In the port of the naval headquarters, Carl, who had been absent for a while, finally returned to this place again, and the crane and Gien were already waiting here on the port side.

Carl had just gotten off the boat and wanted to throw himself into Gizono's arms and rub the facial cleanser that he hadn't rubbed for a long time, but just as he fell into the air and was heading towards the target, Gizono grabbed him by the back of his fate.

Could it be that Giyuan knew his bad intentions, Carl thought this for the first time.

"Carl, I heard you learned swordsmanship from someone on the ship."

Giyuan raised Karl to him, and his face was extremely unkind.

Hearing this, Karl immediately looked at Kuzan and pointed at the other party angrily: "Traitor, Kuzan you betrayed my trust in you"

If you think about it with your ass, you must have told Kuzan to Giyuan, otherwise how could the other party know.

"I'll go first, by the way, Giwon, I heard Carl say that Hawkeye's swordsmanship is better than yours, that's why he learned from Hawkeye" Kuzan ignored Carl at all, and left after pitting Carl.

As for Carl's scolding of him later, hehe, anyway, Giyuan will teach him a lesson for himself.

"My swordsmanship can't compare to the other party--- Carl --- is floating, or I can't lift the knife in the garden?"

Gien looked at Carl with a smile, obviously smiling, but in Carl's opinion, he seemed to have seen hell, and he couldn't explain it in fright, so he could only look at Granny Crane on the side like a help.

If Granny Crane comes to the rescue, then Giyuan will definitely let her go.

But this time, the crane who loved her grandson didn't make a move, didn't even look at Carl, and quietly looked at the sea, as if the sea was even more beautiful than her grandson.

In Tsuru's opinion, Carl is right to learn swordsmanship, but the key is that he Hawkeye learned swordsmanship, although the other party is not a pirate, but his behavior is very similar to that of a pirate.

As the future of the navy, Carl learning swordsmanship from someone like Hawkeye who has an unclear position is something that Tsuru doesn't want to see.

"Sister Giwon, I didn't say such a thing, Kuzan, this bastard deliberately said nonsense, how can Hawkeye's swordsmanship be even more powerful than you, harm"

"Then why are you still learning swordsmanship from him?"

Giyuan didn't eat Carl's set, and his tone was still very unkind.

"I didn't learn, he had to teach me, and he gave me some basic swordsmanship to repay me for saving my life," Karl hurriedly explained.

Anyway, Hawkeye is gone, and Kuzan, the bastard, is gone, and he can say whatever he wants.

"Remember, don't contact Hawkeye in the future, and come to me when you learn swordsmanship"

Gion placed Carl on the ground, and kept pinching Carl's face with both hands, which was very similar to kneading dough.

Carl's facial features were about to be kneaded together, but he didn't dare to resist the female tyrannosaurus in front of him, so he could only keep nodding his head to indicate that he knew.

Hawkeye is now one of the most famous swordsmen of the Great Voyage, not only because of his superb swordsmanship, but also because he has one of the supreme fast swords, Black Knife Night.

There are also several swordsman-level masters in the Navy Headquarters, and one of them has fought with Hawkeye, but the result is a fiasco, of course, this person is not Giyuan.

For Hawkeye, Giyuan also wants to learn from each other.

Gion's swordsmanship is naturally also very strong, but in Carl's opinion, there is still a gap with Hawkeye.

After all, he became the world's No. 1 swordsman later, and he appeared in the early stage, and the number of appearances was much more than that of Gi Yuan, which only appeared in the later stage, and the picture was pitiful, almost fleeting.

"Mother-in-law, you won't save you when you die"

Gion finally let go of Carl, who hurried over to Granny Tsuru, looking at each other with some resentment.

"Who told you to do things without thinking about the consequences, fight the Tianlong people, and have something to do with Hawkeye"

Granny Crane gently knocked on Karl's head, and her tone was slightly stern.

Let's not talk about how serious it is to fight the Tianlong people, at that time, Sengoku almost scared out of heart disease when he knew about it, but fortunately, Carl's own ability was hard enough, and he solved it himself without the navy coming forward.

But then Carl learned swordsmanship from Hawkeye, although he only learned some basics, but nominally speaking, Hawkeye is Carl's teacher, at least he is also the enlightenment teacher of swordsmanship.

If Hawkeye directly becomes a pirate and becomes the target of the Navy's want, then well, Carl's position in the Navy will be a little embarrassing.

Even if most of the navy doesn't talk about it, there will definitely be a small number of navies who are chewing their tongues in the back.

Tsuru thinks about things more far-reaching and comprehensive, and Carl is much worse in this regard.

He learns swordsmanship with Hawkeye, where can he think so much, he completely thinks that Hawkeye is very handsome, and he wants to be as handsome as the other party, learn the swordsmanship of flirting with his sister, and he can definitely flirt with a lot of beautiful young ladies in the future.

Ahem----- think too far, there is no Tony teacher in the pirate world at present, and there is no tin foil iron, but there are big waves.

After beating Karl for a few words, Granny Crane said: "Let's go, go to the hospital first, Zefa is injured"

"General Zefa is injured, what's the matter?" Karl asked.

Although Zefa has stepped down from the position of general, Karl still calls the other party that.

"Hey---- here's how it ----"

Tsuru sighed and explained the matter.

To put it simply, Zefa's arm is broken, and the reason is the same as in the original book.

He took his students out to sea for their graduation exams, but was attacked by Edward Weibull, killing all but him and two of the students, and even his right arm being cut off.

Zefa is also a poor person, in the early stage, he can also say that he has a complete life, he is deeply trusted by the navy, and there are friends like Crane and Karp (Qian Qian Zhao) by his side, and he became a naval admiral at the age of 38.

Until the age of 42, his life was complete and happy, and after the age of 42, Zefa's tragic life began, first his wife and son were killed by pirates, and then he was disheartened and turned to behind-the-scenes work, training students for the navy, and the first session trained the current three major admirals of the navy, but the yellow ape did not deal with him.

Now many students have died, and even their arms have been broken.

"Edward Weibull is strong, not even General Zefa can beat him," Karl asked, confused.

In the original work, he called himself the son of Whitebeard, and he looked like a whitebeard, but looking at his temperament, he was completely the son of the stupid landlord next door.

"The other party has surrendered, so Zefa didn't kill him, but who knew that the other party suddenly attacked, Zefa was cut off by the other party without noticing"

Speaking of this, Granny Crane's face was a little ugly, after all, Zefa was her friend Tiger. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - harvest

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