Yes and.

  "How dare you directly seize the fruit of the machine!"

  They both looked in disbelief, but they didn't expect this to happen.

  But Xia Ming has never acted according to the rules alone, and he can see that when Doflamingo's head is directly inserted between his feet and Nami is taken away.

  Before the two of them had any other thoughts, the chopped knife suddenly came out.

  A few knives flashed by, and Ti died instantly on a par with ordinary generals.

  The steel clothes on him couldn't stop the felling of the knife.

  On the other hand, if he integrates into the castle, he

  might be equivalent to an elite general.

  But now, not even ordinary generals.

  They were also killed by Xia Ming Feixian Feixian, and there was no time to merge into the ground! Watching Xia Ming kill two minions in the hall, Violet stayed for a while, and she didn't react until Xia Ming walked to her side.

  Seeing that the mechanical fruit that Violet was still holding in his hand and did not eat it directly, Xia Ming's eyes flashed with a satisfied expression again.

  Obedient girls are good girls.

  Where did Xia Ming put the mechanical fruit in her hand, the master put it in his pocket and said with a smile: "Okay, the task is completed, go directly to kill Brother Dolaming."

  "Ah now"

  Violet was startled and looked at Xia Ming.

  Since she met Xia Ming, she didn't know how surprised she was.

  With an evil smile on Xia Ming's face, he said: "Yes, now! Now, you have become my female partner, and then you must pay some price, then, take his life.

  give me back."

  After saying this, Xia Ming grabbed the chopped fly, flew it, and then picked up Violet with his left arm again.

  Everything in front of him was instantly destroyed by the knife, and Violet fell directly into the center of the bullring.

  There was a helpless look on Violet's face, and Xia Ming hugged her again.

  Sure enough, this guy watched the two of them suddenly fall into the arena, and everyone was taken aback.

  After all, the two of them descended from the sky, accompanied by a spirit knife.

  "Well, isn't that woman Violet?"

  "Who are they and how did they fall from the sky"

  Thousands of inquiries were made all over the bullring, and everyone was confused.

  However, someone happened to be around Xia Ming, holding the weapon in his hand and slashing at Xia Ming.

  Xia Ming smiled evilly, shook his right arm, put it into the scabbard, and pulled it gently, but his left arm still didn't let go... Violet.

  For a while, almost everyone on the field was holding a knife in their throats, and the light of the knife didn't spread out, just around the duel.

  "That guy wasn't the winner of the second group 2, why did he show up in the fourth group and kill everyone with a knife"

  The comment's eyes almost stared, and his jaw nearly dropped to the ground.

  But in the next scene, the commentator's jaw does drop to the ground, including the audience.

  I saw another Xia Ming in Xia Ming, an amazing knife that instantly cut thousands of meters of light along the stairs in the middle of the auditorium.

  The next moment, the entire bullring was cut off by this knife! Violet couldn't hide his surprise any longer, and finally shouted, forgetting that Xia Ming was still holding her slender waist.

  Xia Ming watched his mouth move forward, and the whole person flashed out of the stage like a phantom.

  And now, Padris Mihoksa, the four 44-dozen Nami people who were shopping at the mall suddenly burst out laughing.

392, Angel Power! ?

  Seeing this, Boya asked in surprise, "What happened?"

  "Xia Ming no longer follows the rules.

  He grabbed the fruit of the machine and ran to the palace.

  Also, the guy was holding a girl and looked like a swordsman."


  Because once Boya heard it, she suddenly frowned.

  Beautiful eyes stared, body immediately.

  It turned into a ball of lightning and floated.

  And beside him had to retreat to avoid being struck by lightning.

  Looking at Boya who flew far away, she shook her head helplessly and said, "Nami is in charge, now let's go."

  On the other side, Xia Ming still did not put down Violet, but took her three steps to the tall palace.

  At this moment, the palace is also in chaos.

  In the dim light, Xia Ming saw a one-legged toy soldier with a knife in his hand. He was invincible! Hehe, it was really Cyrus, just said a word, and then realized the key and became the Sword Saint.

  There are smiling Xia Ming eyes.

  After all, he had taken Violet as his woman, so Cyrus was naturally an old man.

  Unfortunately, Cyrus doesn't have a foot and is still in toy condition.

  Although Cyrus gathered the heart of the sword, his strength was still weakened.

  Under normal circumstances, even the top generals can use powerful swordsmen.

  But now, Cyrus is at best an elite general.

  But it's also bad.

  Without the shots, those under him were almost impossible to stop.

  Seeing this, Xia Ming screamed and smiled at Violet Lan, put her on his shoulders, then Zong Yue, and jumped into the palace.

  But, at this moment, his face suddenly changed: bitter, the chop in his hand came out of the sheath, covering the sky.

  The next moment, a thunderbolt with a thick arm suddenly exploded, and the empty knife dazzled in the thunder.

  "Boya this.

  Looking down at Boya with a face of shame, Xia Ming dared to be arrogant.

  He quickly put down the violet and smiled.

  Boya glanced at him angrily and asked, "Why haven't I seen you for an hour, you have another big radish you like, watch me chop you!"

  "Ai Ai, I did nothing wrong, but Violet is the former king's granddaughter Padres Mihawk, and the situation is relatively poor, so I decided to help her."

  Having survived the lightning, Xia Ming smiled wryly.

  Just when Boya was unsure and ready to chase, Xia Ming's face suddenly changed.

  He turned his head solemnly and looked at the palace.

  Seeing this, Bo Ya also let go... joking, standing next to Xia Ming, looking at the palace on the floor.

  At the same time, Nami and finally arrived, standing beside Xia Ming.

  “Flamenco, can the expelled also be ordered”

  Look at the four 44 figures standing on the upper floors of the palace.

  One has a fake smile on his face, and the other three are a red masked man, a tall white masked man and a short white masked man.

  The person who is in the fierce battle looks dignified when he sees the situation.

  He jumped up slightly and retreated to Xia Ming and the others.

  "Thanks for your guidance, I have made progress in knife skills."

  Cyrus bowed slightly to Xia Ming, but Xia Ming did not dare to be treated politely, after all, he was his husband.

  After escaping from the ceremony, Cyrus took Xia Ming sideways, saw Violet beside him, was suddenly surprised, and ran over.

  At this moment, he smiled and looked at Xia Ming and the others with murderous eyes.

  "Fur fur, you are wrong, ghost knife Xia Ming, although I can't order them anymore, but I have a hole card in my hand to let them go.

  Are you satisfied with this answer?"

  strength has never been known to the outside world.

  But Doverling, who used to be Long Long, knows that none of them is lower than the general! In other words, the three 3s are the strongest of the three highest generals.

  Xia Ming almost guessed the strength of several people.

  Despite his dignified face, he sneered and said, "Even if the three major navies are here, I'm not afraid, let alone a few hidden-born mice!"

  The next moment, just as Doflamingo wanted to say, standing next to Xia Ming, he was surprised to see Violet's Cyrus, but he quickly changed back to human form from toy form.

  This caught Xia Ming's eyes.

  Hey, can you beat the sugar without the original Magic Strike At the same time, the memory in Violet's heart is revealed in an instant, I finally know that the toy soldier who protects himself every day is his biological father no matter the weather or the weather! Taken aback, then subconsciously found a phone bug from his.

  "Brother Ming! Tang has lost consciousness! All toys have returned to their original state!"

  "what are you saying!"

  There was a smile on Doveringer's face, and he finally frowned, the blue veins on his forehead squeezed together.

  Although the three 3s around him are hidden under the mask, they are extremely ugly when they want to come.

  The short white-faced man Shen said: "In this case, please block this area immediately and don't let anyone leave!"

  Damn! Birdcage! Damn, have to activate the birdcage directly.

  Countless thin and tough threads, the entire Padres was instantly blocked by Mihoksa.

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