Everyone glanced at the black line, and Luffy, who was struggling to the side, laughed involuntarily.

  Taking a mouthful of Baolu, he said, "No problem, let's go now!"

  Half an hour later! Freedom on the deck! Straw hat gang and Xia Ming gang get together.

  "Get together again, toast!"

  "Happy friendship!"

  Xia Ming raised his glass very gracefully and said all the things he didn't understand except him! Xiao Xiao, Xia Ming, who was as confused as everyone else, looked like he was pulling Xia Ming's shoulders: "!! Brother, You say, what language is this, strange, what does it mean."

  Strange! It seems that you want to sing the wine, pat Xiao Xiao's head with a smile, and say: "This is English! I practiced and mastered the local language, this is a non-welcome place, basically all countries will In this language, what I just said means that our friendship respects


  Cheers? Cheers to our friendship! After everyone nodded and considered the sentence, they raised their cups again "Thank you very much this time, Xia Ming!"

  Nocchio said, after putting the cup on the table.

  "Little, have a stupid brother.

  Of course, as an older brother, I have to deal with snacks!"

  Zai Xia Ming smiled and patted his bangs and said, "Here, I want to give the Navy some trouble!"

  No need for Luffy's two brothers to "fight"

  He! Several people from Sauron glanced at Xia Ming, then at Luffy who was still eating meat, and shook his head.

  "click, click"

  , "click, click"

  , Luffy didn't consider other people's "feelings" at all

  Over there, taking care of the food quickly, wiped his forehead helplessly.

  Xia Ming looked at Luffy and said, "Luffy, are you full? I have something to tell you."

  "How many times have I not eaten much of your food!"

  Luffy stretched his arms, he directly cut a piece of bacon from Casa into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and found that everyone else was looking at him and said, "Why, why don't you eat it, hee hee, my property,!!.

  Brother Xia Ming, I want you to say whatever you want"

  Lu Fei said, finish a few dishes, put the food in your mouth! I don't have the appetite to watch you eat, but, this is a strong man! Robin and everyone else shook their heads and sighed.

  "Luffy! Please be honest with me.

  Do you have any ideas after that?"

  "Bang, when"

  , Luffy put down the plate in his hand, looked at Xia Ming with a serious expression, and said, "Our strength is too weak, I want to be stronger, I don't want my companion to fall, it's me again!"

  Sauron's people also looked at Luffy firmly! Usopp looked at Xia Ming and asked, "Xia Ming, that person's weapon is so powerful! You should know about Qi Wuhai."

  "Hee hee, you said those rotten irons!"

  Xiaoxiao looked at Usopp, glanced at the Nororwich people, and saw that they were looking forward to his face, so he said: "In the Malinfando era, my brother broke nearly thirty 30 units with one palm. ! What! "Ah, ah"

  Luffy and the others were petrified: , blatantly staring at Xia Ming! They knew something about man-made weapons, because one group was seriously injured before the fall even though most of them were injured, even though they weren't Robin held his breath, raised his forehead, and asked, "The Navy makes a lot of these weapons, and then"

  "Brother, Xia Ming, how strong are you!"

  Lu Fei interrupted Robin's words, looked at Xia Ming's firm look with his eyes and asked, "Then Admiral, Ape, he is your opponent!"

310, magical state! ?

  Kizuna! Xia Ming said with a smile: "About Miss Robin's question, I can only tell you: there are many weapons, such as the navy.

  During the last war, we brought multiple units!"

  Xia Ming ignored Robin and the others in shock, Xia Ming looked at Luffy and said, "From the moment I get Qi Wuhai, my strength will exceed their half-stack! I raised my strength a few days ago. , I am afraid that only the Navy and the card are my opponents!"

  So powerful! Luffy's eyes are more determined, and Robin's eyes are more shocking! "Xia Ming, you can help me practice! I want more power."

  I know you will think so, Xia Ming smiled helplessly and said, "I can help you practice! But I want you to see how strong the world is! How can you see how strong the world is!"

  "Your Xia Ming is not your strength is not the strongest!"

  A small question flashed in Lu Fei's eyes, and then the persistence in his eyes became: firm! After listening to Luffy's words, a few people flashed in Xia Ming's heart! Then he said seriously: "My current strength can only be said is mighty, and there are not none beyond my strength."

  After seeing the hopes of Luffy and Norwich, Xia Ming said in his tone: "If my current strength is against a strong man like Navy Karp, then the victory will be five to five times! But if I open my Hole, card, maybe there's a glimmer of hope! But if it's me fighting Whitebeard, there's no doubt I'll be defeated.

  Of course, Whitebeard is reputed to be the strongest man in the world, but someone like [-] star I've never met, but I believe they're definitely the navy, even more than implied! There Luffy, your father, Geoffrey Dorag, he should be under the white beard, the most powerful man in the world! Finally, Yu Sanhuang has a new world, everyone is strong, because I don't have each other Confrontation, I can't say it! Hiss! Luffy and the others couldn't help taking a breath, but changed to a more sedate look! Then Luffy said: "I have to become: stronger! Not only to my friends, I'm still alone!"

  Of course, Luffy still hasn't changed.

  Kai Xia Ming smiled in relief, but scolded again: I didn't expect that the calf flashed so much! Then he said: "I can help you, but I can help him, take the Sophs as Ephesus! Yan Qi them, then I really There's no way!"

  Just after Xia Ming finished speaking, everyone fell into silence on the deck "Luffy, with our current strength, it is difficult for us to go too far in the new world! So I want to practice for a while, I hope you can Agree with me!"

  Sauron, said firmly here.

  "Yes, Luffy, I want it too!"

  Then some of the people in the room also expressed their oppositeness! "Well, then we will meet again!"

  Lu Fei shouted with tears in his eyes: "At that time, there was no power to separate us again!"

  The tears of Norwich seniors! They want to be separated, but they must be separated.

  "Where are you going! Don't say you can improve your strength if you leave!


  If Xia Ming fainted, then Sauron would "pull back"

  Reality! "This is the first five layers of Tiger Chongyi taught by my master! You can practice, and it can help you awaken the arrogance in your body! Only with arrogance can you gain a foothold in the new world.

  What is that?" Xia Ming seemed to be thinking about something.

  After some surprise in his eyes, he took out a pamphlet, threw it to Sanji, and said to Sauron: "Forget it! You will meet later.

  Here, Sauron is! It contains all my swordplay

  Maybe you haven't practiced the three main forbidden moves, but you can use the same moves! But I hope you remember the swordsman.

  of swordsmanship.

  Still the best way for you to do it! Knife flow has huge potential and is worth exploring!"

  Xiang et al held Hu Chongyi and thought it was very heavy.

  Luffy still looked at Xia Ming complicatedly! "Go! Can such a poor brother be a big brother?"

  Kai Xia Ming joked, "I know that I have several places that are suitable for my cultivation.

  If you practice there, I dare say I promise, your strength will be doubled! Let's start first, the banquet is not over yet!" Looking at Sauron's eyes, Xia Ming had to turn his attention to the next group of road Fei was a little frustrated, but still made herself as happy as possible! Because they knew they were going to be parting soon, so they didn't know how long to wait! So the last song of the party they sang very enthusiastically, and they were very enthusiastic about the evening As cold as water! Xia Ming on the deck of the Statue of Liberty looked at the water illuminated by the moon, thinking about the past and present in his heart, slowly opened his eyes, and gradually floated up.

  Reassuring, proud smile "It's too late, put it on!"

  A soft voice, a wonderful figure walked behind Xia Ming and put the cloak on Xia Ming's back! Nami looked at Xia Ming infinitely tenderly, Nami's eyes lowered.

  Concerned about a person, but he was unconscious and turned around, Xia Ming glanced at Robin's body in front of him, fastened his cloak, and said, "What's the matter, it's because of your height that you can't sleep so late. !"

  Ah Robin sighed and nodded slightly! It was indeed one of the reasons why she couldn't sleep tonight, when more fools were there sighing and sighing, she panicked! "Yes, Luffy killed The Draco! It's so hot, I'm worried they'll be in danger in the future."

  Robin frowned, swallowing another word in his heart.

  "Let's take it, this is one of the top three superfruits we traded with Dorag last time!"

  After passing the super fruit to Robin from the back, Xia Ming continued: "I didn't expect Doragh to be real, I didn't lie to me with any garbage fruit! This is the "wind fruit" of the natural system

  , as powerful as a tiger with a tiger's skin, but with the disadvantage that it cannot be an element!"

311, the most important decision! ?

  Looking blankly at the super fruit, Robin said, "But, you don't have any plans for these fruits!"

  "Plans don't always keep up with changes!"

  Xia Ming smiled and continued, "Let's get started, we're going to buy one! Anyway, there's no shortage of money, now, go to bed earlier!"

  "Sister, I said my brother must have found us around the corner!"

  Xiao Xiao, holding A Yu's hand, jokingly trotted to Xia Ming from the corner of the cabin and said, "Sister Robin is gone, brother!"

  Looking at Xiaoxiao's sly smile, Xia Ming couldn't help but feel intuition, this feeling was very strong! So Xia Ming decided to turn his eyes away and said, "What's the matter? I went to bed too late.

  Any ideas! Tell your brother."

  "! My brother is getting more and more cunning."

  Old Gao, who was wrapped around Xiao Gao's mouth, seemed to have seen through Xia Ming's plan! But he immediately.

  Put on a serious look and ask Ayuji: "Big brother, tell the truth! You wake up the domineering color in your body"

  He said with anticipation! What makes me look forward to the details of the cheap family more and more! Xia Ming smiled suspiciously, and then said to Xiao Xiao: "Yes, I woke up the domineering domineering not long ago! But what? problem?"

  After being caught, Xia Ming and Xiao Xiao were shaking with excitement! Then Ayu said: "Really, it's really my brother! If you really wake up the overlord's color and domineering, I'm afraid you will come back to our grandma's house with us! "

  "What's the matter, can't say anything!"

  Xia Ming frowned.

  "No brother, don't get me wrong!"

  Ayu looked at Xia Ming's anger, waved his hand and said, "Actually, Xiaoxiao and I don't know! Only my mother told us that if we find you in the future, if you wake up the domineering domineering, you must go to the house!"

  Even they don't know, why is this happening? Xia Ming is more confused, but also more convinced that the family has a secret, yes, and it's definitely not as simple as you think! So he smiled and said, "Well, I too I want to see grandma! When they arrange Luffy, let's go back to the East China Sea."

  Xiaoxiao and Ayu nodded happily after hearing the news.

  Xiao Xiao, looked at Xia Ming again, and said, "Brother, we are going back.

  You must listen to Sister Robin and rest early!"

  "Okay, I know! Shinji 2, I'm your brother, okay!"

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