Seems to be just a number without much craving.

  At the same time, when Xia Ming and Charlotte were fighting, due to the rays of the sun, the fighting images of the two of them appeared on the surface, as if two super giants of several hundred meters were in the sea fog.

  During the war, the pirate corps on the way to the Golden Island saw this magical scene.

  "Captain hahaha, captain, there is an incredible monster, shall we escape?"

  When he was in charge of the General Pirate Group, seeing this shocking scene, he didn't have any fear, but laughed wildly.

  Ask in general.

  "This sea is so amazing.

  There are actually many monsters larger than giants.

  If you don't take a look, it is estimated that you will regret it in your life!"

  General Marshall Ely said very happily: As a fantastic pirate, this adventure in the unknown world has a fatal attraction to him.

  "I haven't seen any suspicious figures.

  These two huge figures seem to have appeared out of nowhere and are worth seeing."

  As an ordinary sniper, Van Oka also carefully observed the surrounding situation and found that there were no enemies within a few kilometers of the sniper range, and the two huge figures seemed to come out of nowhere.

  "Everything is destiny.

  It seems they won't let us see fate."

  As the general thief marched toward the huge figure, Poison, who was on a boat suddenly said the doctor.

  At the same time, the thick sea fog suddenly dissipated, and the two huge figures disappeared completely.

  "The thief hahahaha, the funny thing is gone!"

  Faced with this miraculous scene, the general also laughed out loud, not at all angry, because the target he was looking for disappeared.

  This attitude seems to prove that he will not become an ordinary person in the future.

  "Captain, before that figure disappeared, I watched it carefully, like a human reflection."

  Van Oka, the most famous sniper among the pirates, spoke seriously to the general.

  "The reflection is impossible. With such a big reflection, that person is much bigger than the giant race, but we can't see such a giant around here!"

  The general has yet to speak about Van Oka's statement.

  , the helmsman Basas led the counterattack.

  "You really are a simple-minded person.

  At close range, objects are no different from reflections, but if it's a reflection cast from a distance, there's no reflection on the body."

  The IQ that makes people anxious in Pakistan is also explained in detail at a glance.

  "It's impossible


  Such a number can predict how far Sash glanced into the distance and said incredulously.

  "One distance is enough!"

  This time, it was the general who answered Basal's question, only to see his stern expression explaining.

  "where is it"

  "Sky Island!"

  "Empty Island, the legendary holy place with golden islands, does it really exist?"

  Everyone in the pirate group was shocked when the general mentioned Sky Island's name.

  After all, they've all heard of this legendary place.

  Yes, but no one has ever been there.

  "There really is an empty island where people with dreams can get there."

  Questions about the crew were answered very positively by the general.

  "Captain, where is our next destination, is this an empty island?"

  Hearing the existence of the empty island, Basas and other crew members opened their eyes and asked curiously.

  "No, our dream should not be a simple golden home.

  Our dream is to turn the world upside down and rule the ocean."

  In general, he waved his hand and rejected the proposal, "Let's first go to the nearest city island in the magic valley, go there to find the latest pirate information, and then find the target to start, let the whole world know of our existence, so to fill the gap after Camp's arrest. Qiwuhai is vacant."

  "Yes, Captain!"

  Of course, everyone knows the captain's ambitions.

  They were also moved by the general's grand plans, and they were willing to follow him.

  But what the general did not expect was that when he came to the Golden Island, everything on the island completely exceeded his expectations. The general of the pirate regiment who just saw the incredible reflection on the sea, soon came to the pirate The paradise, the ancient island, according to the original goal, but when they landed on the island, they were in front of them.

  Everything was astonished.

  It was originally a small island gathered by pirates who spent a lot of money.

  According to theory, there should be fights and fights everywhere.

  But when the general arrived, they saw someone on the ground delivering the goods, and the island greeted each other very politely.

  If it weren't for the special costumes of these people, they'd all wonder they came to the wrong place.

  "Captain, what the hell is going on, are these pirates funny? Why are they so regular with pirates?"

  For the incredible scene in front of him, Basal asked first.

  The general himself was very curious about this issue, he just waved his hand and said, "Let's break into a few restaurants and find out why."

  The reason why Mogu Island has become like this is very simple, that is, although Xia Ming's Planghao has left the Golden Island, the pirates have been re-educated by Xia Ming, a terrifying little devil at an exorbitant price: .

  At this moment.

  However, due to the shadows in their hearts, they dare not indulge themselves in a short period of time, which makes the peaceful vision of Magic Valley appear for a century.

  For these reasons, the general waited effortlessly for the group to collect it.

  He was also intrigued to hear the appearance of a little devil from the pirates of Glendale.

561, terrible conclusion! ?

  "How is it possible to be a competent person in a natural system!"

  Watching the box's shocking performance, Camp immediately saw it as someone who could sublimate Devil Fruit in a natural system, and immediately evaluated it.

  a little higher.

  "Don't think eating fruit is a good thing, without them you'll be squashed!"

  As the battalion had surmised this amazing performance block, Betty, who had been tossed in the air, had fallen.

  At this moment, his own unique weapon was clenched in his hand, which was ferocious to Kemp's head.

  a hammer.

  Because his body was soaked in sea water, he couldn't sublimate it.

  Battalion was not used to fighting and fleeing, and was hit by an iron ball hammer like Betty, and his whole body flew out.

  "Under the Qiwu Sea, that's it!"

  Betty was also a little surprised to see how easy it was to hit the battalion and cooperate with herself and the cube.

  His evaluation of them naturally fell to the lowest point, thinking that they were just a group of incompetent people promoted by the world government.

  "Damn it, I'll let you know how horrible I am."

  Camp smeared blood oozing from his, and was hit by a nameless rat like Betty.

  He felt so humiliated that his whole body was at risk.

  With violent white gas.

  "What is he doing, is he too angry to smoke?"

  Betty asked very confused at the moment of performance in training camp.

  "No, he is firing the ability to desertify the entire desert to absorb the entire sea water and re-sublime the entire body, making ordinary physical attacks ineffective."

  At this time, Xia Ming also got out of the taxi and explained to Betty.

  "Don't even think about it!"

  Hearing that Camp was about to soak and re-sublime the water, Betty immediately took the weapon in her hand and rushed up.

  "Don't worry, give him this chance!"

  But Xia Ming grabbed Betty who was about to rush forward and said confidently: "I really want to know how powerful Emperor Qi Wuhai is who can be sublimated."

  "Damn, you'll pay for your arrogance!"

  At this time, Kemp has finished the work of absorbing water from the body, looking at Xia Ming full of confidence with a cold face, his eyes are like looking at a dead man "arrogant child, you will pay for it."

  Crocodile has now exhausted all the seawater on his body, and his combat power has risen to the peak again. He disdains Xia Ming.

  In Camp's view, Xia Ming is a typical newcomer.

  I don't know how big the world is.

  I thought the heavy fireship could go over the sea and give myself time to recover.

  This will cost him his studies.

  "Take it!"

  The recovered camper immediately started his real ability, his whole body was like a gust of wind, and his wrist attacked Xia Ming with a sand knife.

  "It's useless!"

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