Rescue value 70308

Character: Vincent Carr

Devil Fruit: Raw Fruit

Abilities: Slow Heal 5000/5000 (Perfect) Quick Heal 8000/8000 (Perfect) Antibody Boost 20000/20000 (Perfect) Internal Organs Repair 40000/40000 (Perfect) Bone Heal 30000/30000 (Perfect) Qi & Blood Recovery 0+/15000 (Beginner)

Toxin Cure 500/15000 (Beginner)

Skill: Intermediate physical technique 1000/200000

Domineering: Primary Overlord Color Domineering 1000/100000 Primary Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering 5000/100000

Passive ability: strengthen the body (after effective exercise, it can improve the overall quality of the body faster than ordinary people, and will never leave a dark injury)

Current Activatable Skill: Potion Enhancement (Requires 10000 Rescue Value)

In order to allow Hawkeye to recover quickly, Carl directly activated the skill of qi and blood recovery, so that there is also the next skill to be activated, drug enhancement.

Sure enough, it's not so easy to learn that a severed limb is reborn.

"How is your body, can you tell me about it?" said Karl.

Qi and blood enhancement is the first time he has used it, although he probably knows the role of this skill from the literal meaning 16 thoughts, but he still has to understand it from the experiencer.

Hawkeye looked at Carl deeply, he felt that he really underestimated this kid, with such a powerful ability, no wonder he was regarded as a treasure by the navy.

"Even if you look at me like that, I won't fall in love with you, my favorite girl, well, pretty girl," Carl explained, touching his nose.

It's also a nasty little ghost.

Looking at the black knife night placed next to the bed, Hawkeye almost couldn't help but split the thing in half.

"The body is very good, whether it is strength, mental, or physical strength, it has returned to the peak" Hawkeye felt the strength in his body, compared to the weak body before, this feeling of being filled with strength was really good.

"Oh, that's good, it's the first time I've used this ability, and I'm really afraid of making mistakes"

Carl nodded, it seems that the recovery of qi and blood is even more powerful than he imagined, and this recovery of qi and blood can be regarded as a Nanfu battery, one section is stronger than six sections.

You said that if Kuzan Red Dog fights later, after ten days of fighting, both sides are tired and exhausted, and then Karl gives Kuzan a recovery of qi and blood, and the other party is immediately full of blood on the spot.

This makes Akainu how to live.

So this ability is very suitable for endurance, and can keep your own people at full health for a long time, which is simply an enemy's nightmare to think about.

Of course, the enemy knew that Carl had this ability, and would definitely find a way to kill Carl.

On the battlefield, his role is even greater than that of a top powerhouse.

Hawkeye also keeps his promise and teaches Carl basic swordsmanship moves.

The eight styles commonly used in swords, splitting, stabbing, teasing, pumping, wiping, intercepting, horizontal, and inverting.

All advanced swordsmanship is composed of these eight movements, and only by practicing these eight movements well can you pursue advanced swordsmanship.

The dignified future core of the navy actually learned swordsmanship from a pirate, and Kuzan really wanted to freeze the fruit and make Carl's head cool and cool.

Although Hawkeye is not a pirate, in Kuzan's opinion, the other party is no different from a pirate.

Originally, Kuzan was very unhappy when he saw Hawkeye, but now when he saw that Carl was turned over by him to learn swordsmanship, his heart was even more unhappy, in his opinion, it must have been Hawkeye said something, and Carl went to learn swordsmanship.

Otherwise, why didn't he learn before, you must know that Carl is often with Giyuan, who is a sword hero.

Rescue value 70308

Character: Vincent Carr

Devil Fruit: Raw Fruit

Abilities: Slow Heal 5000/5000 (Perfect) Quick Heal 8000/8000 (Perfect) Antibody Boost 20000/20000 (Perfect) Internal Organs Repair 40000/40000 (Perfect) Bone Heal 30000/30000 (Perfect) Qi & Blood Recovery 0+/15000 (Beginner)

Toxin Cure 500/15000 (Beginner)

Skill: Intermediate physical technique 1000/200000

Swordsmanship: Beginner Swordsmanship 10/90000

Domineering: Primary Overlord Color Domineering 1000/100000 Primary Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering 5000/100000

Passive ability: strengthen the body (after effective exercise, it can improve the overall quality of the body faster than ordinary people, and will never leave a dark injury)

Current Activatable Skill: Potion Enhancement (Requires 10000 Rescue Value)

Just as Carl thought, after a few days of study, the skill of primary swordsmanship appeared on the character panel, and like the previous primary physical skills, it required 90,000 experience points to enter the intermediate level.

In other words, the level of physical art and swordsmanship is corresponding, and there is no distinction between high and low.

Fruit ability, physical skills, swordsmanship, domineering, compared to fruit ability, if you want to improve the ability of the last three, you need a huge amount of rescue value, just like a bottomless pit.

In the past, the salvation value was not enough, but now that Carl took the initiative to die, he learned swordsmanship, and this time it is even more insufficient.

However, if there are more lice, he is not afraid of itching, and he is not worried about debts, Carl doesn't care anymore, anyway, he has more skills and is not pressing, in such a dangerous world, he has one more ability and one more hope of survival.

"Hawkeye, what do you think of my swordsmanship talent" Carl said after practicing today's basic moves, wiping the sweat from his face.

Ponder for a moment: "You have more prospects as a good doctor"

Okay, let's just say that your talent is not good, you have learned to beat around the bush when you speak.

After a few days, Hawkeye taught Carl to be very serious, although the latter also studied seriously, but the effect was really not very good, in terms of swordsmanship, Hawkeye had denied Carl's talent.

It can be seen on the character panel that after a few days of learning, the experience value is only 10, which is not too little.

"Hmph, or 850 wants me to show you your eyes, your eyes are not good at a young age, this is not good" Carl was a little angry.

What if the talent is not good, I can't be kryptonite, I can't hang up.

If he didn't have his senses, he really wanted to add all the salvation points to the primary swordsmanship, so that Hawkeye could see how terrible it was.

"Alright, Hawkeye, you can go"

On one of the islands closest to Marin Fando, the warship stopped, and Kuzan had already begun to chase people.

"Hawkeye, don't you like to challenge the strong, why don't you join the navy directly, so that you can not only challenge the strong in the navy, but even the pirates."

"I have a good relationship with the red dog and the yellow ape, I can build a bridge for you to fight, as for the pirates, Whitebeard can't do it"

Carl was still a little reluctant to Hawkeye, with such a high force value, it would be a pity not to stay as his bodyguard.

"No, I don't like constraints"

Hawkeye shook his head, refused, and jumped off the ship.

"Sail," Kuzan said.

The warship left the post, Karl stood on the bow of the ship and waved: "Hawkeye, I have time to come to the Navy Headquarters, I will invite you to dinner"

It was Hawkeye's silent back that answered him.

"Why are you calling him to come to the Navy Headquarters, I don't know if he will become a real enemy in the future," Kuzan said.

Hawkeye's current profession is more inclined to be a pirate hunter, but no one knows if a pirate hunter will eventually become a pirate. _

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