For Zefa's injury, Carl is currently powerless, unless he can learn to regenerate his severed limbs, and the crane called Carl over, and only asked Carl to treat Zefa for the wound on the severed arm.

When he was cured, Zefa was lying on the hospital bed, and he didn't speak the whole time, even if he was present, he didn't say a word, his expression was blank, and his mental state was extremely bad.

"Zefa, the Navy will do everything in their power to capture Edward Wibull"

Crane looked at his former comrades-in-arms, and now he was so depressed that he couldn't bear it.

"Sengoku has already sent Akainu, and I believe that the other party will definitely be caught"

The former general had his arm cut off by the pirates, and there were only two dead in the academy of the elite training camp, you must know that the cadets who can join the elite training camp have a talent that is different from ordinary people, and may even become the future high-end combat power of the navy.

So for this matter, Sengoku attached great importance and anger, and directly sent the general Akainu to arrest him.

If this pirate is really caught, then according to Akainu's character, plus Zefa is still his teacher, this pirate will definitely die.

If the yellow ape catches it, eighty percent will catch this pirate back, and by the way, he will be angry again.

Carl's friend, Adolf-523 Allen, is also a student of Zefa, and is now in the elite training camp, of course, the other party is still young, so he is not a graduate of this elite training camp.

But Tsuru said this, Zefa still didn't react at all, the death of the student, his own broken arm, which can be regarded as completely overwhelming this strong old man.

"Ah, I'll come back to see you in a few days"

Tsuru sighed, and then left the room with Carl.

Both happiness and sadness are easily contagious, so the crane who came out of the ward also had a little sadness on his face.

"Mother-in-law, don't worry, if General Akainu can't catch that pirate, I will definitely catch him in the future, and my fruit ability will be further developed, and I will definitely help General Zefa to be reborn with a severed limb."

Carl took Granny Crane's palm and said very seriously.

Tsuru patted Carl on the head, and she was glad that Carl could say that.

"Then please, Carl"

"Well, leave it to me"

Saying that the two left the hospital, Carl did not go to work directly in the hospital, after all, he had been on the ship for so many days, and Granny Crane was in a bad mood today, so he planned to go to work tomorrow.

The two of them walked in the small town of Lin Fando in the horse (BGCH), and the people around them greeted him warmly when they saw Carl coming back.

"What Carl wants to eat tonight, my mother-in-law will make it for you"

Granny Crane looked at the stalls around, this is the vegetable market of Marin Fando, it is not very large, but there are indeed many varieties, and Neptune meat sometimes appears here.

"Mother-in-law, I'll cook it for you today, make my best barbecue"

Carl patted his chest and said loudly.

"Oh, yes, then I'm not going to do it today," Granny Crane said with a smile.

Carl's best thing is barbecue, and the only thing he can do is barbecue.


Xiong Ba on the side showed a disgusted expression, when he had never eaten cooked food before, he thought that barbecue was the most delicious food in the world.

Later, it followed Carl to Marin Fando and went to Mari Bridge, only to know that the most delicious food in the world was in Mary Bridge, followed by the food made by the hotel chef and Granny Crane, and the barbecue made by Carl could only be ranked last.

So now when he hears that he wants to eat the last barbecue, Xiong Ba is a little unhappy.

"If you don't want to eat, you'll starve me today"

Carl kicked Xiong Ba angrily, Lao Tzu's barbecue skills were not forced out by you, now it's okay, with a new love, forget the old love.

You're a scumbag, you know.

Give you what you are used to, love to eat or not.


Xiong Ba shook his head and pushed Karl, you are not happy, I am not happy, there are so many restaurants on the side, you don't go in to eat, why do you have to do it yourself, the key is that the things you make are not delicious.

Give me the money and I'll go to the restaurant to eat by myself.

"No money, why don't you go to the store to perform acrobatics and see if the owner is willing to give you food for free," Carl snorted.


If you don't give it to me, I'll bite you.

"If you dare to bite me, next time I go to Dupont's house, I will go secretly, and I won't take you there, see what you do"


You're still a bear, and you've done all these things.

"I'm sorry, I'm human, I'm sure I can do this kind of bullying of bears"

Tsuru looked at Carl who was arguing with Xiong Ba funny, although she was curious about how Carl understood what Xiong Ba said, but she was not surprised.

"Uncle, come to fifty catties of beef, and you want to be fat and thin."

"Carl is back, when is he back?"

The uncle was visibly happy to see Carl, and he cut the meat in his hand and said it in his mouth.

"Well, I'm back today"

"It's good to come back, you don't know, when you are no more, I accidentally cut the back of my hand, almost lost my hand, it took more than a month to raise it, if you were in Marinfando, it would cure me in a few minutes"

The uncle said and revealed the back of his left hand, and there was indeed a pink scar on it, apparently not long ago.

"No way, it was this old boy from the Warring States who asked me to go, and it's all his fault"

Although it is not his own fault, Carl must care more about the people of Marin Vandor than Mari Bridge, and the time he is no longer has caused some patients, such as this uncle, to suffer a lot.

Tsuru patted Karl's head angrily, what a Warring States old boy, children should be polite.

Well, the main shout got used to it, forgetting that the crane is still on the side.


How can fifty catties be enough, at least two hundred catties, I want to eat one hundred and fifty catties, and the cook will add more.

"How can there be so much money"


Anyway, I don't care, if you don't add a little more, I'll get bigger and lie in your bed tonight, so you can't sleep.

"Count you ruthless"

"Uncle is coming for one hundred and fifty pounds"

Being threatened by a bear and not being able to fight back made Carl a little depressed.

"Okay, two hundred pounds of beef"

Carl turned out these two hundred catties of beef, and then hung it directly on Xiong Ba's neck, eating so much, at least he had to make some effort.

"Uncle, the money is for you, you stretch out that injured hand"

"That's a good feeling"

The uncle apparently knew what Carl was going to do, so he hurriedly stretched out his injured right hand.

Don't look at the right hand has been cured, but there must be some loss of function, and it will not be as flexible as before.

Feeling the soreness in his right hand gradually disappearing, the uncle said happily: "Carl will buy meat next time, I won't charge you money, and I won't charge you as much as I buy."

"Then uncle, you will definitely lose, I will definitely buy a lot of it then, do you say it is a bear tyrant"


Take all his meat, and don't want money anyway. _

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