The next day, Carl went to see a couple of patients who had been boosted by his antibodies yesterday, and Dr. Bligh happened to be there.

"Doctor Karl, you're here, I'm going to look for you."

Dr. Bligh saw Carl walk in and said hurriedly.

Looking at the patients who had fallen into a coma, they were awake yesterday, and today they were already in a coma, and he also used an antibody boost on them yesterday.

"Dr. Karl, a few of them are dying," Dr. Bligh said lonely, with a deep puzzle on his face: "Yesterday it was obviously better, why did it suddenly deteriorate today, and the rate of deterioration is so fast"

"Because the virus defeated the antibodies that I had strengthened, it became stronger, and the rate of deterioration naturally accelerated," Carl said in a deep voice.

As he had guessed, the antibody boost didn't defeat the virus.

If the antibodies of ordinary people are 10, then cold, fever, their antibodies will become 7 or 6, Carl's antibodies will increase, and the other party's current antibodies will be improved.

For example, a patient with a severe cold, his antibody changed from 10 to 6 now, and Carl used the antibody to boost, and his antibody increased from 6 to 30.

30 antibodies are enough to defeat the virus of a cold.

And now the antibodies of the patients of this virulent infectious disease are only 1 or 2, and the antibodies of the seriously ill patients are even infinitely close to zero.

And on this 1 or 2 antibody base, and then use antibody boost, the increase value will not be very large, even if Carl's antibody boost skill is at the perfect level.

With this base increase, it would be very good for the antibody to reach 20, and the antibody of 20 would be enough to deal with most viruses and bacteria.

But this virulent infectious disease obviously exceeded the number of 20, so the antibody boost could not defeat these viruses, and after a short period of resistance, they were defeated by the virus.

And after defeating the body's antibodies again, the virus becomes more powerful, so the disease deteriorates rapidly.

"Carl, I've brought a hundred navy brothers here"

As Carl pondered, Orson walked in.

Yesterday Karl said that he would give the navy stationed here a boost of autoantibodies to better defend against these virulent infectious diseases.


Carl nodded, walked outside, looked at the navy that had been lined up in five rows, and used antibody boosts on them one by one.

These lieutenant-level navies already have a certain strength, at least surpassing ordinary people, and their autoantibodies are at least 30, so they have stayed in the infected area for so many days and have not been infected.

Carl's use of antibodies to boost them was to add another layer of protection to them, a harder copper wall.

Once he had it done, Carl went into the ward again and looked at more than 300 patients, and he wanted to collect data.

When I came to the critical ward, I watched the navy carry out the dead patients from these wards, and in one night, many more patients died.

Carrying the dead for cremation in the morning has become a regular routine here.

Seeing this scene, Carl couldn't help but clench his fists, for the first time, for the first time, he felt a setback, since he got the fruit, his path to being a healer can be said to be very smooth.

In the past few years, he has also encountered some terminal diseases that cannot be cured, and he has also watched those terminally ill patients die in the end, although he also has a sense of frustration in his heart at that time, but it is more of an encouragement.

And now, looking at the steady stream of patients who have been carried out of the wards and have died, this is only the kingdom of Neil, and there are seven other kingdoms that are doing the same thing every day.

Millions of people die every day because medical workers have not found a cure for this virulent infectious disease until now, which has led to millions of deaths every day.

Such a heavy number made Carl's breathing heavier, and the frustration in his heart became even stronger.

He studied all night last night, and he didn't even have a clue, let alone drugs.

Even if Shengsheng Fruit can really cure these patients, but how many sick patients there are, now there are less than 200 million people, Carl is only one, he can cure tens of thousands of people at most without sleep, and the rest die because they do not receive timely treatment.

Therefore, we can only develop a special drug to treat this virulent infectious disease, and then distribute it, which is the fastest treatment speed and can save more patients.

"Boy, don't you think you can't do it anymore?"

Karp patted Carl on the shoulder, and before Carl could reply, he punched him in the head.

"No, you have to give it to me, you hurry up and get me a cure, or my fists are not decorations, old man," Karp left.

Cal, who was squatting on the ground, covered his head with a steaming bag, and said hatefully: "Old man, you wait for me"

Expecting Karp to comfort and motivate people is simply a fantasy.

Carl smiled self-deprecatingly, just now he really felt that Karp had come to comfort him, and used his mouth to retreat on himself, and then he beat the chicken blood, sweeping away the frustration just now.

But now, his frustration is gone, I don't know if the pain in his head is hiding the frustration in his heart, or if his mentality changes quickly.

Back in his room, he flipped through all the information on these diseases.

"In the early stage, rash, high fever, joint edema, etc., in the late stage, generalized edema, coma, heart and kidney failure, etc."

Looking at these clinical signs, as well as some failed treatment options, Carl kept thinking about some of the books he had read to see if there were any diseases with similar clinical symptoms.

Although the virus is created by the fruit ability, but the fruit ability person is dead, these viruses are not under the control of the other party, so they will adapt to the environment and human tissues to make certain changes.

For three days, three full days, Carl locked himself in his room, sleepless.

Even Karp, the old man, was a little worried about Carl, and directly punched Karl to break the locked door.

"Dengue fever, yellow fever"

"Dengue fever, yellow fever"

Once inside, Karp heard Carl repeating the words over and over again.

"Boy, are you making yourself stupid in retreat?"

Orson and Dr. Bligh behind Karp also looked at Carl worriedly.

Constantly patting Carl on the cheek, the latter finally reacted.

"Old man, I seem to have found a way"

With that, Carl hurried out and ran out.

The three people in the room looked at each other, and then they all saw the look of surprise in each other's eyes.

"Doctor Karl wait for me," Dr. Bligh quickly shouted, chasing after him.

After looking through all the disease information in his mind, Carl finally found a clinical condition similar to a virulent infectious disease.

In the previous life, dengue fever and yellow fever were the two viruses that ravaged the Egyptian continent and the European continent.

It was praised as one of the top ten virulent infectious diseases in the previous life, and was on the same level as the Black Death, plague, and smallpox.

Both of these diseases have been developed in previous lives and can be well avoided.

Even if you do, there are special medications.

Carl had studied these ten virulent infectious diseases in his previous life, and he remembered their treatment options. _

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