Said that the canal tried to remove the cape and shirt together! The white delicate back suddenly appeared in front of Xia Ming! Fortunately, Xia Ming and Ding Li did not show any ugliness.

  Of course, he knew what the sign behind it meant! After a previous life, he had seen pirates and talked about it.

  Although at this point it's unclear why he changed Luffy's treatment to him, she still decides to help Canal forget about the gray in the same year! "Is it sashimi? What are you doing with this it's not as good as mine."

  Zai Xia Ming deliberately asked.

  Of course, he himself called "sashimi"

  It is a mysterious family trademark.

  The canal is still there: trembling! All three sisters breathed a sigh of relief, when she heard the signs of Xia Ming's refusal to admit it, Kaina was still a little unwilling.

  Of course, she had heard Xia Ming's words clearly, so she said, "You mean, your body is the same as the marks on your body?"

  The two Kralls watched Xia Ming together.

  Xia Ming, who was starving to death, took off his shirt, revealed the sign behind him, and said, "Look! Look!"

  Idiots! Although the three 3 sisters of Canal are down, they can't help cursing.

  Then said tremblingly, "This, this, this is the dragon's nine days, the nine-day dragon, the dragon's footprint."

  At this moment, the two sisters around her trembled involuntarily.

  Xia Ming sighed helplessly, "Since it's useless to pretend to be stupid, it's best to tell the truth!" Xia Ming looked at Canal again and said weakly, "That's the brand name that the dragon stamped on the slaves!"

  Kanal's three 3 sisters stared at Xia Ming in horror, then nodded reluctantly and said, "The three 3 sisters and the sisters used to be.

  You won't, you will look down on us!"

  This is the topic! Xia Ming reluctantly pulled his, he knew that this was the scar that the three Canal sisters did not want to touch! The arrogance disguised like Canal always has the slightest inferiority and helplessness! In order to cover up her The secret, she can lie and deceive the people of a country, so Xia Ming touched his nose and said coldly: "Xiao Nuo also worked hard, but now he is my brother.

  Like I've said before, the Draco does have a proud identity! Light was bought by his ancestors at the cost of his life.

  Moreover, even the proud king of the world,

  Can surrender to the world, but cannot enslave it!"

  Even a proud emperor, he can only make the world surrender, but he cannot enslave the world! The three Kaina were stunned for a while, when they heard Xia Ming's words, but he promised the thought! Because she knew that Xia Ming was not right They lied so they got the answers they wanted.

  So Lisuo put on a dress and said with a smile, "Thank you, Xia Ming."

  "Let's just call me Xia Ming, everyone around me calls me, haha."

  The Xia Ming said lightly, but Kaina lowered his head with red on the side! Xia Ming took a photo of his forehead, and then said: "If you want to get rid of the imprint on your side, I can help you! And no There will be no traces."

  I thought I had used the inner power of the holy dragon to help Xiaona remove the "Nine Heaven Incense".

  "Trails of the Dragon" was proposed.

  At this time, she was even more excited than getting Xia Ming's answer just now, and the proportion on her side kept shaking, and she said excitedly: "You, you can really do it!"

  "Okay! No need to lie to you, but it will hurt you!"

  Said to have a Xia Ming smile.

  The three 3 sisters Kayner nodded excitedly.

  It seems that no matter how painful they are, they will remove the imprint! In the right words, Xia Ming, the canal trembles even more! The two Bida people next to them can't help but from the hazy "emotional environment"

  Come out and laugh at seeing Canal! Don't get me wrong, it's because Xia Ming is helping them remove the so-called "footprints of the nine heavenly dragons"

  Finally, Kanal's mood was relaxed, Xia Ming picked up a thin knife on the bed! I looked at Kanal again and said, "I will sacrifice the burned skin now! But don't worry, I will use Internal force restores wounds to health.

  You will be on the wound for two months.

  "Xia Ming felt the need to tell his "patient" that the wound would heal.

  Explain the steps! After listening to Xia Ming, Kanal nodded without hesitation! After becoming Xia Ming, I hit a knife flower with a thin knife in my hand! Staring at the brand behind the canal, his eyes were full Firm and focused! The two Bida next to him couldn't help but pay tribute to Xia Ming: Under such circumstances, it is difficult for ordinary men to do this! This is the first beauty. At this moment, Xia Ming couldn't help but bear a little pressure , Because the brand is too deep, it is more difficult to compare! The footprint of the nine-day dragon is the main means of the dragon to enslave the people! If it is so easy to eliminate, it is the original fishman Xia Ming Fisher.

  Tigers don't fall in the original 'Trails of the Dragons that fell from the Nine Nine Heavens'

  Add branding on! Just scrape the skin and cut out the imprint.

  With the fisherman's strong physique and toughness, this kind of damage should be nothing! Therefore, Xia Ming's front canal, which was very troublesome to remove the brand, seemed to sense Xia Ming's mood at this time, and he nodded firmly, which Xia Ming affirmed.

  After exhaling, Xia Ming cut open the sheet and let Canal bite! Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, recommend,

293, amazing plan! ?

  Then Xia Ming's knife finally fell off! Canal's back was immediately cut off with a piece of flesh, Bida couldn't help turning his head to the other side, and Xia Ming's face was sweating after Xia Ming's diseased eyes He quickly put the knife on the bed, and he flashed the light of several acupoints beside him.

  The canal stopped bleeding from the back! Then Xia Ming's hand and the silver dragon flowed in, and the vitality of heaven and earth continued to walk behind the canal, warming and nourishing the wound under the guidance of Xia Ming's hand.

  The left hand suddenly used internal force to manipulate the thin knife on the bed, and the thin knife quickly shot at Xia Ming's left hand! Suddenly, Xia Ming's blood from the wound appeared on the back wound on the left hand! Then there were several acupoints in the right hand, and Xia Ming's slight blood flow After only lingering around the wound for half an hour, the slow canal actually came out of the faint bright red blood nucleus! Xia Ming also stretched out his hands, rested for five minutes and said softly: "No problem, you can stay for as long as possible. Get back to health in two months!"

  Canal nodded, and turned around after speaking to his shirt.

  Of course, he also found the wound on Xia Ming's hand, he couldn't help frowning and said: "Remove the mark on the body, will you use blood?"

  "Your two sisters don't have to do this! Their animal fruit provides them with powerful healing powers, but you can't! Warm up with a constant internal force, and the blood won't suffice! The dragon's internal force just suffices in my blood That's right, so I inject blood into your back! Of course, don't worry, my blood is not only harmless, but if you can improve the dragon's internal strength to use, your ability will improve a lot!" said Xia Ming, wriggling own, making a creaking.

  "Know yours!"

  Canal glanced at Xia Ming and said softly! He didn't understand what she was talking about just now.

  Obviously she misunderstood what Xia Ming meant.

  Then Xia Ming gave up more, Tina Grod eliminated the stigma, and stayed for more than five hours. When Xia Ming walked out of the room, one of Xia Ming's subordinates was waiting for her outside! It seemed that something happened to that person, Xia Ming Not to mention worrying.

  After all, Qi Wuhai is now a "whole"

  , and moved his whole body. Kanal also noticed the appearance of Xia Ming, and asked his subordinate: "Can't I tell you what happened? There are no guests here."

  The man glanced at Xia Ming, then looked at the canal with a terrifying answer: "This is such a demon emperor.

  Just two hours ago, Don Quixote, a gangster from the sea, sent a message like us, saying that the sea of ​​​​Qiwu has arrived.

  I want you to discuss this Navy call quickly!"

  Wu Hai has a small party!" Xia Ming glanced at the female official, thoughtfully.

  Then he asked Canal: "Will Wuhai open this so-called federation before every naval call?"

  "Well, this is actually the fact that Wuhai has formed a number of rules! Because this is a naval call, everyone will discuss the countermeasures and the rewards that should be obtained this time."

  Canal endured Xia Ming.

  The reason is that the two younger sisters next to her showed incredible eyes.


  What happened to my sister today is strange. After hearing Xia Ming, he nodded, Wuhai people can understand! After all, this is Malin Fanduo, and this is also related to their own interests.

  The laughter in front of the canal said, "I haven't been to the place that Miss Ai has led me to!!"

  Canal unexpectedly smiled and nodded, then turned around and walked out! "Xia Ming, you're out! I've been waiting for a long time.

  They really hate me for not telling me to go in!"

  Meyer said he trotted to Xia Ming after seeing Xia Ming coming out of Canal and other fishing villages.

  Xia Ming looked at Phil and smiled.

  "Forget it, do you still want to know who can get cheap from you"

  Xia Ming suddenly came. Phil lowered his head and smiled.

  Of course, because of the Wuhai meeting, Phil is here! Xia Ming shook his head, took Phil, followed Kanal, and walked towards the so-called "meeting room"

  , but Xia Ming felt that this meeting was definitely not very peaceful! The facts were completely in line with Xia Ming's thoughts. After reaching the destination, Xia Ming also met someone he had never seen in seven or five seas! Moonlight.

  Moriah's bat-like face, the most peculiar thing is that he actually has two horns on his head! The teal face looks very weird in gentleman clothes! However, he can be compared with Kaido, one of the four previous emperors Confrontation, but even if he loses, his strength is not to be underestimated! The other is a little big, and wears a tracksuit decently, this is the tyrant Bartholomew.

  Yuri! However, in the spirit of indifference and indifference, he actually read the Bible but what shocked Xia Ming the most was his true identity as a cadre! From this point of view, Xia Ming had to feel Ge Fei's dual-core Rah style again ! Even a stunning beauty like this can convince and be willing to die.

  After arriving here, Wu Hai found a place where he could sit and wait. He glanced coldly at the canal that came with Xia Ming, and walked down beside a two-seater sofa seat! Looking at this hall again, is there any...other place Yes, except for the seat next to him, with Kaina! Xia Ming, who was ridiculed by Mo Li acridine and others, could not help but laugh.

  But they knew Kanal's power and rules: no one was allowed to sit next to him. Xia Ming only touched his bangs to cover his eyes and flipped over the sofa next to Kanal and sat up.

  I didn't run away like the others, just smiled and didn't speak! Is there a ghost? This is the common wish of the five people present here! Although Kaina planned to let go, he never gave up the idea of ​​finding trouble again Xia Ming! So he Glancing at Xia Ming, he said loudly: "Hey, hey, your junior asked me to wait here for so long, what does it mean to keep us out of your sight!"

  The hooligan just glanced at Moriah with a little pity, then stopped.

  Hawkeye frowned! After all, Xia Ming was his opponent and friend, but he thought that Xia Ming was not a weak Xia Ming and did nothing.

  It's a sea knight.

  The good old man Xi Ping stood up and said, "Everyone is here because Wu Hai is here to discuss countermeasures!"

  Click, click, click, see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu novel

294, an alternative view! ?

  Xia Ming ignored Moria's sarcasm and slammed into the table alone.

  "Boy! In this case, let your shadow belong to me! Hee hee, I heard that your strength is not weak, right"

  Mo Li ah saw that Xia Ming ignored him, and then he lost his temper cautiously.

  Shadow Corner: Gun: Moria grabs the shadow in her hand, immediately.

  It turned into a spear! Moria smiled on his head, moved in the direction of Xia Ming and rushed out violently! Xia Ming only looked up at Moria, then he stopped, everyone couldn't help but want to know.

  Although he couldn't defeat Xia Ming, Xia Ming's strength has been witnessed in recent years! But it's strange that he didn't care about such an attack, and then in shock eyes, Moria stopped helplessly! Because when When Xia Ming was hit, he suddenly found a pistol on his head! The shooter was a young girl.

  A girl who had never been here before, a faint and indifferent voice reached her ears: "Stop, or you will die here!"

  Ordinary gun Molly Of course, Asians don't care, but if he is domineering, he won't be shocked! Of course, the girl is Mayfair, but Xia Ming used to cover up his figure before Mayfair came in! After learning the amazing steps as well as her previous poses, she can certainly "walk silently".

  As for the way to disguise her breathing, Dorag is said to have given it to her! If not, I can't hide some strong people here! But it's the only thing that can be done, and those familiar with the domineering sense of color will still notice the shot of the bullet, so she will be taken care of when the muzzle is aimed at his head.

  Just appeared! But, it also surprised the rogue and the others! After all, they didn't find it! At this time, Moriah was really trying hard to ride the tiger.

  Looking at everyone's eyes, a very hot light appeared, but the cold pierced the skin from the muzzle, causing him to put away the shadow gun that attacked Xia Ming:.

  Seeing that Phil didn't put away the gun:, Moria frowned and shouted: "When I'm really being bullied like this, don't let go of the gun...gun:!"

  "! No one dares to be disrespectful to the captain, and can live to this day! The navy can't, so you should be damned!"

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