For Camp's suddenness, Xia Ming's figure had long since fled away from the sand blade.

  At the same time, his knee rubbed Kemp's face, causing his entire body to slide up.

  Really shocked.

  "What happened, the gang moved quickly, it is understandable to dodge my attack, but how could his knee hit me, was it because I didn't sublime in time, or because his knee was also dirty with sea water. "

  For the training camp, I was very shocked that Xia Ming scratched himself.

  Initially, he thought his body could be sublimated.

  He should be invincible.

  At this moment, he was still hurt by this seemingly special Xia Ming.

  Of course he couldn't accept it.

  "This jigsaw puzzle is really not that easy to use, especially when attacked, it's still attached, and its control requirements are not only a level higher!"

  After the first round of confrontation, Xia Ming also faced Qiyan.

  After gaining a new understanding of the use of weapons, he used to attach armed colored flames to his knees, but due to the too much kicking action, he immediately spread the attached armed colored flames as soon as he hit Kemp, As a result, it was only slightly scratched.

  "Ghost, it's not that simple, Sword of the Desert!"

  Because he was not sure whether Xia Ming had smeared sea water on his body, Camp also gave up his preparations for close combat, but turned his palm into a sword and aimed it at Xia Ming.

  The sharp blade of sand flew directly towards Xia Ming and the crack appeared where it passed through the deck.

  "Damn, get away from me!"

  When I saw that the carefully crafted one was actually destroyed by the sand shovel, Xia Ming was immediately furious.

  It felt like stepping on that kid's favorite toy, and he immediately.

  Staring at his feet, carving.

  It was as if the ghost had flickered away from the Sand Blade's attack.

  "That's a pirate's shave"

  Seeing the terrifying body shape of Xia Ming disappear once, Ying, who has seen many powerful people, was surprised.


  The main thing was Xia Ming's shocked agility, when Xia Ming had rushed to Camp's front like a ghost, when it didn't respond, it was suddenly kicked into Camp's stomach.


  After being kicked out by Xia Ming, Camp believed that a super powerful shock wave invaded the body, the body hit the railing badly, just felt the sweet throat, and then he was reluctant to blood.

  come out.

  "This little devil has no water on his feet, I did sublime and got hit by him is this arrogance?"

  Kemp, who felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, still analyzed the situation calmly, and quickly came to terrible conclusions in his mind.

  The kid in front of him is by no means an ordinary kid, but a mysterious boy who can burn with fire.

  "Who is really the seven and five seas, this kind of affordability has not been universalized!"

  Looking at Kemp who was kicked with all his strength, he just stood up with a mouthful of blood, as if nothing.

  The main Xia Ming was also a little surprised by what happened.

  King Qiwuhai is really not good at dealing with it.

  "Boy, I didn't expect you to use: flame, because I'm not polite anymore."

  At this moment, Ying completely cast aside his contempt for Xia Ming, his whole body immediately.

  There was a lot of sand around.

  Everything has changed: different.

  "bring it on!"

  Xia Ming took a deep breath, referring to the fact that the highest-level armed flames were already in order to solve this next attack.

  "Come on, you'll only drag the captain here."

  Betty saw the box next to him and wanted to go to help quickly, and immediately hugged it and began to move back.

562, The Power of Defects! ?

  "Don't even want to leave!"

  Looking at the blocks and Betty who were about to escape, Kemp also immediately launched his own attack.

  Sandstorm is several times stronger than previous Jozes.

  Intense sandstorms appear to contain countless sharp blades.

  The deck was scratched by several cracks that looked as horrific as the cracked ground.

  "Break me!"

  For the terrifying large-scale attack, Xia Ming also drank a glass of cold water. He stretched out his arms armed with colored flames, as if he was catching the whirlwind, pulling it violently to both sides. torn apart.

  With Xia Ming doing his best, he immediately formed a safe zone around him.

  Betty and the blocks behind were not affected by the sandstorm, but the decks on both sides were scratched by the sandstorm.

  "You kid, you can actually use it to the point that you can tear my sandstorm apart, but the price is high."

  Camp was surprised that Xia Ming pulled the sandstorm away.

  But after seeing Xia Ming's hands begin to bleed, and knowing that Xia Ming paid a small price for it, he immediately concentrated the power of rustling fruit and prepared to give him a fatal blow.

  "Don't even think about it, I should attack!"

  Seeing his own serious damage, Xia Ming was completely angry, he kicked and attacked.

  Because of his anger, Xia Ming also exerted his power at this time.

  The kind of... counter-impact from the ground shook the entire wave, and the attack stopped immediately.

  The man seized the short gap and came to Camp in a blink of an eye.

  "Desert Sword!"

  Camp deserves to be the battle queen Qiuhai.

  When he saw Xia Ming's figure disappear, he didn't have to guess that he was attacking himself, and he didn't even care about the crumbling waves in front of him.

  He waved his offensive skills, waved his sharp hands, and a handful of sharp sand popped from the ground and rushed over.

  Looking at the sharp sand that suddenly appeared in front of him, Xia Ming didn't dodge at all, so he directly greeted him "I want you to die, desert sword!"

  Faced with the sudden disappearance of Xia Ming, Camp also immediately realized that he was about to attack, and immediately waved to himself, a sharp blade composed of sand poured out directly from the ground and rushed forward.


  Xia Ming did not evade, the sharp edge of the child emerged from the ground.

  He concentrated his strength entirely on one foot, while at the same time he took a sharp turn, using Tanaka to teach himself the technique.

  A tight head of white ghosts flew towards the erupting sharp.

  Uh bang! Under the attack of the white fist, Yu Gang's sharp sand blade stayed only for a moment and was smashed by it, while the white fist continued to grab Kemp's head.

  "Get off me!"

  Camp really deserves to be the supreme power in the pirate world.

  In the face of this situation, he must persevere.

  He showed no fear, but soon caught his arm with a sand knife.

  The powerful shock of this power race shook the whole deck with kicks

  The sand that passed, was also trapped by the dreaded white burrs and the chest.

  The previous clothes were immediately stained red with blood.

  Looking back at Xia Ming, the current situation does not seem to be very good.

  Although he managed to injure Camp with great strength and immature air, his legs were also wrapped in Camp's sand.

  absorbs a lot of water.

  At this moment, he is standing with the strength of one foot, let alone the next attack.

  Now, when Camp attacks him, he has no right to dodge.

  "What the hell are you doing and who is your master"

  Camp covered the wound on his chest and looked at Xia Ming in disbelief.

  After all, this boy's strength is not arrogant enough, but enough.

  It has attracted the attention of governments around the world.

  How could he still be a stranger His master was too disciplined so he didn't get a chance to act before he left school.

  "Boring question, am I obliged to answer you!"

  Facing Camp's question, Xia Ming smiled contemptuously and did not answer at all.

  "Don't be proud of yourself, boy, your legs have been sanded.

  I am trying to stand right now.

  As long as I attack, you can only wait for death!"

  For this arrogant Xia Ming, Camp also raised the golden hook in his hand, ready to strike the final blow.

  "You can try."

  In the face of Kemp's threat, Xia Ming did not panic at all, opened his eyes and smiled.

  Looking at Xia Ming's dark smile, Ying, who is still confident, is panic.

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