At the same time, Violet's knife trembled inexplicably, and even let go of his hand, trembling towards Xia Ming.

  Surrounded by the knife field, the intention of the knife is quietly condensed, vaguely in the shape of a knife.

  Xia Ming's sword intent is the strongest sword intent, colorless and colorless.

  But at this time, it was in the center of his eyebrows that a transparent knife with long fingers could be seen.

  The knife was trembling, it seemed to be collapsing, and it was difficult to condense.

  At the moment when this knife appeared, a huge and unspeakable momentum surged.

  Starting from Xia Ming's body, the surrounding ground, walls, and iron bars collapsed and collapsed inch by inch.

  Violet's eyes flashed with confusion, and the knife in his hand was crushed inch by inch.

  Seeing that Xia Ming was like a huge crusher, Violet quickly wanted to retreat, but the whole person seemed to be controlled by a powerful force.

  Not only could he not retreat, but he approached Xia Ming instead.

390, liberate your nature! ?

  Seeing that he was about to fall into the shattering range, Violet's eyes showed a hint of despair.

  Sure enough, his power is too strong, the gap is too big.

  The next moment, Xia Ming's waist, which was stamped with the official seal, suddenly flew to him, and the knife trembled slightly, exuding a force, cutting off the pulling force of Violet, pushing Zi Yi to walk several meters at a time.

  At this moment, the knife on Xia Ming's eyebrow suddenly collapsed.

  At the same time, at a distance of less than three meters from his body, he seemed to have been hacked to death by countless knives, and everyone was shattered! A large hole was exposed on the ground, and the surrounding walls and iron bars were all smashed! Xia Ming Slowly opening his eyes, he sighed.

  This sigh has both pity and joy.

  Although there is no step of condensing the core of the knife, it has also gone through the process of condensing the core of the knife.

  Initially reached the peak of the peak swordsman, and can no longer improve.

  But after this experience, Xia Ming has reached the level of Xia Ming's half-step spirit knife.

  If he can only say that before and red hair tied into a red hair, and now, he can overwhelm that... red hair, just don't know what will happen to the golden lion.

  Xia Ming stood up, smiled slightly, and said to the seal floating in front of him, "Thank you, brother."

  Due to the condensation of the knife's heart, although Xia Ming can still perceive everything around him, he still can't stop it.

  Moreover, his knife heart is extremely unstable.

  If it weren't for the fact that the knife was emptied and completely shattered his heart, I'm afraid he would still be injured.

  Xia Ming retracted the knife gently, jumped out of the maintenance area, and came to Violet.

  Violet watched Xia Ming suddenly appear beside him, his eyes were a little flustered, and he gritted his silver teeth.

  "I failed.

  If I want to kill, I will listen to him"

  Xia Ming grinned, suddenly stretched out his hand, raised her, and said, "this is my intention, otherwise you have a chance to give me a knife, but your knife has helped me, I should thank you.


  Hearing Xia Ming's words, Violet could hardly believe his ears.

  "I'm going to kill you!"

  "Even if I stand here and hack you for ten and a half months, how can you kill me, you won't hurt me at all."

  This Xia Ming shook his head helplessly, if the strength Luffy and Zi are in the sky, by the way, there is no comparison between himself and Violet.

  Although Cyrus needs to undergo training, Violet is still a girl, and she doesn't have the indomitable heart of a real swordsman, so considering the strength of a first-class swordsman, even a first-class swordsman does not have it.

  In front of Xia Ming's half-step spirit knife Xia Ming, yes, in front of people who are close to the top of the world, it is indeed a finger that can be pierced.

  "I, I just want to get the machine to live and cry.

  Xia Ming stood there quietly for a long time, Violet

  Wiping the tears from his eyes, he looked firm again.

  "Even if the gulf between us is so wide, I will never give up."

  Looking at her firm expression, Xia Ming's eyes had a faint appreciation.

  "No need, I've already booked for my crew.

  But if you want to get stronger, you can be my mate.

  Since I am a swordsman, I will teach you swordsmanship."

  Shaking his head, he said, "Thank you for your kindness, but it's too late.

  Although you are very capable, I don't have time to learn knife skills with you.

  Prepare to attack, sir."

  Xia Ming laughed after listening to Violet's words, which made her feel inexplicable for a while.

  "Do you know how many people want to get on my boat and do you know how hard it is to be my partner"

  The heart was a little shocked by two questions.


  "No, but if I say be my partner, I'll help you deal with, are you still insisting on getting the results of this machine"

  Violet looked at Xia Ming in surprise, and suddenly asked timidly, "Why are you so kind to me?"

  Please forgive me if you have forgiven me from the beginning, now I am being blunt and I want to protect you.

  It would be silly not to understand such a thing.

  "It's nothing, but your experience is a little unbearable for me.

  Of course, the more important point is that because of you, my strength has taken another step."

  In Xia Ming's right hand, he cut lightly at the high waist, making the knife tremble slightly.

  Although I don't know if Xia Ming can deal with her, but the powerful strength, the easy battle and the people who are willing to help her, can't think of a better way.

  I saw that she suddenly bowed to Xia Ming and said firmly: "If you can really kill Dolamingo, then you can let me do anything."

  This action and this sentence suddenly surprised Xia Ming.

  Xia Ming saw that something was wrong with the following developments, and immediately helped directly.

  "Oh, I just made you my partner, but I didn't make you adored.

  I'm just teaching you a little swordsmanship, but don't worship me like that, I can't stand it!"

  Xia Ming shook his head and smiled bitterly.

  There's nothing wrong with my angry nature, as long as it's a beautiful woman being brought aboard, not Lao Tzu's woman.

  Worship such a despicable thing can never be done! Violet, who was lifted up, glanced at Xia Ming with suspicion, because what if he didn't realize it.

  To teach her swordsmanship, isn't that what her master meant, did she get it wrong? Xia Ming saw her puzzled look and was too lazy to explain, let alone how to explain such a thing.

391, Battle of the Bullring! ?

  "Do you know where the mechanical fruit is. If you do, you don't have to wait for the next game."

  After hearing her smile, Xia Ming said: "Then don't wait any longer, you can take me to that room, or as long as I can get close."


  Violet nodded, but her eyes were a little surprised.

  Xia Ming seems to be trying to directly seize the fruit of the machine.

  But now, Xia Ming has become her captain.

  Xia Ming's orders naturally obey her unconditionally.

  Soon, Violet brought Xia Ming into a room and stretched out his fingers above the room.

  "It's in the upper room, but the knives can't get to the third floor."

  Just when she was thinking, how could she go up, Xia Ming gently pulled out the knife.

  In this bullring, there seems to be something that suppresses domineering.

  This was what Xia Ming noticed in the front hall, but he didn't bother to bother.

  Now it seems that it must be some kind of special ability.

  Is it another sense of domineering? After careful consideration, Xia Ming still couldn't figure it out.

  But Xia Ming was only one floor away, so he could clearly feel everything above.

  Naturally, I felt it.

  In the crystal box, there are gear-shaped devil fruits on the surface.

  The knife in his hand was pulled gently and lifted upwards.

  I saw a dark blue swordsman flashing and immediately cut a large opening.

  The sudden force naturally froze everything in the room above my head! Seeing Xia Ming, his left arm was bent, and Violet hugged his waist.

  Then he jumped up slightly and entered the upper room along the crack he had cut.

  He grabbed the crystal box and got the mechanical fruit.

  Violet was suddenly accepted by Xia Ming, his face turned slightly red, he couldn't help it, he had already seen Xia Ming's right hand.

  Xia Ming put her down gently, then threw the mechanical fruit to her, and said, "Hold it first."

  Seeing the mechanical fruit in his own hands, with a happy expression flashing in his eyes, he would eat it subconsciously.

  However, I remembered Xia Ming's words and thought of eating this fruit immediately.

  At this moment, on the two seats on the side, the frozen figure suddenly shattered the ice around the human body.

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