now…” Yincheng asked.

Mu Feng looked indifferent, “Ah, note that I have noticed it a long time ago, but I don’t think Shinigami should be your opponent in general, so I didn’t rush over.”

Ginjo was startled, and turned to Byakugan and shouted, “What!? Do you know how dangerous it was just now!! I was almost killed by the Shinigami named Tanaka!! I am dying, you will lose your only apprentice. !!!”(Read more @

Mu Feng also turned Byakugan, “So useless disciple, don’t worry.”

“Master, you…”

Mu Feng is indeed the same as he said, in fact, he perceives the battle between Ginjo and Shinigami early in the morning. However, he noticed that Reiatsu of Ginjo had been suppressing the two Shinigami, and the two Shinigami seemed to show signs of infighting. He thought that he could just use this opportunity to stimulate the potential of Yincheng, and perhaps it would be more efficient than a step-by-step practice.

“Okay, what are you complaining about? Didn’t you win? Not only that, but also cut off one of Shinigami’s hand.”

“Even though it is true…”

Mu Feng said, “By the way, didn’t you say you were injured? Show me.”

“Yes, yes, that guy stabbed a lot of holes in my body with the stabbing sword… my shoulders, and my chest, it hurt just now. But… eh? It doesn’t seem to hurt that much anymore.”

Mu Feng opened the clothes on Yincheng’s chest, but found no wounds.

He frowned and looked at the skin on Yincheng’s chest. There were indeed some new tender flesh, which was slightly whiter than the skin on other parts.

He thought: Speeding regeneration? ! So that’s it, the Reiatsu just now should also be an hollow Reiatsu. That fellow Paradox seems to have kept the contract between us well.

“It’s OK (bidh), it’s okay.” Mu Feng said.

“But… I can’t move my body at all, Master, what’s going on?!”

Mu Feng curled his lips, “Uncontrollably releasing so much Reiatsu all at once, this is a side effect. Not only this time, in this world, you get the power of Shinigami for the first time to fight against the hollow, and it is also because of the same reason that you fainted. Past. You have to overcome this.”

“Did you release too much Reiatsu? That’s why Tanaka said the same…”

Listening to the conversation between Mu Feng and Yincheng, the woman couldn’t speak at all. Not only did she not understand a lot of words, but the two seemed to completely ignore her.

Mu Feng looked at her and said, “Miss, this apprentice of mine made it like this to save you. Can you do me a favor?”

The woman was startled, “Wh…what busy?”

“Please forget everything you saw here today and don’t tell anyone.” Mu Feng said.

The woman shivered and said, “I…I understand, I promise I won’t tell anyone.”

Mu Feng smiled, “What I want is not a guarantee on my lips.”

He looked straight at the woman, and the woman couldn’t help but look into his eyes. The eyes of the two intersect, and the woman’s eyes gradually become godless, like a puppet.

Mu Feng said, “Go home, forget everything you saw today.”


The woman replied mechanically, then stood up and walked slowly to the opposite side of the river, disappearing into the woods on the opposite bank steadily.

A small illusion, so elementary that it can no longer be elementary, erased part of the memory. This little bit completely solved the possibility of revealing the whereabouts of Mu Feng and Yincheng.

“Huh? What about that woman…what did you do to her, Master Mu Feng?”

Mu Feng said, “Let her be tight-lipped, don’t worry, it won’t cause any harm to her.”

As he said, Mu Feng propped up Yincheng with one hand, “It’s quite heavy, you, let’s go, go back and talk about it first.”

Yincheng smiled awkwardly, without speaking.

“By the way, I almost forgot.”

I saw Mu Feng dragged Yincheng with one hand, and extended his other hand to the distance, aiming at the arm of Tanaka that was chopped off by Yincheng on the ground.

Reiatsu gathered in the palm of Mu Feng’s palm, gradually emitting a lavender flame.

“The Fifty-Four of Hadō·Abolish the Flame!”

A disc-shaped purple flame ejected from the palm of Mu Feng’s palm and flew directly to the half of his arm.

Yincheng blinked, “This is?!”

“If I don’t burn out what I want to burn out, the abolition of inflammation will not go out. Isn’t it convenient to use it to clean up the traces of battle here?”

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