Doflamingo! You are looking for death! Dorag sees the sea rogue still wrestling with his subordinates and growls in indignation! But there is nothing he can do about it, kill! That's his subordinates if they don't kill, These people will kill themselves endlessly.

  I have to say, this ability of a pirate is very domineering and tricky! Drago frowned and glanced at the little hooligan, his hand was clenched tightly and the back of his hand was covered with blue tendons! "Sorry, bro !The storm is howling.

  At the beginning of the destruction!."

  Drago finally opened his hands, looked directly at his subordinate, and a storm blew down from him.

  The storm came out violently, rolling countless sandstones! "Boss! Although we died without any regrets, please avenge us!"

  When the wind drowned these people, there was a loud bang in the world! Don't worry! I don't want you to die! A flash of thought flashed through his mind, and Drago stared fiercely at the pirates and said, "Now you can die. !"

  There was no emotion in the voice, it was cold and shivering "fuck thunder.

  Thunder! Dorag's voice just fell, and a few thunders flashed in the clear sky! Click!, bang, at the end, the thunder flowers gathered into a thunder and smashed to the ground, welcoming the gang boss in the sea, very peaceful!" I tell your subordinates to try your tricks for me, the power! Dorag."

  The disciple's eyes provoked strong provocation and contempt! Just now, Drago's words deeply angered him.

  Initially, the rogue was a proud man, how could he bear to be almost "commanded"

  words! "Ah, no!"

  "You bastard! What have you done to me"

  "Asshole, you"

  With the screams of more than a dozen soldiers, the hands of the Western Front and the sea bandits stunned them! Then the rogue waved his hand, and the newly controlled soldiers greeted the thunder and lightning! Watching the little hooligan's actions, Dorag's anger Enraged! I didn't expect that the thunderbolt that attacked the hooligan was actually blocked by his subordinates! Of course, those people died immediately "Is your thunderbolt strong,,! These people are not alive!"

  While Drago was still there, the absurd voice of the hooligan came to him again.

  On your ah side, Qi Ping also sighed, the rogue's way to bear him! Fate and justice are with you! But the pirates are taking the lives of others to resist their own injury or loss of life!, Glancing is scorched by lightning The corpse, frowned, and said: "Tangui, De, immediately fall Dorag with yours!"


  The rogue hummed indifferently, then flashed towards Doug at the same time! The expression of fear in the clouds above the battlefield has not recovered! Xia Ming used his hand

  Pointing to the corpse in the distance, he asked: "Boss! What is the ability of the sea bandit and why is it so strange!"

  Eccentricity is not normal! Xia Ming also frowned, Hai Rogue's ability is really strong! But it hurts too much, if it is replaced in the ancient martial arts world, he may be regarded as a "cult leader"

  Considering Xia Ming's sneer, he looked at Kalifa and said: "His ability is really strange! This should be the ability on the rare branch of Superman, I don't know what his weakness is, otherwise, it really makes he does not know!"

  Good! Inner response, of course he knows what Xia Ming means! Pirate's ability means that as long as there is something he can control on the battlefield, he will not be injured, let alone die! If he is manipulated by his own side , then he will definitely be jealous of the mouse in the game, and not dare to kill his hooligan! After all, there are not many male Xia Ming in this world.

  Even the male Xia Ming had to consider the adverse consequences of killing his subordinates with his own hands! Of course, those subordinates who were willing to die immediately did not count. After bowing their heads for a while, Kalifa raised his head and said, "Boss, I will go back and see Look at the Navy intelligence! I think the disadvantage of this fruit will definitely be recorded in the Navy!"

  Xia Ming nodded and agreed with Carrie's attention, and secretly praised Carrie's ingenuity! The navy can use the pirates to do Qi Wuhai, and he will definitely know everything about him! Otherwise, they wouldn't press such a button next to them. "Time Bomb"

  "Considering this relationship, Xia Ming breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, let's do it! Khalifa, pay attention to the battlefield below!"

  What can be seen on the battlefield below! With suspicion and disdain in his eyes, Khalifa asks: "Boss, I don't think we need to study it! The defeat of the Navy is certain, it's only a matter of time!"

  Indeed, Hawkeye, Moriah, Rogue and Pingping are all haunted by the masters inside! There are fewer navy soldiers and an army of thousands that the elite can't compete with! "When the opponent has not been completely killed, As long as he still holds his breath, he will not be careless!"

  The Xia Ming saw the disdain in Karifa's eyes, and thought it was necessary for her to teach her a "lesson"

  After touching his nose, Xia Ming went on to say: "The tiger is critically ill, and the attack made in the fight is more destructive than you can imagine. Look at it before this great staff of the Navy, what is it like? The destructive power will explode when the navy is about to be wiped out!"

  After hearing these words, Kalifa was helpless! Then he looked at the battlefield with Xia Ming "Xiao Ran, Lieutenant Xiao Ran! Soldiers and soldiers are basically dead! What should we do, what should we do!"

  A middle-aged man in a navy uniform stood in front of Xiao Ran and said tremblingly! But at this time, his image was so embarrassing: the white cloak with justice written on the navy was torn, and only half of "positive" could be seen. "

  Words, his is covered with black and muddy mud, and his chest is still cut with a few knives! Not only the clothes were torn, but the red blood plasma was also torn. Please download Feilu novel to see the ununderlined version of the novel

308, pacifist! ?

  Xiao Ran's eyes flashed with a heavy light, and the loss this time made her unable to think about it! Although she was still not affected by the fire at the headquarters at this time, she knew the minute changes on the battlefield! The hawks and other absolute main forces were intercepted, Marines are unable to exert their seven-tier combat power under normal conditions! "Put the remaining thirty or so pacifists on the battlefield! No more military losses! No more!"

  Xiaoran shouted hysterically, and his eyes also appeared.

  Tears! Because all of these are brought about by her own decisions, so think of what Xia Ming said about "women's opinions"

  and "spiritual"

  This sentence can't help but make her fall in the chair! "But if you do, how will you ensure your safety and the last front!"

  The major general blinked and pouted unhappily, looking at Xiao Ran, hoping she can change her decision! Xiao Ran couldn't help laughing after hearing it! Then he shook his head and said softly, "Well, everything is so bad Now, the old lady did not listen to the child and acted alone, which led to the current situation! Go and execute the order.

  Navy soldiers and Wu Hai are not allowed to appear.

  Huge loss!" The lieutenant appeared at this time, sighing first, and then solemnly gave a military salute to Xiao Ran and went out! After all, Xiao Ran still has a great influence in the navy.

  Just a word from Xiaoran: it is indeed worth the lieutenant and the female Xia Ming! After the major left the headquarters, he carried out a separate military order! When more than thirty pacifists joined the battlefield, the navy soldiers shouted and liked Rushing to the side like chicken blood! On the contrary, it has been: the encouraging morale has been suppressed! This change on the battlefield is of course well known! Hawkeye looked at Joyce.

  One of Ralph's truths, so he glanced at the pacifist who appeared, Xie Xun was gone.

  Lafleur smiled when they met and said, "Hokey, your opponent is me!!.

  My job is just to hold you back and fight it."

  Hawkey looked at Joyce.

  Attitude Ralph was very skeptical about his attitude at this time, but still focused on his direct opponent Joyce.

  LaFerrari's! "Hee hee! Boy, the power of pacifists is unusual! Why don't you help out there, my husband can let you go for a while!"

  Moriah's bitter voice rang out, and could just say, "Help"

  The meaning turned into a hint of provocation and contempt! Miyamoto.

  Wu Ming glanced at it and stared in that direction: "My opponent is yours, not those machines. There is no Aozhou.

  Let's watch the meteor shower together'"

  After the completion of the palace this.

  The seven glaucoma eyes in Wuming Tang’s hands suddenly appeared, and then countless stones looked at Moglia! Moria shrugged and shook his shoulders again! Drago on the other side looked at the rogue provocatively in front of him, and endured it. He snorted! Then he waved his right hand, which was drizzling under a clear sky.

  The Drago looked west and shouted: "Where are the guards?

  Son! Clean up a pile of junk and stop my soldiers!"

  "Understood, leader!"

  "Understood, leader!"

  Ten great roars came from the west of Dorag, and among everyone's doubts and surprises, seventeen black youths appeared! "pacifist"

  What a horrible idea! What a terrifying power!" The pirates and others gasped, they didn't believe Drago would kill these people! If not, there would only be one result: these teens with the "peace of mind" Activists"

  The power of competition! Although such power is not important in their eyes, they are still young and extremely "loyal"

  Sure enough, a dozen teenagers didn't call the pirates and others "disappointed"

  ! Each of them fights against pacifists.

  Despite not having a chance to win for a while, they are not far behind! Fuck me.

  Lei strikes! When everyone flinched, raised his right hand, flashed purple, and then a dozen thunders hit the pacifist from the air! Although ""


  And the pacifists of lightning strikes didn't give up on this, but they still gave off thick black smoke! I think come to suffer some trauma, not far from scrapping back to God the little hooligans couldn't help but stare at Dorag! In peace Activists are their last resort.

  I didn't expect to prove they've been used, even if it was calculated! People have prepared countermeasures against these pacifists! If eyes can still kill, then maybe "thousand swords" at this moment

  ! Then the little hooligan and Shi Ping also moved in, with a strong "resentment"

  Hit! In the end, you have to do it, it depends on whether we want Think we wouldn't be so unhappy!"

  I don't believe in daring to fight you, but the navy still says: "From now on, you will be your martial arts honestly! That's how the lieutenant general is exposed!"

  After hearing the news, Xia Ming showed a lowly expression, smiled, and said: "Hope, but it's also possible! It all depends on you, Admiral, I have no opinion!"

  "Navy, Admiral, Straw Hat"

  It seems that I don't want to see Xia Ming and the Navy "reconcile"

  , and he didn't want to see himself sacrificed for it! So I wanted to add to the fire "Enough, a whole lot of crap! Not shameful enough!"

  The navy interrupted Stoperry, and rebuked him coldly.

  "Honestly, you'll get me back!"

  "Huh!" Just after the scolding, the phone bugs on Xia Ming's side were full of harsh voices! Tipperi's eyes were full of unwillingness to stare at the phone bugs, but now he didn't dare to do anything strange It's just because the navy hung up the phone by mistake. Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collection, recommendation,

309, multiple weapons! ?

  You really don't know current events! Xia Ming stared at Stapley coldly and said, "It seems that you should learn from the naval age! Remember to be a good dog!"

  Speaking of this Xia Ming slapped his forehead, his yin and smile continued.

  Say, "Oh! I remember, you don't seem to qualify as a dog!"

  "Remember, you owe me a life! I'll take it back the next day."

  After talking with Corey, he followed Xia Ming to the glory of freedom.

  Looking at Xia Minghe's back, his eyes were shocked, replaced by aggressive hatred! Grinding his teeth and "watching"

  After Xia Ming, he returned to Glory and Freedom and shouted to the soldiers beside him: "Damn! Are you going to rebel? Come and help Lao Tzu go back!"

  Hum I know you can be mad at someone like Lao Tzu.

  If you have the ability, you can go to war with others! Marines, look at me, I look at you, and you have strong disdain in your eyes! But he stood up and walked towards.

  "Luffy out! That one is annoying.

  The dog is gone."

  Xia Ming let go of the dragon and was very angry. He felt that when Luffy and others smiled, he felt that he and the others had left! Huh! Unexpectedly, Lu Fei, who was not afraid of heaven and earth, walked out of the door and saw Corey held his breath after that! Then he stupidly said: "Xia Ming, that guy is still alive!"

  That... rogue! Xia Ming waited for a while, and then knew who Luffy was talking about! Xia Ming smiled and said, "You are talking about the lieutenant general, he was taken away by those naval soldiers! Forget him , let's have another banquet to celebrate our encounter!"

  “Banquet Banquet!”

  Xia Ming successfully diverted Luffy's eyes, then Luffy glanced at Mel and said, "I will never have a bad stomach again!"

  "Do you like to eat or not! This time, you will not only have a bad stomach"

  Melna glared at Luffy and said with a smile, "I will have little bugs in my stomach! Sanji, let's go together!"

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