Chapter 977

I saw a group of crows flying by among the treetops above the forest, flapping their wings and dropping black feathers.

“Wild!!!” Tanaka roared.

Yamagami was right in front of him, however, he had been completely penetrated by the tentacles.

Blood, internal organs, and a few bright red spine bones with muscles and muscles were scattered on the ground. As the tentacles kept swinging, the wild body also swayed like a puppet.

But at this time, Nogami hadn’t lost consciousness. Gugu blood spurted from his mouth, his eyes were pitch black, and he looked at Tanaka blankly.

He stretched out his trembling hand and reached out to Tanaka.

“Tanaka…senior…good…it hurts…help me…I don’t want to die…I don’t want to die like this…save…me…”

“Bastard!! Let go of the wild!!”

With a roar, Tanaka instantly pulled out Zanpakutō from his waist with his left hand.

He waved Zanpakutō, and slashed madly on the tentacles that pierced the body of the wild 18. The wound on his right arm burst into blood again, but he couldn’t care about the pain anymore, and there was only the wild in front of him.

“Gluck…what the hell, why is such a weak guy? It’s not even worth being eaten by me!” The virtual voice came from the woods again.

Tanaka’s Zanpakutō chopped on the tentacles, but as if chopped on steel, he made a “boom” sound, but there was not even a scar on the tentacles.

He heard a virtual voice coming from the woods, so regardless of the pain of the broken arm, he planned to rush into the woods with Zanpa. With the Reiatsu he has left, he can no longer use Kidō.

However, before Tanaka could take two steps, another crimson tentacled came out of the woods and brushed against his cheek


Tanaka was stunned in place, but a scream came from behind him. He looked back and saw only the second tentacles, which completely penetrated the wild body.

The wild figure was originally thin and tall, and was pierced by the tentacles of the two trunks. The entire trunk was almost invisible, and the internal injuries and skeleton were all squeezed out.

At this time, Nogami finally tilted his head, and the last gleam of light in his eyes disappeared.


“Sizzle…”(Read more @

Tanaka yelled Nogami’s name, and at the same time, the two tentacles that pierced the wild upper body tore away in two directions. In an instant, Yegami’s body was torn in half, from the left shoulder to the right waist, and even some internal organ fragments remaining in the body could be clearly seen.

Patter, patter, two parts of the body fell off the bleeding and landed on the ground.

And on the two crimson tentacles, the blood in the wild was still dripping continuously.

Seeing this scene, even Tanaka has completely lost his mind.

The last second was still in the wild talking to himself, however, this second has become a corpse on the ground. Tanaka’s head buzzed instantly, as if it had exploded.

“Prick his heart! Go back!”

Hearing Tanaka’s roar, the Zanpakutō in his hand glowed with a dazzling light, instantly transforming from the shape of a Japanese sword into a Western stabbing sword.


He desperately rushed to the two tentacles, the back stab in his hand stabs the tentacles frantically. However, the two tentacles seemed invulnerable and didn’t mean to be injured at all.

After dozens or dozens of stabbings, only a few small holes were left in the tentacles.

In the blink of an eye, the pores healed quickly, as if nothing had happened.

Tanaka can’t manage so much, and his death in the wild has deeply stimulated his reason.

Knowing that his Reiatsu could no longer use Kidō, he forcibly liberated Zanpakutō. From this we can see that he has completely given up his desire to survive.

“You guy is not bad, at least know Shikai.”

A virtual voice came again, “It seems that you are qualified to be swallowed by me.”

“Get out of here!!” Tanaka yelled at the woods.

With such a roar, the two tentacles that had killed the wild plunged back into the woods in an instant. At the same time, the rustle of branches and leaves and the sound of fine footsteps began to come, and they were getting closer.

After a while, I saw an alien virtual coming out of the woods.

He has six limbs, lying on the ground like a spider, and his body is gray-green. Behind him, countless crimson tentacles were swinging in the air, looking like his hair, but they were also waving flexibly like limbs.

On his mask, there are a pair of sharp horns on the sides of the black cheeks and the chin. The hollow eyes are round, and the eyes are densely covered with orange Madara patterns.

“Hehe, Shinigami. What if I came out, so you can beat me?! Waiting for you… is still only a dead end.” Hollowsaid.

Tanaka gritted his teeth, sweat and blood rolled down, his head buzzing as if he had been bombarded by a cannonball.

“You… asshole… dare to kill the wild… I can’t spare you!!”

“Hahaha! Can’t forgive me? Find out the situation, now you are the prey! Hey, Shinigami, is that your Shikai? It’s not useless that I came here from Kengmu, and I really hit the jackpot when I came. Tell me. Me, what is your Shikai ability. 960”

Tanaka’s eyes widened, “You bastard…what did you say!?”

Xu sighed, “It’s too much trouble to explain. In short, tell me, is there any hidden ability in Shikai? In this way, after you are swallowed by me, Mehta Stasia, I can do better too. Use your Zanpakutō, you can be considered dead.”

“Mehta…Stasia? Devour my Zanpakutō ability? What are you talking about!”

Mehta Stacia gave another weird smile, “My ability is to swallow! As long as I swallow you, you can use your power. I also came here to swallow more and stronger guys. .Soon, my power will surpass the leader-level Shinigami. At that time, I will attack you Seireitei! Swallow that man…that man who made me…into my stomach! ”

“I don’t understand what you are saying!! But I can’t spare you!!” Tanaka yelled, holding the knife with his left hand, and wanted to charge again.

“Wait a minute, Shinigami. Your opponent, it’s not me. Look behind you.” Metastacia said.

Tanaka’s eyes widened suddenly when he heard him say this.

At the same time, a weak voice came from behind him.

“Tanaka…Senior…Why don’t you come to save me…”.

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