The Sky King's belly continued to bleed and his body surged, escaping without looking back.

  Seeing Xia Ming, he breathed a sigh of relief.

  Honestly, this guy's body is too big.

  in spite of

  His evil light just chopped off his body, but compared to the hundreds of meters long body, it was only a small wound.

  Although this man was too big and stiff, I'm afraid it was not Xia Ming who was the first to be cut, but Xia Ming was the first to be exhausted.

  At this time, Nami in the distance saw the python leave and hurried over.

  "Is this what you're talking about the bigger boa constrictor?"

  Nami looked at Xia Ming with a smile, then looked at the two knives fused in the air in surprise, and asked, "How is the situation?"

  Xia Ming smiled: "My sword is a demon sword.

  You should know that... history."

  Nami was stunned, and continued to look at the demon sword floating in the air in surprise, and said, "I don't think this is not a legend, but a real history."

  At this moment, the two demon knives completely fused together.

  There was a dark light on the knife.

  Blade whispered softly.

  After the fusion, Xia Ming grabbed the new demon knife, and a stronger knife surged up.

  With the intention of this knife, Xia Ming's body suddenly turned into a powerful knife, Nami just felt that as long as she got close to Xia Ming, she would be cut, and quickly took a few steps back.

  After a few seconds, the knife on Xia Ming disappeared, Xia Ming looked a little fascinated.

  "This is a complete knife, a junior high school knife, easy to break through!"

  The Xia Ming laughed, and the laughter seemed extremely happy.

  "But I don't know the next path at all.

  Forget it, there must be a way before the driveway, and then I'll sharpen the knife to the top first."

  Nami looked at Xia Ming, her eyes twinkling.

  Is it stronger again? Although Nami doesn't understand knives, she can also feel the change in Xia Ming's momentum.

  Xia Ming turned his head, looked at the sluggish Nami, waved and smiled, "Let's go."

  "Your power has become stronger again, how powerful are you now"

  Nami walking with Xia Ming has special meaning in her eyes, Nami asked.

  Xia Ming thought for a while and said, "Now, I shouldn't be afraid of a lieutenant-level general, but if I meet a general, I shouldn't be an opponent.

  At least I have to take my stride to beat the average."


  A disappointing bit flashed Nami's eyes, but was immediately hidden.

  But in Xia Ming their minds were completely placed on Nami immediately noticed.

  Generally rest assured, Nami, soon I will be able to despise generally soon.

  With this in mind, the two slowly walked towards the huge ruins.

  It's still the picture I saw in the original book, but I can see a different picture with my own eyes! Xia Ming sighed and walked into a tall palace with Nami.

  "The history here is at least hundreds of years old."

  Nami's eyes flickered strangely, lightly on the old buildings.

378, super god way! ?

  In order to further improve the reading quality, the author is refining this chapter, please read it later, please read the next chapter!! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons!:

  :: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

378, super god way! ?

  Xia Ming took her to the center of the palace, wielding the knife through the clouds under her feet.

  "What you want is down there, I won't accompany you.

  After recording, go back to the holy sword."

  Xia Ming looked at Nami with a smile.

  Nami nodded and smiled at Xia Ming, making Xia Ming feel attentive.

  However, knowing that she still can't keep Nami at the thought of temporarily suppressing her heart for Xia Ming and watches Nami smile with a smile.

  I couldn't help yawning.

  Xia Ming is really tired and needs to rest.

  It will take some time for Nami to record the historical text.

  He couldn't wait to sleep.

  After Xia Ming shook his head, he took a gentle step, left here, and returned to the boat.

  In the magnificent ancient ruins, there is a walk of light and shadow.

  Nami was shocked when she looked at the huge ancient ruins in front of her.

  One is the shock of seeing other historical documents, and the other is that Xia Ming was shocked to know such a place! This ruin is completely hidden in the clouds, and according to Nami's observation, no one has been here for at least a year! In this place, Xia Ming is fully aware of its existence and is familiar with it, as if it is his own home! Xia Ming, who are you, why do you know these are staying with Xia Ming: After so much time, Nami naturally knows Xia Ming Ming is not a person with Devil Fruit ability, but without this predictive ability, how would he know everything? Xia Ming seems to be full of mystery, and she can never be fully opened.

  It seems that he is more mysterious than historical words.

  There is a sweet smile in Nami's mouth, then she looks to the right and observes the historical text, in front of her.

  On the other hand, Xia Ming returned to the holy sword.

  Ayu has learned a lot from Boya, and Xia Ming's eyes have become: weird.

  Xia Ming looked a little embarrassed.

  "That... Ayu, I didn't mean to lie to you.

  I still invite you to board the ship, invite you to Qinghai, and take you to see another vast world.

  This is an invitation to you, and if you are willing to disagree I will be forced."

  Ayu's face turned slightly red, and he said, "I have become your priest, a false god.

  Everyone already thinks so, how can I say no"

  A black line from the fake god appeared on Xia Ming's forehead, he turned his head to look at Bo Ya, who was smirking.

  Bo Ya saw Xia Ming's gaze swept away, her face turned red, she wanted to run away.

  Xia Ming stepped forward and hugged her.

  "My strength is as strong as Akainu.

  Since he can be called, I can also call God I am not a false god."

  After leaving a sentence, Xia Mingzuo floated with Bo Ya, doing something they liked, making Ayu and messy face.

  Looking at the smiling face Boya in her, Duo slowly lifted the quilt, and after admiring her wonderful body again, she walked out of the cabin.

  When I met Nami sitting on the reclining chair reading a book, Xia Ming smiled and said hello.

  "Nami, come early.

  get what you want."

  Xia Ming could see it at a glance, and Nami's mouth lifted into a smile.

  "Are you happy? I'm back too late.

  You're not done yet, and it affects my rest."


  Xia Ming suddenly came to a black line, and his own cabin is his own transformation and the sound insulation effect is absolute leverage! Nami's words can only represent a message at this moment, she used the ability of peeping! I didn't expect Nami to be so naive Mei seemed to know what Xia Ming was thinking, and said impulsively: "Don't get me wrong, just don't see that you're a little worried, use the ability to explore, I don't know anything"

  Well, knowing nothing should be knowing nothing.

  Xia Ming lowered his chin and said with a smile, "Nami, did you promise to be mine?"

  "Take me to find all the historical texts, and then I can think about it."

  Nami showed a playful smile, looked at Xia Ming's crazy look, and fluttered.

  "What a smile, don't read so leisurely, hurry up and train me!"

  This Xia Ming broke out with a black line.

  Now, Nami has been able to freely release any part of her body within a range of hundreds of meters, but it is still a little worse than what Xia Ming expected.

  Xia Ming hopes that Nami can touch her heart, and ears and eyes can appear anywhere in the world.

  In that case, nothing in the world could escape Xia Ming's control.

  However, when you think about it, there's not much hope.

  After all, reaching this level can be said to be the final development of Huahua Fruit.

  In "One Piece"

  In this world, no one can develop the fruit to the extreme, not even one tenth of 10%.

  If the golden lion can fully play the role of the earthquake, then it can easily destroy countless islands with one punch.

  If fully exploited, it will freeze the entire world.

  No junk fruit, just to see if it can be developed.

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