The level of the swordsman is currently divided into the swordsman and the great swordsman.

When your sword can cut through steel and hit a flying slash, which is the crescent moon sky, then you are a sword master.

Giyuan is currently in this realm of sword heroes.

And the big sword hero, he has cultivated his strength to the extreme, he can be soft and strong, and his flying slash can be used as a flat A attack.

The strength of a swordsman at the level of a great swordsman is no weaker than that of a general.

I don't know if Hawkeye is the big sword Haokar now, but he knows that in the future, Hawkeye will be the world's number one sword master, and the extremely powerful flying slash is his flat A.

Seeing Hawkeye, Carl had the urge to learn swordsmanship in his heart, as for why he hadn't done it before, it wasn't that he hadn't met a swordsman who satisfied him before.

You said that Giyuan, Giyuan's swordsmanship is really good, but Carl feels that the other party is not qualified to be his teacher, at least a Karp-level character. "820"

"This is my teacher's relic, and I haven't seen any other supreme knives," Hawkeye said.

There are only 12 supreme fast knives in total, if you don't have the luck of going against the sky, it is impossible to see them at all, and some supreme fast knives have not appeared for hundreds of years.

Maybe it became the private collection of a certain family, or the famous knife was dusty, and it stayed in a corner.

Carl wanted a supreme blade, which was harder than he wanted a natural Devil Fruit.

"Teacher, you still have a teacher," Carl was surprised.

In his opinion, a swordsman as talented as Hawkeye should be self-taught, but he didn't expect there to be a teacher.

"That's natural, and a good teacher can make you grow up without a lot of detours," Hawkeye replied.

Well, it's true that a good teacher can truly bring out the full potential of a genius.

"Then your teacher beat you?"

Carl asked a very strange question, and Hawkeye shook his head in confusion: "Why did you hit me?"

Do you still need a reason to hit you, just if I want to hit you, I will hit you, Carl remembered Karp, his face was a little strange, and at the same time he felt that his head hurt a little.

"Does your teacher often beat you?"

Hawkeye asked, reacting to it.

Carl nodded, and then said expectantly: "When you recover your health, can you cut my teacher a few times for me, I can't beat him now, if it goes well, it is estimated that it will take more than ten years to press him to the ground and eat soil."

Hawkeye was silent for Carl's speechless request, this master-apprentice relationship was even more complicated than he imagined.

"Who is your teacher?"

"Karp, you must have heard of Karp, this old bastard, he was my teacher, and he forcibly wanted to recognize me as his disciple," Karl said hatefully.

Karp, the naval hero Karp, captured the man of One Piece, Hawkeye felt a little stuffy in his chest, although he praised himself as powerful, but he was not an idiot, even if he hadn't fought with Karp, he knew that he was not his opponent, at least he would definitely not be able to beat the other party now.

"I don't fight people who aren't swordsmen," Hawkeye said coldly.

This can be regarded as a good hand, not only to show his position, but also to improve the force, and more importantly, to reject Carl in this way, it will not give Carl a feeling that he is inferior to Karp.

Carl despised the other party a little, what does it mean not to fight with someone who is not a swordsman, and when you go to war, you are not very excited to go to Whitebeard for trouble.

Whitebeard is not a swordsman, is it a swordsman with a childish sword, then I take this knife, is it Guan Erye alive.

"Then Kuzan, Kuzan is a swordsman, and his ice sword is very powerful"

It seems that the opponent selected for Hawkeye at the beginning was too strong, and people instigated it, so it would be better to get a weaker opponent for the other party.

"Greasant---- did he beat you too," Hawkeye asked.

"He not only beat me, but also blackmailed me, just last time he extorted me four million Bailey, do you say this guy owes a beating" Saying this, the anger in Carl's heart rose again.

Four million Bailey, this hatred, I, Vincent Carr, will never forget.

"Pheasant's words, no problem" Hawkeye agreed.

When Kuzan invited him to join the Navy before, he refused, and then the two fought, winning or losing, of course, no one knew about it.

"Can you teach me swordsmanship?"

The matter of teaching Kuzan is solved, and then the next thing is to learn swordsmanship by himself.

"I refuse"

Without the slightest hesitation, Hawkeye directly refused.

Carl was stunned, refused, and refused so simply, can you think about it a little, rejecting me, so that you don't give me any face, it's appropriate... ,

"I don't have time to teach you"

Carl was still his savior after all, and it seemed that it was a bit bad to refuse so directly, so Hawkeye changed his words again.

"It's okay, just teach me basic swordsmanship, I think with my talent, I can learn it soon" Carl patted his chest and said,

"I've been learning basic swordsmanship for eight years," Hawkeye said lightly.

Now it seemed to him that Carl was a kid who thought things too simply.

That's because you don't have a golden finger, Carl said silently in his heart.

As long as you activate the skill of swordsmanship, then the proficiency can be increased with salvation points.

Krypton gold understands it or not, this is the power of V8.

"Anyway, I don't care, you have to teach me, I saved your life, and if you are seriously injured in the future, you can also come to me, as long as you still have a breath, I can cure you, and I can grow you out if your arm is broken"

"Of course, I haven't mastered this ability yet, but I believe that I will be able to master it in the future."

According to records, the owner of the previous Fruit has learned to be reborn with a severed limb, and although Carl has now mastered a lot of fruit skills, the skill of Rebirth of a severed limb still does not appear in the activatable options.

In the character panel, the skill that can be activated at the next moment is Qi and Blood Regeneration.

This skill is very suitable for the current Hawkeye, a person who is weakened by excessive blood loss of 3.7.

Rebirth of severed limbs is definitely a high-level fruit skill, and eighty percent of them will not appear until the later stage.

"Then I'll teach you a few days, and before you get to Marin Vando, no matter how much you learn, I'm leaving," Hawkeye said after a moment's consideration.

He would agree, first and foremost, to repay Carl for saving his life.

The second is what Carl said, people are floating in the rivers and lakes, how can they not be stabbed, and he does not want to die until he achieves his goal.

"Yes, yes"

Carl nodded excitedly, finally fooling Hawkeye.

"Then let's start now, I'll treat you"

In front of Eagle Eye, Qi and Blood Recovery were directly activated, and then Qi and Blood Recovery were used.

Then Hawkeye felt like he was resurrected with full blood, and the strength in his body gave him the urge to fight ten Kuzans. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - harvest

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