We need to change our champions.

  Call it a knife master."

  After listening to Xia Ming's words, the red dog suddenly turned black and said helplessly: "You are free."

  Seeing this, I felt that Jiang Long and Sandia had turned the Holy Land upside down, Xia Ming said with a smile: "Go and finish what you have done.

  But don't kill a few empty islanders."

  Although Jiang Long and others are made by themselves: strong, Akainu is stronger.

  Jiang Long and the others are at best the strength of the lieutenant.

  If Jiang Long wasn't a rubber man, I'm afraid Akainu would easily destroy them.

  I don't know that due to their interference, Jiang Long can still defeat Akainu, Xia Ming will speak about it.

  The red dog nodded and disappeared.

  However, what happened next was to make Xia Ming smile painfully.

  With his domineering power, the Akainu immediately fell off Joe Basoron and the others, but ran into big trouble when he met Jianglong.

409, brutal battle! !

  In order to further improve the reading quality, the author is refining this chapter, please read it later, please read the next chapter!! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons!:

  :: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

409, brutal battle! ?

  Due to being crushed by Xia Ming, in fact, the strength of Akainu has declined, and he is only an ordinary general, plus his ability level is suppressed, he was suddenly defeated by Jiang Long.

  Just as the two were fighting, the ghost of war, Webb, suddenly intervened.

  This puppet has an armed domineering that can defeat anyone who is injured, Jiang Long and Akainu have exhausted their stamina and even lost to Weber.

  Xia Ming saw that Weber knocked them down and had to intervene in the battle.

  But Becky's research is only necessary if people are alive and not dissipating their power.

  If someone dies, not later than one day.

  After a day, the power dissipated to heaven and earth.

  Although Violet was not necessarily hopeless, Xia Ming was thinking that hope was indeed smaller than before.

  Find decent fruit for her, at least make her stronger than Da Jianhao.

  When you think so.

  There was a knock on the door, and Boya walked in with her little foot.

  Fist towards Xia Ming, and then said, "I have reached a new world.

  You want to speed up or keep slowing down"

  "Well, the pirates should still be in the rally, so don't worry, just get to the location within a month."

  This Xia Ming gently took off his jade arm and put it on him, then covered Violet with a quilt, and walked over to Boya, ignoring her contemptuous expression.

  She hugged her directly, and suddenly came to the deck.

  Boya just did what he did.

  Actually, he didn't mean to be angry at all.

  He lay on Xia Ming's side and asked softly, "What are you going to do?"

  "Easy, just level them with a knife!"

  This Xia Ming smiled and said with a domineering gesture.

  Bo Ya gave him a white expression and said, "I really think you are invincible!"

  "While not invincible, it's still good to fight that school of ... trash.

  Even the four 44 emperors of red-haired Kaido carry my weight.

  You have to know that your man is near the top of the world.

  Laughter and talk with Bo Ya Xia Ming looking at the distant sea.

  I am very forgiving.

  Just then, something suddenly exploded from a distance, and it became: getting bigger and bigger.

  Xia Ming frowned.

  "That's how the shell is so big!"

  Boya stared at it in shock.

  I saw a magnificent cannonball fly by, bigger than any cannonball in size.

  It's as big as a small warship!" It must be some kind of capability.

  I didn't expect the pirates to challenge me on their own halfway through."

  Xia Ming's face was not worried, he smiled, and then waved his big hand in front of Boya, the golden knife appeared out of nowhere, and shredded the shell gently.

  In the air, a faint blade flashed, and the huge shell immediately split into many fragments, and a violent explosion occurred.

  Xia Ming hummed coldly and let go... Bo.

  Taking a step forward, his fists rushed towards the blast shock wave with scorching armed domineering.

  The air made a loud noise.

  fist drive

  The airflow turned into a fist visible to the naked eye, suddenly encountering the blast shock wave and bomb fragments.

  There was another loud bang.

  All debris and flames are directly blocked by the punch.

  Only a little black smoke remained in the air, indicating that a huge shell had just appeared.

  "what happened"

  A member of the Holy Blade, the weak, felt the shocking explosion and came out.

  Akainu sneered and said, "Which bastard doesn't want to live?"

  "Let me kill him!"

  "Let me burn him to death and dare to disturb my sleep!"

  He patted his head and opened his eyes, looking embarrassed.

  However, Xia Ming shook his head and suddenly laughed: "It turned out to be him.

  I don't remember seeing it in the city I'm going on.

  This is indeed an inexplicable bug.

  Guess the damn world will be a ghost, and let me meet."

  "it is good"

  He and others seemed blank, completely unable to understand Xia Ming's words, but Xia Ming did not explain.

  The flashover on the deck disappeared, and only a word remained.

  "I'll go back, I'll be fine.

  You can keep training!"

  "It turns out that the captain held his hand.

  This seems to be a personal thing.

  Unfortunately, he had the opportunity to practice his hand."

  Tightening his lips, the flames on his arms gradually dissipated.

  "You are definitely not the captain's own opponent."

  The cigar hits relentlessly, but with little effect.

  In front of Xia Ming, an old-looking ship soon appeared.

  A group of people stood on the deck, looked into the distance, and when they saw the golden light flashing in the air, everyone was stunned.

  "Captain, your attack doesn't seem to be effective!"

  "To shut up!"

  The captain was wearing some shabby clothes, and he had a horn cap on his head, with two broken horns.

  In this case, Xia Ming's figure had come directly to the deck of the ship, looked at them coldly, and asked: "Bundy, Wald, Momo Fruit Boss, once with the Golden Lion, Kejie Era Like the pirates, the golden lion is imprisoned in the infinite hell on the sixth floor of the city, can I?"

  The crew on the ship all looked at him in horror, like a close friend, after all, the name of the ghost knife has spread all over the world, even if they were once brave warriors, they would inevitably feel fear in front of Xia Ming .

  Captain Ward's eyes had a piercing light, and he sank, "Yes!"

  "I'm weird.

  I remember that I didn't see you on the sixth floor.

  How did you escape"

  Xia Ming's eyes narrowed slightly.

  This is the theatrical version of the character.

  Pirates are out.

  But Xia Ming clearly remembered that he did not see and escape with He, nor escaped with He.

  In the end, the advancing city was annihilated by him.

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