If caught, if lucky, this could put me and my friend in a very dangerous state.

  Can you say I still have a chance?"

  "Even if you don't want to grab it anymore, ask your friends.

  Since you say that more than one of you will be hurt once the opportunity is taken, then the choice, they have the right to choose not to hurt you.

  "Look at Luo

  Bing's eyes, Xia Ming said lightly:"

  A true partner is not someone who enjoys blessings, but a person who is willing to accompany you on a road that will never turn back."

  Robin listened to Xia Ming's words, fell into silence, then looked at Xia Ming's eyes a little bit, and asked: 'Like your day, you want to stand opposite the navy LaVine' nodded, Xia Ming smiled, Said: Yes, in this sea area, people who can be called partners are not common.

  So, can't we help alienate and leave them out of fear and panic?"

  "But, but"

  Robin said stupidly.

  Xia Ming smiled and shook his head, Robin is really stubborn! When she was about to convince Xia Ming, she suddenly couldn't help but gasped and shouted: "Who is hiding there, get out."

  Pan Xiaming's Swift is also Xia Ming, its Xia Ming points to the left shoulder, and the right side refers to Xia Ming's direction.

  The person saw that Xia Ming had found it, and then walked out of the place he had just avoided.


  After Xia Ming and Robin could not help but were shocked to see what the man looked like, but Robin walked around, the two of them.

  I bowed my head and said in a sobbing voice, "I'm sorry to interrupt your date.

  I'm sorry, but I'll let you continue right away."

  Then he turned to leave.


  The two who had just reacted couldn't help shouting again.

  The Xia Ming looked at Robin about to leave, and shouted, "Where are you going! Robin, are we dating?

  If you're discussing something, you should come here"

  !" After hearing Xia Ming's runway, Robin turned around to Xia Ming's side, not just sharing a lost look.

  Xia Ming shook his head helplessly and said to Robin, "Miss Robin, I'm joking with you.

  As I said earlier, you can't give up your partner because of fear.

  Then you can't find your own partner in life, I don't believe it, right?" Xia Ming looked at Robin, who lowered his head.

  When Xia Ming saw it, he continued: "Do you know how to write the word partner, two people, one fire, one and a half I always thought fire was rice, so I always understood the two words for partner.

  : When two people arrive together, a bowl of rice is divided into two people, no matter how good or bad the meal is, even if two people who have been hungry for a long time find a piece of cake, they will be divided into two halves, even if the last two people starve to death."

  "Two people, a bowl of rice, divided into two portions, are partners.

  "Robin heard Xia Ming's words very interesting and accurate, but he was still a little skeptical and nodded, then said:"

  Why two people starved to death, they didn't choose to give one person to let one person continue to live, is it okay?"

291, the mysterious factor! ?


  Robin answered first, and Robin froze.

  Just listen to Robin and say, "Because they're real partners, neither of them wants the other to die, so they want to leave the pie to each other like you said.

  What will the pie do when both think so? So two people eat cake separately even if they starve, they feel at ease because they did their best and their partner wasn't there They will even breathe a sigh of relief when they die in front of them.

  If they die," Robin listened for a moment, Xia Ming laughed, because Robin said what he wanted to express.

  "Is it really"

  Robin didn't dare to think because she had lost so much that she didn't dare to think.

  "You don't know if you've tried it!"

  Then without looking at Robin's expression, how could Bingxue not know what Robin was thinking! Then he said, "If you still don't believe that Luffy won't abandon you and leave you alone, we can try it.

  We can help you, Xia Ming, you can do it."

  After hearing Robin's words, Robin flashed his yearning.

  Shaking his head at Xia Ming's side, when he was with Robin, he said anxiously, "Have you... helped Robin and Robin untie, and asked her to accept Luffy, why don't you agree now?"

  Robin was also disappointed that Xia Ming did not agree with Robin's proposal.

  After watching Robin, Xia Ming said: "True friendship is not obtained through experiments, like us, LaVine, Smokers, Casa, Corey, May Bernard, we have tested it! But I believe that the friendship between us will not, the difference between friendship and dozens of so-called exchanges, do you know why?" After listening to Xia Ming's words, Robin and Robin showed suspicious expressions, Xia Ming smiled when he saw it, and said, "No.

  Don't say why, even though we tested Luffy for Rubin today and it turned out that Luffy was indeed worth Robin, but if they knew what they would have thought one day, I think even if Robin became their true partner at the time knowing that they were with Robin Will there be a gap? This relationship is deep inside.

  As long as you put in the effort, others will feel it, Robin has to say that you are lucky to meet a group of people like Luffy, you and I get along these days, and you want me to tell you how their character is now! Like Saron, Robin met your partner.

  All you have to do now is protect your friendship and trust your partner.

  "The so-called Xia Ming waved his hand and Robin left.

  Robin standing by the beach just spoke to Xia Ming, he couldn't help thinking: "Trust them and protect your friendship."

  Then Robin frowned and left the beach.

  Luffy and the others didn't find anything odd about Robin because they had a great time, so after a few days of crazy travel, the group was reluctant to be separated again in the capital seven waters! They were all in the sea Struggle for real people! So they made another deal: when they meet again at sea, they continue to communicate and entertain their first few things!" Khalifa, you're still truthful to your next question.

  You have been abandoned by the army, and there is no need to obey the justice of the navy.



  Xia Ming walked to the Kalifa holding the inside, bent down, looked at the bound Xia Ming Kalifa and smiled.

  Indeed, Khalifa is considered to be an abandoned man by the navy.

  When Xia Ming and the navy were talking to each other that day, the navy didn't ask Kalifa, and even before she left, she didn't mention that she would take the woman.

  Kalifa looked up at Xia Ming and couldn't help being a little scared.

  These Xia Ming and others discussed her knowledge of pirates and the threat to the navy, but she didn't expect that the navy would still choose to compromise, so why would the navy members be afraid of her, the members, not panic.

  So Khalifa nodded his promise to Xia Ming.

  Xia Ming was surprised when he saw the cooperation, but he said, "Miss, the current affairs person is handsome.

  I will ask you the same question and I will ask others.

  If you don't tell the truth, don't blame me for the spoiler for smashing the flowers.

  "When Xia Ming flashed a cold light, he looked at it trembling and nodded quickly.

  This time Xia Ming smiled and pointed to a cabinet in the room and said:"

  There's a gold coin in that cabinet, and I want you to spend it for the rest of your life, or answer my questions honestly, if you behave well, money is your money."

  The big stick and jujube mean that Xia Ming was useless among the dragons in his past life, and now it can't help but grab it.

  My heart appreciates Xia Ming even more! "Please listen, I ask you.

  The Navy has asked you to collect blueprints for ancient weapons."

  Xia Ming is the most concerned about this.

  Of course, he had already guessed three 3s in his mind, but he still wanted to be sure.

  After hearing Xia Ming's words, Khalifa thought for a while, raised his head and said, "If the data I saw in the classified file room is true, the navy should have collected three ancient weapons."

  "It's really three 3s, isn't it! The bottom line is rich."

  After Xia Ming couldn't help but hear what Kari made.

  Coca legislation was announced "how do you know."

  "Oh, there's almost nothing in the world that I don't know,."

  Xia Ming put on an incomprehensible look, looked at Kalifa, and said softly.

  "Your answer is very good, and I can tell you that I know you far more than you can imagine."

  The word Xia Ming aroused Kalifa's curiosity, and after seeing Kalifa, Xia Ming continued: "You said that the three weapons should be Athena's weapons.

  , Apollo and Ares.

  , I can tell you now: Athena's is like a machine brain, like wearing a helmet, people will turn into ruthless killing machines, get immortal corpses Apollo's corpse is a dangerous bomb with destructive power, Destroyed a nation in an instant Designed to be burned by Magellan The only Apollo that remained was sealed by the world. Ares' body was this gigantic humanoid weapon, the god of rock, which was twice the size of a giant.

  It once slept in the endless abyss "Black Sea"

  bottom of.

  I don't know if I'm right, Miss Karifa!" To see the underlined version of the novel please download Fei Lu's novel

292, the power of elimination! ?

  "You, you are a person, a ghost, why, you, you all know.

  And, some aren't even in ours."

  Karifa looked at the surprise in Xia Ming, and the Xia Ming she knew until now was even more terrifying than he imagined.

  "Of course I'm human, like I still don't know anything."

  Xia Ming smiled, looked at Kalifa and said, "It's like whether the drawing of Poseidon in the iceberg is in your hands."

  Elpida didn't answer their words, just stared at Xia Ming deeply.

  When Xia Ming became more frustrated, Canal came out again.

  After looking deeply at Xia Ming's expression, he also ordered the ratio of Tina and Tina Fish, and after Grod Xia Ming bowed slightly, he said, "You know this is not right?"

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