Chapter 978

“Senior Tanaka… why… why didn’t you save me…” Tanaka’s eyes widened. He couldn’t be more familiar with this voice, it was Nogami.

So he ignored the Metastacia in front of him, and turned his head hurriedly. As expected, Nogami was standing behind him.

A smile overflowed on Tanaka’s face for a moment, but the smile only lasted for a moment before it froze.


The sharp blade pierced Tanaka’s body in an instant, his eyes widened, and he looked at Yegami’s face.

The eyes of the wild still looked like dead, without any brilliance, and the orange Madara pattern similar to Metastacia appeared around the eyes.

“Wild…you…” Tanaka spat out a puff of blood, “You…”

At this time, Metastacia’s voice came from behind Tanaka, “It’s really stupid, Shinigami…I saw him torn in half by me, but when I saw him stand up again, it’s still nothing. Lean forward defenselessly…This is the flaw that your Shinigami will never be able to overcome.”

Tanaka realized that after Metastacia said.

Just now he clearly watched Nogami Heng died in front of him with his own eyes. However, it was too late at this time. Although I don’t know why Nogami stood up again, his knife has already pierced Tanaka’s key.

Tanaka’s eyes widened, and doubts and despair filled his brain.

Before he had time to react, he only heard a sound of “cock”, and the air was torn again, and a crimson tentacled, just like piercing the field, also pierced Tanaka’s body.

Tanaka slowly lowered his head and looked at the tentacles sticking out of his stomach and still squirming, his brain was blank.

In a few seconds, the severe pain came slowly, but soon, the pain was replaced by numbness.


Nogami in front of Tanaka slowly spit out these words, stepped back a few steps, and fell to the ground again. And his body, which was connected for some reason, also turned into two segments, falling in a pool of blood, without a trace of anger.

“How on earth is this…cough…thing…” Tanaka spouted blood.

Metastacia said, “Haha, is it interesting? The guy who was killed by me was controlled by me, that’s all. But like that weak guy, there is only this point of use value. Don’t worry, he I won’t stand up anymore.”(Read more @

Tanaka twitched all over, his face pale.

He was already badly injured, and he almost shed the last drop of blood in his body.

“However, your luck is much better than him. Your name is Tanaka, right? Hehe, because you know Shikai, I will make an exception and accept your soul.”

“You said…what!?” Tanaka said.

“Immediately you will understand. Your soul, your power, will always exist in the depths of my Metastacia soul, unite with me and make me stronger. This is your honor, gladly Accept this gift, Shinigami.”

Tanaka vomited another stream of blood, “No…no! I will be let you succeed! Even if I die, I won’t be your puppet!”

As he said, Tanaka raised his back stab, pointed the tip of the sword at his heart, and stabbed in fiercely without hesitation. The heart was pierced, and blood suddenly spilled all over the floor. At the same time, a deep chill came to Tanaka’s whole body.

“Hahahaha!” Mehta Starcia gave a smirk, “Do you think that you can get away with it? It’s useless! Your soul, I’m going to make it!”

With that, Metastacia’s tentacles that pierced Tanaka’s body began to emit strange dark purple rays. The light became stronger and stronger, and Tanaka felt warmth from his wound. The temperature seemed to melt his body and melt him into the tentacles. In the blink of an eye, the light had completely swallowed him, and he, without even a trace of resistance, could only look at his body a little bit, becoming the food of Metastacia…


Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…

A figure shuttled between the woods, running fast, driving the surrounding branches and leaves to rustle. At the same time, even though this is Shunpo at first glance, there is no trace of Reiatsu left after every step.

While running, Mu Feng’s Shadow Clone look more and more solemn.

“Well, I originally thought that those two guys were badly injured and could not run far, but now they are going to chase Runlin’an. If they can’t catch up again, then they will return to Seiring Palace. I was careless. I didn’t expect that there would be a Shunpo master among the two Shinigami. I knew it, I should have chased it first, and then dealt with the traces of the battle on the river bank.”

Although he said so, Mu Feng still speeded up.

He was convinced that there was nothing wrong with this road, and it was the shortest and shortest way to the Seireitei from the river bank. If he were the two Shinigami, he would definitely choose this path.

In the blink of an eye, Mu Feng has entered the realm of Runlin’an, and his heart has become heavier. “.ˇ嘁, if you can’t catch up, you can only let the body in the Seireitei to give those two people to…”

Before Mu Feng could finish speaking, a strong smell of blood drifted into the tip of his nose.

He stopped hurriedly and jumped from the treetops to the ground.

After calming down, I smelt it carefully, not only the smell of blood, but also the scent of Reiatsu intertwined.

So he hurriedly restrained Reiatsu all over his body, pretending to be a passerby without Reiatsu, and slowly walked in the direction where the smell of blood came.

He walked among the woods, and the closer he got to the front, Reiatsu felt more and more intense besides the smell of blood.

(Got it)

Mu Feng muttered in his heart: Although several strands of Reiatsu were mixed together, it should not be wrong. This feeling…Two strands of Reiatsu were left by the two Shinigami who fought with Ginjo on the river.

Thinking of this, Mu Feng couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Anyway, no matter what happened ahead, he finally caught up with the two Shinigami and prevented Ginjo’s position from being exposed at Lifu Mountain.

But soon, an ominous hunch struck Mu Feng’s heart again: No, there is another Reiatsu… it is false! ? How is this going? In this Runlin’an, there will be a virtual reality! ?

Thinking about this, he took three steps and two steps, and soon came to the source of the bloody smell.

When Mu Feng opened the branches and leaves and saw the scene in front of him, even he couldn’t help but tremble in his heart.

“Good guy… who dare to do such a thing in Runlinan?”.

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