Chapter 975

Waste inflammation burned the broken arm, and within a few seconds, the broken arm was burned to a smear of fly ash. Yincheng looked at his arm in surprise, and blinked, “This…Is this also Hadō?”

“You will learn it sooner or later.”

While talking, Mu Feng helped Yincheng leave the river bank and walked into the woods. Within a few minutes, Mu Feng took him back to the clearing in the heart of the woods.

Entering the thatched hut, Mu Feng put Yincheng on the cot. Until then, Yincheng’s body was still unable to move.

He lay on his back on the bed, looking at the roof of the thatched house, “I said, Master, when can my body move…Can you heal me?”

Mu Feng looked at him blankly, “You are not injured, why do you need treatment? You are now exhausted, if you want to recover, just lie down and rest. Or…”

“Or what? Is there a faster way?” Yincheng seemed to see a glimmer of hope, “I want to get better quickly and continue practicing.”

Mu Feng said, “That means you learn to condense Reiatsu by yourself, so that Reiatsu can recover quickly.”

Regarding condensing Reiatsu, this technique can be said to be the basis of combat. The essence of the battle is Reiatsu’s duel, but if which party runs out of Reiatsu first, then he is sentenced to death. Having exhausted Reiatsu in battle like Silver City, he is basically a dead person.

Therefore, learning how to use the gaps in the battle to recover Reiatsu while fighting. This can be said to be the foundation of the foundation and the top priority.

Regarding the method, Mu Feng had already mentioned it to Yincheng three days ago. The difficulty is not high, but it is no surprise that Silver City has not been able to master it.

Yincheng’s face was embarrassed, “Uh…then I will try my best, Master.”

Mu Feng also nodded helplessly, and said, “Well, it’s up to you to recover in advance.” He said, he walked outside the door.

“Master, where are you going?”

Mu Feng said without looking back, “Be less wordy and recover with peace of mind.”

After speaking, Mu Feng flashed around and disappeared in front of the thatched cottage.

Yincheng grumbled, “Cut, I can’t move a single move right now, what if I get attacked? Master really doesn’t know how to behave.”

Although he complained so much, Yincheng knew it clearly in his heart. It’s been three days since I came to this place, at least in the clearing in the middle of the woods, I haven’t met a single person.(Read more @

It’s better to take a rest instead of trying to explore Reiatsu’s condensing method.

After sleeping, maybe you can recover after waking up. Thinking like this, Yincheng closed his eyes, and within a few minutes, his consciousness sank into the long-lasting darkness.

At this time, Mu Feng’s Shadow Clone stepped on Shunpo and returned to the river where Silver City fought the two Shinigami just now.

He inquired around, carefully inspecting the battlefield.

Then I came to the upper reaches of the river, standing on the surface of the water with both feet, arms folded in front of his chest, overlooking the downstream in front.

“There are more traces of fighting than I thought. This kid, Silver City, will really cause trouble… Forget it, but fortunately, he has grown a bit after this battle. All these are worth it. , I was only summoned from the technique today, and Reiatsu and Chakra in the body are still abundant. For the sake of the future, let’s do it beautifully.”

As he said, the water surface under Mu Feng’s feet had already begun to rippling, and the ripples spread to the surroundings, gradually stirring up waves. In his body, Chakra was surging violently.

Mu Feng opened his eyes sharply and quickly formed complicated handprints in his hands.

“Water Style·Great Waterfall Technique!”

In an instant, the torrent of Chakra merged with the water at Mu Feng’s feet. The originally calm river surface instantly surpassed the sky, and the flood rolled over. The water rushing like a herd broke through the boundary of the river bank and quickly rushed downstream.

In the blink of an eye, the calm river downstream was also hit by floods.

Not only the river, but also on both sides of the river bank, where Silver City fought with Tanaka and Nogami before, were all washed away by floods and covered in turbulent waters.

The traces of those battles disappeared instantly with the remnants of Reiatsu under this violent impact.

Upstream, Mu Feng looked at everything in front of him with satisfaction, “This way, there should be no traces left. The water flow hit the area where the fight was just now, and it will be diverted and weakened even further downstream. What obvious impact will it have on downstream. For Chakra in my Shadow Clone, it’s pretty good to do this, after all, there is still other things to do…”

· ··Find flowers································································

As he said, he raised his head and looked into the distance, looking down downstream, that was the area leading to the front of Ruukun Street, and it was also the area closer to Seireitei.

“The two Shinigami should be going downstream. They must want to go back to Seireitei and call for rescue. One person was slightly injured, the other had a broken arm, severely injured, and Reiatsu consumed a lot. This way. Two people should not run far. And for a guy of this level, my remaining Reiatsu should be enough to deal with it. In short, I can’t leave anything alive…”

With that, Mu Feng stepped on Shunpo and chased him in the direction where Tanaka and Nogami had fled.

Runlin’an, District 1, Liuhun Street, Boundary

In the quiet woods, the branches and leaves suddenly trembled a few times, making a rustling sound. At the same time, two Shinigami figures in death-tyrant costumes appeared on the clearing. These two are not others, but Tanaka and Nogami.

Nogami supported Tanaka with his broken arm, panting and sweating profusely.

Tanaka’s face was pale, and he looked weakly at the wild, “You kid, I can run so fast with my bag, it seems I underestimated you.”

“Hehe…hehe…” Wild Kami wiped the sweat on his face and smiled, “Because I, I don’t have any talent for fighting, and neither spiritual power nor kendo has anything to do. However, only Shunpo seems to be It’s easy to master, so I have been practicing Shunpo hard. Now, I should be faster than the average person.”

Tanaka smiled helplessly, “So, do you practice Shunpo hard… Haha, only you, a simple fellow, will do this.”

“Hey, yes, after all, he is the official member of the thirteenth division, at least he can’t hold back his teammates.”

Tanaka shook his head, “No, no, you didn’t take off your hind legs. At the speed of your Shunpo, you have surpassed most of the team members. Maybe, you really have a special talent on Shunpo. Keep practicing. , Maybe one day, it may surpass the legendary Shushen Yeichi.”

Nogami hurriedly waved his hand and said, “No, no, no, I don’t dare to be so delusional…I can save my companion at a critical moment like this, I am already content.”.

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