Xia Ming raised his head and said indifferently: "I am the ghost knife in Xia Ming."

  "I'm a dog, we keep fighting, we can't bear the consequences, a swarm of ants came here.

  what should we do"


  Kai Xia Ming responded, then returned his unsheathed knife, looked at Akainu and said, "I'm going to live here for a while, I'm not interested in any of your plans, I won't interfere."

  The Akainu looked at Xia Ming unexpectedly and nodded.

  After all, Xia Ming had to live here, and he couldn't expel Xia Ming unless he desperately split up and took the lead with Xia Ming.

  But it's totally unnecessary, and the two are only meeting for the first time.

  There is no real hatred between the two.

  The majesty of the gods before them was actually a situational word, and they took pride in mortals.

  Since they are both gods and on the same level, they naturally don't think the other has offended them.

  Taking a look at the red dog, Xia Ming said lightly, "The ants are all left to you"

  After that, he turned to leave.

  In this battle, although he killed Thunder Dragon, Tomai hurt the Akainu again.

  However, the body was still struck by lightning.

  Fortunately, after being absorbed by the demon sword, most of the lightning strikes did not take damage.

  Instead, cells throughout the body are stimulated to become more active.

  In addition, the battle with Akainu deepened his understanding of the sword, and it seems that he is only one step away from the intermediate sword master.

  Even with knowledge and arrogance, he made many new discoveries and mastered some details.

  Although you can't practice directly, you can definitely learn it with a few practice sessions.

  Xia Ming was thinking in this way, the red dog who recovered to a calm appearance in the distance did not know that he had been used as a knife practice target by Xia Ming.

  In the holy sword, looking at the messy and broken Xia Ming, Boya stopped taking care of Ayu around him, and directly shouted: "Xia Ming is it, okay?"

  "It's ok.

  Fight with Akainu and they are tied together.

  But the fruit of thunder is indeed a powerful fruit.

  If the Akainu guy has mastered domineering arrogance and stronger physical ability, I am afraid that he will be with the general "Salino is coming."

  He waved to indicate that he was fine, Xia Ming sighed.

  "That is, did your plan succeed?"

  Seeing that Boya and Xia Ming were no longer performing, Nami naturally wouldn't continue to install it. Seeing Xia Ming's tattered clothes showing strong muscles, she couldn't help showing a red smile.

  Xia Ming blinked, walked over to Nan Yi, and said with a smile, "Of course, I'll take you to the history text immediately."

  Nan Yi avoided Xia Ming's hand and took it aside.

  Ayu looked at this scene, her eyes suddenly widened.

  Isn't this person a god, why doesn't he care about not taking advantage of it?

  He looked at Ayu with surprise, smiled and said, "Okay, from now on, you will

  is my partner."

  Overbearing announced the ownership, shook his head, and recovered from the accident.

  When he wanted to refuse, he saw Xia Ming's serious expression, and then said: "This is God's order"


  Ayu, who wants tears without crying, looked at Xia Ming who had cultivated her magical power of changing face, she no longer knew what to do.

  "Anna, Anna, you will be our partner in the future, please don't be afraid."

  Bo Ya smiled and touched Ayu's little head.

  At this moment, Ayu is three years younger than the original, still a very beautiful little angel Loli.

  Xia Ming and Ayu left Boya with a confused expression, Xia Ming raised his lips helplessly, then looked at Nami and smiled softly, and said, "Come on, I will take you to discover the remains of history"

  Nami Mei radiated radiance, and with a soft grace, entered the jungle with Xia Ming again.

  In the jungle, the fighting ghost Webber and his team defeated Akainu.

  Even though they fought a battle and were wounded, Akainu was not treated by them at all.

  It was found that they were not opponents. After all, they ran away decisively, because the four gods and the god team were both defeated by Xia Ming, so the red dog could not stop everyone alone, or they were half-brothers running away from Weber.

  But in his eyes, none of this matters, and a humble mortal cannot let his heart fluctuate.

  When the thought moved, the body turned into a thunderbolt, and at the same time, the breath Xia Ming was detected, and he left a brush somewhere.

  Xia Ming was thinking about how to give Nami a bargain, but was suddenly startled by Akainu, his hands were on the knife, and he was beaming.

  Akainu, who had just fought again, was a little tired.

  Looking at Xia Ming, he said with a slight smile, "I didn't mean to do anything with you, I just wanted to invite you to my plan."

  After listening to him, Xia Ming shook his head and said calmly, "I'm not interested."

  Just kidding, he has nothing to do with the red dog and the moon.

  There's no air in this desolate and ghostly place, so go there and fart! "Hmm."

  In Akainu who pushed it away in an instant, it was like eating a dead child.

  Xia Ming will ask what plan, he will ask.

  As a result, people don't even ask, they refuse! Open your mouth and I really don't know what to say.

  The Akainu shook his head helplessly, and his body disappeared for a moment.

  Seeing him leave, Xia Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

  Nami next to her said with a smile, "It's hard to see you so nervous."

  Xia Ming was angry: "It's not because of you Niqi, it's not because you are here, I'm afraid of him.

  I'm afraid he'll hurt you while you're here, but I can't protect you."

  Hearing Xia Ming's words, Nami couldn't help being moved, her face was slightly red, and she bowed her head.

  Xia Ming saw this and walked towards her gently, holding her hand gently.

  "Let's go."

377, the ancient building! ?


  Nami didn't break free, she was a little flustered and let Xia Ming pull her through the jungle.

  The two walked a long way, and Xia Ming's obvious domineering feeling towards Nami's heartbeat was very fast.

  He already has a little experience.

  He naturally knew what to do, so he gently held Nami's hand.

  other violations.

  However, as the hearts of the two gradually gathered together, Xia Ming's face suddenly changed.

  The demon sword on his waist suddenly trembled spontaneously.

  The other monster knives are here! Xia Ming looked attentively, aware of the change in Xia Ming's Nami's expression, and able to recover from that... confused state, cleverly blushed, and gently broke Xia Ming's big hand.

  Xia Ming's expression gradually sensed the surrounding situation.

  "In the stomach?"

  This is naturally the super python in the original book King of the Sky.

  Seeing that the surrounding trees were shaking and the ground seemed to be shaking, Nami was taken aback and asked, "What's the matter?"

  Xia Ming replied weakly: "This is just a bigger snake, don't be afraid, I want what's in it, wait until I get it back."

  After all, Xia Ming jumped up, came to the trunk of the big tree, and saw the head of the huge python in front of him.

  Xia Ming looked at the bloody mouth, a little disgusted.

  He really didn't want to be swallowed by this guy and searched for the devil's knife shard in his stomach.

  Then you can only blame yourself for the rest of your life.

  Xia Ming looked very cold, and then slowly opened the knife with both hands.

  Xia Ming looked at the swallowed mouth, suddenly jumped up, and came to the snake's head.

  As the snake's body continued to run, the demon knife in his hand trembled faster and faster.

  The Sky King shook his body angrily, but he couldn't get rid of Xia Ming.

  Too much is a strength and a weakness.

  Even though it is soft serpentine, it is still too difficult to bite Xia Ming.

  Xia Ming flew to the point where the induction was the strongest, his eyes flashed, revealing a powerful knife.

  Charged, evil light cut! Without hesitation, he uses the single most powerful trick available.

  This Xia Ming tried his best to break this amazing python.

  Click! The scales burst and the boa constrictor screamed.

  The body began to roll, Xia Ming could only bounce his body away.

  However, his knife cut a huge crack in the half-meter's abdomen, which, although not wide, was deep enough to penetrate his body.

  The next moment, I saw a black sword flickering from the pus of the Lord of the Sky: the black demon sword without a sheath flew out. The demon sword in Xia Ming's hand seemed to be two magnets, attracted together.

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