Heading to the infected area to the east, Carl found Karp, who was sleeping in a room.

Karp's presence here doesn't really do anything, he's not a doctor who can't cure these patients, and he's not a politician who can't comfort these patients with great eloquence and give them hope of survival.

The only thing he can do is to show an attitude, an attitude to let the patients know that the Navy has not abandoned them, and that he, the Navy Hero Karp, is with you.

Although this old man looks unreliable most of the time, he can still be trusted in times of crisis.

Without bothering the other party, Carl went directly to the hospital where the patients lived, which was a temporary hospital built by the Navy, and the patients lived separately according to their priorities.

Carl went to the mild area first, and these patients were basically infected with infectious diseases for one to three days, and by the fourth day their condition would deteriorate, and they would basically die on the seventh day.

"Dr. Carl, it's great that you're here"

A doctor from the Navy Hospital came over excitedly, and the other party's face was not very good, because he had not slept well for several days16 because of the disease.

"Dr. Bligh, you've been working hard these days."

Karl said admiringly to these medical workers who were fighting on the front line.

"It's a pity that their lives can't be saved," said Dr. Bligh, with a gloomy expression.

"Let's go first, I want to confirm the specific situation of these patients"

Then the two of them walked into the ward, where there were two patients in one room.

"In the early stages of an infectious disease, symptoms such as high fever, rash, dehydration, and diarrhea occur, and the disease progresses very rapidly, with bleeding, heart failure, and joint swelling and pain occurring in about three days."

"We've tried a lot of drugs, but none of them worked, and we couldn't even alleviate the disease."

"Dr. Carl, you've tried the fortified medicine and tried it, but it didn't work."

This virulent infectious disease is created by people who have the ability to fruit diseases, and it does not belong to any known disease, so of course these drugs are not available now, and even if the strengthened drugs cannot be prescribed to the symptoms, they will have no effect, and will even aggravate the condition.

"This is a report on the patient's urine, saliva, blood, and sweat, which is the same as the previous report handed to the headquarters, and it has not changed now."

Among these four body fluids, a virus with a diameter of 22~28 nanometers was found, which was spherical, enveloped, and contained a single strand of positive-chain RNA, which entered the blood circulation after the proliferation of capillary endothelial cells and monocytes-phagocyte system, forming the first blood toxin.

This virus is the main culprit of this disease.

It is resistant to low temperatures, acids, ultraviolet rays, disinfectants, and dies within three minutes of high temperatures above 120 degrees.

The high temperature of 120 degrees can kill these viruses, but ordinary people simply cannot withstand such temperatures, and they have to stay for three minutes, at which time people are scalded to death, what does it matter if the virus dies or not.

It spreads through the air, but it only survives for two minutes in the air, during which time its activity decreases and it eventually dies.

Airborne transmission is the most difficult of all transmission routes to prevent, there is no effective way to stop the air movement, and the only thing to be thankful for is that the virus can only survive in the air for two minutes.

For two minutes, even with the help of the wind, you can't float to another island.

So as long as these eight countries are controlled and no one is allowed to leave the island, then the virus will not spread to other regions.

Fortunately, most of the countries in the Pirate World are composed of islands, which are very isolated from the spread of the virus, and if it is on land, the consequences are unimaginable.

"Antibody Boost"

Carl used an antibody boost on several patients in front of him.

If the strength is strong, the self-resistance is high, and it can resist the virus from the outside world entering the body.

The resistance of ordinary people is definitely not as high as that of the navy, which is regularly trained, and the navy also knows this, so the navy that comes here is basically a captain-level officer, and it already has some strength.

"Notify me in half an hour, I'll come and have a look"

After saying that, Carl went to the area of the critically ill patient, and the patients in that area were basically sentenced to death, unless Carl could immediately develop a drug to treat the virus.

Most of the patients in the critical area fell into a severe coma, generalized edema, and finally died of heart failure and kidney failure, and Carl used the technique of visceral repair on several patients to try to repair the heart and kidneys.

These two organs have indeed been repaired, and the patient's condition has improved a lot.

But these are only temporary, the symptoms are not cured, and the virus in their bodies is not eliminated, so even if the heart and kidneys are repaired, the virus will re-destroy these two organs.

It's just delaying their deaths.

Can't eliminate the virus in his body, no matter what Carl does, it will be in vain in the end.

Half an hour was fast in coming, and Dr. Bligh informed Carl.

Back in his previous mild ward, Carl examined the patients he had used to boost their antibodies.

"How did your body feel during this time, did you feel better?"

"I feel better, and the edema in my knee seems to have gone away a bit."

"Me too, I just had a few more bites"

Several patients noticed that the signals from their bodies were improving, and their mood suddenly improved a lot.

"Doctor, are we saved, can I go home and see my family 447"

"It's going to be fine, but you can't leave here just yet"

Karl was reassured.

Out of his ill demeanor, Dr. Bligh hurried out.

"Carl deserves to be you, no matter what we did before, we couldn't slow down their condition, but as soon as you came, their condition was slowed down"

However, Karl didn't have much of a smile on his face: "No, it's only temporary"

"Dr. Bligh, please do blood tests on these patients, every hour," Karl said.

"Got it"

Dr. Bligh nodded, and then he asked, "Dr. Karl, what did you mean when you said it was only temporary?"

Looking at Dr. Bligh with a worried and nervous face, Carl said: "Their improved state should only be temporary, and the ability of antibody enhancement may not be able to increase their body's resistance to the extent of destroying the virus, once the effect of antibody enhancement passes, their illness will only worsen."

"Of course this is just my guess, I hope this guess is wrong," Karl said softly.

It is true that the antibody boost can improve a person's resistance, and this ability has cured some patients with severe flu, but this time the virus has a much greater ability than the flu.

The patients who had just been boosted by Carl's antibodies had improved, but not to a great extent. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - harvest

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