Can it be said that it may be attacked? Life to see the underlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

410, The Profound Truth of Using a Knife! ?

  If he hadn't been handcuffed by Shanghai Lou on the sixth floor, it would have been possible.

  Wald thought about this in his heart, suddenly laughed, and said coldly: "The golden lion bastard can escape, why can't I escape! If you want to become a piece, it depends on you not using Kejie as an ability. !"

  After all, the knife in his hand was violently removed, and he slashed towards Xia Ming.

  However, Xia Ming stood there, his body did not move at all, the second moment, he saw the golden light flickering, a golden knife emerged from the air, floated in the air, waving gently.

  Directly stopped Wald's attack.

  At the next moment, Xia Ming thought that the knife domain was scattered directly.

  Countless screams rang out, and those veteran trash fish directly crushed Yu Xia Ming's knife field.

  Even the forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and the whole body was covered with dark-armed domineering, but there were still countless subtleties.

  Bloody knife marks.

  "so weak"

  Xia Ming lightly grabbed the golden sword floating in the air, cut it off, his wrists trembled, and the sword rushed out of the sky.

  Seeing this scene, Wald was shocked.

  He initially thought that the news about the ghost knife was false, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful! Momogo was almost a hundred! The next moment, Wald's figure suddenly accelerated, and even Xia Ming's sight could only catch it to the afterimage.

  The sword in the sky suddenly fell.

  Cut the ship directly in half, and the bottomless abyss appeared at sea! The face of Wald who reappeared was stunned.

  Shen Chan said: "Enough! But don't underestimate me!"

  The peach fruit was cut a hundred times, and when he saw the knife in his hand, it flashed.

  The knife was hundreds of meters long, and it was cut side by side with Xia Ming with a sharp wind blowing.

  "Oh, Momogo, it's really good."

  Xia Ming admired and flicked his fingers, the chopped knife was also a slamming knife.

  Although it was smaller, under the golden light, it turned into a golden knife dozens of meters long.

  But that ability far outstrips Wald's doubling cuts.

  With a loud bang, the huge knife, like tofu, was chopped off by an empty knife! Watching this scene, Wald's complexion became ugly.

  Damn, Lao Tzu's body can no longer... bear a hundred times the speed and a hundred times the strength, but you killed all my crew, I can't live anyway, thinking this way, when Walder roared, a force covered up his body.

  Suddenly, a powerful force suddenly erupted, making Xia Ming look at him.

  A hundred times faster! A hundred times stronger! If there is no fruit, the strength is at most an ordinary general.

  But after superimposing a hundred times the speed and double the power.

  The strength soared directly to the top four emperors! This weak pressure can only be exerted by the world's top powers.

  Staring at Wald, the muscles on Xia Ming's face twitched several times.

  My heart is cursed: Damn Oda, this is another mistake.

  This Nima is just a variant of the fruit's overstrength, although its fragility is so great that it doesn't make it into the top ten strongest superhuman systems.

  But I don't think Jiang Long can really do that.

  Such speed is like the same, although it can capture the smell, it is difficult to react.

  It's like you know he's going to punch you, but you can't keep up with your speed.

  If you didn't reach out, the fist is already here.

  For Xia Ming, there are other ways to deal with this speed.

  Since dabbling in the ghost knife, he can use the power of the ghost knife, whether it is speed, strength or other energy.

  Next, the ghost knife pointed to the starting point! The next moment, Xia Ming raised the knife in his hand. At first glance, his face no longer seemed to be there, but extremely serious.

  I saw him move what seemed to be very slow, cutting the air from top to bottom, then waved his hand gently.

  But with the power of the Great Dao, this knife, Wald only felt that he could not escape even ten thousand times faster! Moreover, he was not trying to escape.

  With a roar, I saw that his arm was covered with a layer of domineering domineering, and that fist exploded with a hundred times the speed and a hundred times the force! Suddenly, the flow of air was driven by this fist and turned into a huge Fist mark, and blasted the sky-piercing sword to the sky.

  There was a loud bang, like a shooting star falling to the ground.

  This force directly caused a shock wave, causing the entire sea to sink suddenly, and a huge deep crater appeared in the middle of the crater.

  Knife Mark! "Damn, it's so powerful!"

  Wald felt that all his internal organs had begun to turn over, his blood and muscles began to atrophy, Xia Ming gently knocked them all down, Xia Ming looked at Wald and shook his head: "This ability is indeed very powerful, but Your body can't handle the multiplied force you're dead!"

  "Hey, I'm going to die, I'm dead, I'm no longer afraid of death.

  Xia Ming, the ghost knife, has indeed passed Mihawk at the end of the year many times, so, you have taken the final blow!"

  There was blood in the seven 7 tricks, he looked terrible, but he had a big smile on his face and looked weird.

  The next minute, he saw his body stagnate and his right hand slammed.

  One punch pushes the airflow, and another blow from the left hand.

  !!! The air kept going: roaring, because of his speed, countless fists seemed to congeal at one point, and in a split second, hundreds of punches were unknown.

  The price, of course, was that his body completely collapsed, and he was blown into a bloody man.

  Good luck with your whole body.

  Even if he used this move in his prime, he was undoubtedly dead.

  Locked by these boxing marks, Xia Ming knew that he could not avoid being hit, his expression was still frozen, and the knife in his hand was still like a fluttering wave.

  This knife, he exhausted all the meaning of the knife, knife heart, knife domain, ghost knife, knife pressure! Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, recommend,

411, move forward in a new direction! !

  The gusts of wind were light, and the clouds were light and quiet.

  Sword air enveloped the sky.

  The clouds in the sky pass straight through the bottomless fissure, and the sound is spectacular.

  The next moment, when Xia Ming thought about it, the energy of the blade covering the sky suddenly shrank and turned into a crystal blade line, extremely slender.

  Only after Xia Ming's ghost knife is gone, can he master this terrifying knife power! At the same time, his body also collapsed directly.

  The imprint of hundreds of fists is as thick as Tarzan.

  This terrifying attack made Xia Ming go all out, even pulling out the knife he just realized.

  The silk thread flickered and flickered, and the next moment appeared in front of the boxing mark.

  In Xia Ming's gaze, the two collided.

  and the others ran back to the deck in horror with ancient knives, staring at the force of destruction.

  "God, who is this"

  "This terrifying attack, I'm afraid Xia Ming has encountered a strong man!"

  With a worried glint in his eyes, Boya disappeared.

  Nami smiled and said, "Don't worry, although the dwarf's strength is not the strongest in the world, his ability to save lives is already outrageous.

  That mighty physique and that strange knife can kill him no, it's extremely rare for someone who can hurt him."

  After the explosion, a huge pit appeared ten times larger than before.

  If this was the Admiralty, I'm afraid the whole of Marineford would not exist at all.

  Xia Ming's figure was floating in the air, and he couldn't help coughing a few times.

  Although he was not injured, he was embarrassed and his clothes were blown to pieces.

  It was the most sturdy and simple clothes specially made! Shaking his head helplessly, Xia Ming waved his fingers, the knife that fell into the air fell to the ground, and jumped directly into the surging sea water for about a second.

  I don't know how deep the shredded dive went, just found the body of Walder who was blown to death by the flesh.

  Fist forward.

  Just like the moonwalk, the recoil is not normal.

  Embedding reefs is a good thing without hitting the bottom directly.

  The strength of this fruit is still good.

  Despite some drawbacks and constraints, a hundred stacks can't be used for long periods of time, only a few seconds at most, but a tenfold strength acceleration is still a terrible gain under normal circumstances.

  If handed over, she can reach the top generalist in one step, and even four 44 emperors in one step.

  As for Xia Ming himself.

  However, this fruit is not considered at all.

  His abilities have reached the limit of the world's abilities.

  For him, even if he doubles, I'm afraid he will have a strong metamorphosis, let alone a hundred times.

  It can be multiplied a hundredfold, and he can cut the world in half with a knife! After all, fruit is only for power and no amount of bonuses can reach a terrible level.

  Xia Ming estimates the greatest benefit of words.

  It is about or, not at all.

  He just wanted to compensate, so he made the function.

  Speaking of which I'd like to thank, I must have had no idea a method had been developed to strip its fruit.

  Think of it this way.

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